This From Al Jazeera; Reports of Mounting Demonstrations Against Israeli Aggression; Cities Protesting Listed in Alphabetical Order; Qatar Itself Suffers Damage with Repudiation From All; Anthony Blinken Asks for Answers But Receives None; Stupendous Defined With Synonyms Illustrating Israel’s Aggression and Arrogance, Photograph of King Ebn Saud and Interior of Palace taken in 1943

This from a May 17, 2021 article from Al Jazeera, the Qatar owned and operated network which spans the world. “Tens of thousands of people have taken to the streets in cities around the world,…

The Middle East is Most Confusing, Too Confusing for Words Even for Me; Confuse Defined and Synonyms Found; Riding On a Camel From Grandfather Back to Great Grandson; Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia’s Neom Not Feasible or Possible; Photograph of What May Become of a Certain Main Street; A May 31, 1943 LIFE Magazine Reveals All; Ending with Words of Wisdom From Instagram; Photograph of Cover of LIFE

It is impossible to keep up with what is going on in the Middle East, and I, humbly say, that I know a great deal about the Middle East and am personally familiar with many…

An Admission: I Have Become Too Serious; Reliance Upon Mike Sacks of The New Yorker to Bring Laughter; Tickle Your Funny Bone; Tickle Your Fancy and Tickle Your Brain Compared; Two or Three Stolen Jokes; Self Publishing Extolled: Agoraphobia Strikes Alexis; Photograph of Bed Companions

It is true, I have become too serious. Taking on the Supreme Court, taking on Qatar, extolling another Middle East Monarchy, Dubai. Where has our fun loving Alexis gone?, you say. Well she is back,…