There is so much to write about these days. It is difficult to know where to start. So we shall briefly speak of this all important topic – ME. My life has dramatically changed since I got wheels – since the occasion of leasing a Lexus. I am FREE, that is how it feels, it is glorious. No longer depending on others – Personal Driver turned into an utter nightmare which shall be explored if I ever recover from his treachery. I do love the word treachery. It is defined as betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature. That was him, aided and abetted by his family. The synonyms sing: disloyalty, perfidy, perfidiousness, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity, bad faith, breach of trust, duplicity, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, false-heartedness, falseness, stab in the back, backstabbing, double-dealing, untrustworthiness; treason.
A necessary part of his perfidy, bad faith, duplicity, deceit and false-heartedness was to make me utterly dependent on him. Essentially crippled me. But the jig was up upon my move to Marin, escaping from scary San Francisco, living in the county where all of my professionals were easily accessible, conveniences accessible and a welcoming community, not closed off ssary in San Francisco. He is a Muslim and was convinced that because he ‘bring ‘bringing me to the faith he was not only going to Paradise, he was going to have a palace in Paradise. His was a rather simplistic faith. Wise Man, who had met the man, opined that he would be driving cab in Hell taking people from one station to another. In the end Wise Man said that I should never believe one word out of the liar’s mouth. I suppose the bad part is that I supported his he and his family as he did not drive Yellow Cab during the pandemic. This is how I look at it now – the Islamic faith requires its adherents to be charitable. I supported a Muslim family during the pandemic – most charitable and I shall get recognition for his on Judgment Day. I discuss this now as I have been a Phoenix Rising From the Ashes – my absolute ascent was the leasing of my Lexus.
After he was gone from my life, along came AAA who had multiple duties: 1. Drive me about to get groceries and other necessities 2. Apply make up and face painting upon request. 3. Assist me with my computer and other devices. But this was rather inconvenient as she was in school, appointments had to be scheduled around her availability. Therefore, Uber became a go to. Uber is generally most reliable but not at certain times of the day and it was rather anxiety producing. Now, Alexis driving a Lexus can go anywhere at anytime. AAA can concentrate on what she does best – she is an electronic wizard. To say the very least, Personal Driver was not and was not at all talented in the department of make up application nor face painting. Life has indeed looked up – mightily.
I have plunged into a heavy schedule of physical therapy subsequent to the abrupt and wrongful cancelation of my left knee replacement surgery by Amy Blevins. She is described Marin Health propaganda as the Orthopedic and Spine Nurse Navigator. As far as I can see her navigation consists of referring people to her partner in crime who ones and operates a care giving service in Main. Now the story is being told with a strange twist, a rather macabre facet emerged. Macabre has the greatest of synonyms: grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, lurid, grotesque, hideous, horrific, horrible, horrifying, horrid, horrendous, terrifying, frightening, frightful, fearsome, shocking, dreadful, appalling, loathsome, repugnant, repulsive, sickening. That morning was crammed with so much stuff demanded by the preadmission torturers. One was to shower and put this vile liquid all over one’s body (but not the genitals). If you drank it, the readmission guy said, you would die. I hate showers but that was the order from headquarters. As I emerged from the shower I slipped hurting my knee. AAA sped off to Marin General, I was Muslim garbed. I was in admission phase when a messenger said that the surgeon had canceled by surgery, he would call me with the case of this when he was done with the prior patient. To say the very least, I was a bit upset but rationally called AAA, the darling girl was free and came to pick me up. In the meantime spoke to Jeff from security who told me what happened. Amy lied, saying she had a conversation with me in which I was of questionable mental state so the surgery had been called off. But it had not as I was admitted and I do have a record of our texts which is evidence of her lies and subversion. But here is the strange twist of fate. Amy’s actions were loathsome, repugnant, lapping, horrendous and horrifying but also rescued me from a horrible fate, confirmed by the surgeon at an appointment a week after the cancelled surgeon. The day after the cancelled surgery an enormous bruise appeared immediately to the right of the left knee. If the surgery had been done a raging infection would have marred the surgery – it having to do with white blood cells, lack of blood supply in early stages of recovery. Both the surgeon and my PCP, both scientific men, of course, shook their heads and said.
They: Gold works in a mysterious fashion.
Me: I do agree but I call God Allah.
This is more evidence to me that I am truly Blessed and Chosen by Allah.
So needless to say I am not going to sue Marin Health for discrimination, intentional infliction of emotional distress, wrongful hiring and retention of Amy Blevins etc. etc. etc. One has to pick one’s battles. There are no damages, the cancellation of the surgery was a blessing. How strange it is – to be saved by an evil person. This was not my first encounter with that woman – she was ‘navigating’ at the time of my right knee replacement. I complained at the time to then surgeon, Dr. Daiy said there was nothing to be done about her as she was a Marin Health employee. I had planned to leave a legacy Marin Health in honor of PCP’s recently deceased wife. They are not getting my money until that woman, that Amy Blevins is removed from her position of power. She can cancel someone’s surgery by bypassing administration and calling the surgeon? Yes she can, one wonders how many people she has done in. But it is not my problem – I shall never have surgery governed by Marin Health. The Islamic faith forbids suicide, rational procedures must be taken but not life saving ones. It is Allah who determines when one dies. I have a clear and concise Health Care Directive. I am not afraid of death, in some ways I would welcome as I am Paradise bound. But tt is not up to me to decide. It is left to Allah. I am convinced that Allah wants me to do something on earth before Judgment Day. I am behaving myself so all should go well. I would not like to be Amy or many other people I know, including Personal Driver and his family.
But onto more cheerful topics and my current life. Recently I have begun the practice of praying every morning at sunrise. Today I have an appointment at Select Phyical Therapy which is conveniently located just across the street. They are my constant companions as I am being seen for both the strengthening of my knee and for my sciatic. I am being treated similutanously with two referrals – one from PCP and the other from the surgeon. . Discussed my practices with the staff. Tivoli laughingly and perfectly said:
She: So for you it will be Eat, Pray, Physio, Pedi and Mani.
Me: That is so funny!! That will happen on September 1 as I have a Pedi and Mani scheduled with Holly. I shall put it on my blog.
I have this expression said to people when I am about to tell them something surprising about my life.
Me: Fasten your seat belts. Not just lap belt but the shoulder strap.
They: All right I have.
Me: Good!! Now I will tell you this!
Well, here we go Gentle Readers. Yesterday I drove my Lexus to a certain location on San Pedro Road in San Rafael, across the street and down from Marin Civic Center where I toiled for over thirty years. I had an appointment with Membership at Marin Jewish Community Center. I am now a card carrying member of the Marin Jewish Community Center. It was occasioned by my keen desire for water aerobics as that is the very best exercise for me. G.E.M. said he would consider classes in the adjacent pool but he has other things on his mind and besides winter is coming and it would be cold. So I can just jump into my Lexus, drive to JCC for a warm water aerobic. It be cross commuting so traffic not a problem I so enjoyed my introduction to the Center. Years and years and years ago I was a member – went to an aerobics class and loved the women in the class. I was rather frightened that they would not let me in if they knew I was a Muslim. But everyone was so welcoming and it is fine. Craig was my membership man. HE; We have many people here on the staff. People of no faith, people of other faiths and we have some Muslim employees. Me: All praise to Allah. And I do come in peace. Shalom.
Lots of news from the Middle East. Qatar has been restored to its former place of glory in my mind. More about that in the next blog. They are heroes – because of their relationship with the Taliban they are assuring the safe passage of probably thousands and sending their Qatar Airlines planes to gather than up. Of course, you do not hear about it from lazy USA reporters. More later and also some of my personal involvement with at least one member of the Royal Family of Qatar. All Praise to Allah.
Photograph is Alexis with face painted as a Qatar flag. When I forgive and forget, I really forgive and forget.