My Malaysian Profile: From Recluse to Bon Vivant; The Alexis McBride’s Bon Vivant Day Diary; Recluse, Bon Vivant and Pass Muster Defined: Meeting a Fellow Saskatchewanian, Even a Reginan; Instagram Comments and Likes;  Photos of Three of the Players, A Foodie Photo and a Photo of Same Time Last Year; Reel of Eating in the Malay Fashion

I will begin in my typical fashion by defining terms. A recluse is a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people, There are religious recluses sometimes also called ascetics,  monk,…

Suspended Animation: The Way of Ease Explained and Fortunately Illustrated; Ease Almost Overlapped the Awful Hardships; A Driver Enables a Photographed Haircut; A Chance Encounter with a Young Chinese Woman Brings Great Joy; Truth is Stranger than Fiction Illustrated Through Prior Blogs; Photographs of She and Me: and My Hair Over Time.

Residing in Penang during Chinese New Year is a  most extraordinary experience. It is a case if  suspended animation. Everything is delayed, nothing happens until after Chinese New Year. And I do mean nothing. Countless…

Finding Love Just Where We Are is Breakfast Song; Popular Defined and Experienced; Go With the Flow; Hide and Seek with a Three and a Half Year Old; Problem Solving with my Tailor; Perhaps Bloggingbrooke is Bound for Malaysia; Photos of a Covered Me Eating Papadams and Greeting Kashmir Restaurant Patrons.

It is Sunday morning. I am at breakfast. I was starving so ordered from the brunch menu, my very favorite dish. The tomato rigatoni. Photo will follow. I made brief contact with my new family…

Back into the Political Scene using the Wisdom found in Walrus Pointing to Biden’s Culpability Allowing Trump’s Election; Then Finding Focus Through Prayer and Discussing Infertile and Barren Women; My Thankfulness in Being Childless and Researching Reasons Why I was Able to Remain So; A Prior Blog Discusses Saudi Overpopulation and its Consequences; Empathy Found in Washington Much to Wonderment of All; Photos of Lyf Signage Offering Encouragement

I try my very best to stay out of politics, particularly US politics, but sometimes I cannot help myself. Today was such a day. Reluctantly I began reading an article on Walrus, a Canadian online…

Switched At Birth; Perhaps a Former Life Instead; Not Really Alone at Breakfast; My Blog Shown to be a Sleeping Potent; No Fury Like a Woman Scorned; Restaurant Rules During Ramadan Revealed; A Powerful Reassuring Instagram Reel Brings Joy AND Recognition from the Author: Borowitz Humor; Reel Showing Only Defense Against Trump, Israel and Evil; Papadums; Photos of Uncovered Malaysian Women

This morning at breakfast wrote an email with the subject line: Switched at BirthMe: A sudden thought struck last night when walking hone from being with your father and your dog (hahaha). I had the…