My Calling; Championing a Cause; Better Late than Never But Perhaps Never Than Late: A Debate; A Prior Blog Speaks of the Origins of My Calling; Defining Terms; Quoting from a Blog Written at the Time; Then Remembering; Two Asides; Photos from the Day
There shall be a new banner in the blog. Down will come Gallery, and up will come My Calling. I have played with many titled for this banner – Desecration and Saudi Secrets two that were in the running. But both sounded two strident, not reflecting the struggle, the reluctance with which I undertake this writing, exposing the truth.
This shall serve as the Introduction to My Calling which shall, be permanently placed in prominence as long as My Calling remains.
In my customary manner I shall define certain words and phrases to begin. So we all understand what I am talking about. Be on the same page as the expression goes.
A calling is a a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence. A perfect definition. The particular course of action I am undertaking is to write of the desecration of the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca and Medina. I earnestly believe, having held this conviction since July 22, 2024 that I have been led and been influenced in this undertaking by Allah (SWT).
A synonym for calling is MÉTIER which implies a calling or pursuit for which one believes oneself to be especially fitted.
I am.
An explanatory sample sentence, describes why I have to do this. “Her perseverance was driven by her conviction that this was her calling.” – Samantha Laine Perfas,
This perseverance (admittedly coupled with some procrastination) is explained by my belief that I am championing a cause, supporting or more precisely fighting for a cause. .
Some common synonyms of champion are advocate, back, support, and uphold. While all these words mean “to favor actively one that meets opposition,” champion suggests publicly defending one unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own cause. For example, championing the rights of children.
Many factors are responsible for my reluctance, my procrastination. A major one was the knowledge, gained through research that the desecration has been going on for years and years and years. As you shall see, nothing seems to dissuade the Saudi government from not continuing on its course of destruction
We have all heard that phrase – better late than never “Better late than never” is a common, much-used, English idiom. It’s used when someone wants to welcome the fact that something has happened, even if it happened later than expected or planned for. It is a very useful idiom to express a wide variety of situations. It is used to express relief that something has happened at all, after the optimum time; it can be used ironically, suggesting that the speaker is actually quite irritated with whatever or whoever it is that is late, and is thus a pointed comment on the lateness.
It can also be used in a slightly different context: The proverb is also related to “it’s never too late,” in that it is never too late to stop something or to try something. To stop smoking later in life is “better late than never,” as is finding the time to explore new musical types, travel the world or get to grips with classic novels.
In an attempt to determine whether it was a situation of better late than never I looked to several quotations for guidance. These are some that spoke of my quandary.
- Everything comes at the right time, but if the right time is too late to be patient, go earlier before it becomes too late. Michael Bassey Johnson
- It is never too late to become reasonable and wise. Immanuel Kant
- It’s never too late to do the right thing. Nicholas Sparks
- It is never too late to be what you might have been George Eliot
- We come too late to say anything which has not been said already. Jean De La Bruyere
- Tis not too late to-morrow to be brave John Armstrong
- It is better to learn late than never. Publilius Syr
- It’s never too late to start heading in the right direction. Seth Godin
So I am not going to do the right thing, heading in the right direction and hopefully become reasonable and wise.
I will begin with an explanation of where, and when, I got the rather insane belief that I could do something about the desecration of the two Holy Mosques n Saudi Arabia. Up to my usual tricks, typed Rawdah into the search engine of this blog, eight blogs greeted me. . The first was dated May 11, 2024. Snafu and Anthesis Defined and Illustrated: July 21 and July 23, 2023 Blogs Speak of Being Trampled in the Holiest of Sights and Meeting my Malaysian Sister Whom I Shall See Soon; Unchecked and Unrestrained Greed Leads to Unlicensed Haj Tour Operators Putting Pilgrims at Risk: Rome Was Not Built in a Day; Photos from the Day of Trampling
I am forced to admit that I have the ability to compose great titles ( if nothing else). I quote from the blog, which is actually quoting from a prior blog. Here we go.
Al-Masjid an-Nabawī (Arabic: ٱلْمَسْجِد ٱلنَّبَوِي, lit. ’mosque of the Prophet’), known in English as the “Prophet’s Mosque“, is the second mosque built by the Islamic prophetMuhammad in Medina, after that of Quba, as well as the second largest mosque and holiest site in Islam, after Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, in the Saudi region of the Hejaz.[2] The mosque is located at the heart of Medina, and is a major site of pilgrimage that falls under the purview of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques.
I am quoting a prior blog, putting myself in quotes.
“I entered the the Prophet’s Mosque by the proper door. Attached photos revealed the breathtaking architecture. The July 21, 2023 blog continues. “I walked in awe, came upon a reception area manned by three woman. An extremely helpful, kind and considerate woman and I began to speak – interrupted twice by impolite women but then by a covered woman who stood by, and when acknowledged simply and wondrously gave me a hug. Needless to say, I hugged back. The staff member suddenly said: She: I want you to meet my Manager. Me: (slightly confused) That would be nice. She took me to a nearby office, a room full of young spirited women. Two or three were English speaking. The Manager a commanding woman, full of energy and like me, loaded with strong opinions. We began a long conversation, she asking, of course, where I came from then curiosity about the motivation for my becoming of the Islamic Faith at such a late age. I had an appointment to meet AK, left, telling and motioning to all that I would return at 2. Did so, which began another huge adventure which you shall hear about in ensuing blogs.”
Writing at this time I went back reading the promised successive blogs , There wee no more details of the crucial events of the day. Why did I not speak of these events at the time I did wonder, but see now that it was so overpoweringly negative. I do not speak or dwell on such negativity until I could try and find a solution to the problem. I am beginning to – read on.
Now from a distance of one year and three months, I will fill in the details. Promptly at 2 that day, I returned to the office in the Women’s section of the Masjid. The feisty Manager began this conversation criticizing my manicured nails, telling me that purification could not be performed with nail polish. I was prepared, once on a prior day being denied admittance to the Masjid. The the ‘guard’ at admittance asked to see my finger nails. I had been denied admittance for wearing a Palestinian scarf. (Later learned from a Saudi Muslim woman that she is never denied admittance nor comments given about her long manicured fingernails.) Standing up for myself on this fateful day, speaking the truth, said “When you perform purification prior to prayer your nails never touch the water, your hands are cupped at times, washing one’s hands in the way required, water and nails never come into contact.” She quickly changed the subject, saying: “I will take you to meet my manager.” I was escorted to a long staircase located nearby. Stairs were a problem with my knees but slowly I climbed the stairs to be ushered into a large room, with wide windows overlooking the worshipping women below.
I was graciously greeted by a woman with great authority, Professor Fatimah Al – Ttuwaijri.
An Aside (.An aside is remark that is not directly related to the main topic of discussion: I shall use this heading throughout to insert up to date information, not known at the time spoken of)) Just did a Google search finding that in February of 2022 the professor had been named as the Assistant to the General President for Women’s Affairs at the Prophet’s Mosque, the creation of a new post. At the time, it was heralded as a giant step forward, illustrating qualitative changes in the recognition of Saudi women’s role in the governing of the Two Holy Mosques. Staff at the Prophet’s Mosque informed me in October of 2023 that she was no longer in that post and had been replaced).
Back to July 2023. She graciously escorted me to a huge window overlooking the sights below telling me she could, at all times, see women of all countries worshipping. She inquired of my coming to the faith, listening intently and then, impromptu, told me she was making the arrangements for me to go to Al-Rawda the very next day. I could not believe it, the next morning arrived early, I was joined by four other English speaking women from Pakistan and a woman from Morocco. We bonded immediately, all of us were utterly and completely amazed to be accorded this immense privilege. Their entry made possible by a previous arrangement. After waiting about two hours out entry was announced. I led the procession in my wheelchair, my knees made it impossible for me to walk long distances. We were weeping tears of joy in anticipation. For some reason I was miked – a woman asking if she could record my impressions throughout the experience. We entered in awe, prostrating in prayer. There were hordes of women, shoving, pushing, tripping over me and Muslim Sisters as we tried to pray. The feisty manager first encountered was in some measure of control, pointing out to mw Fatima’s home, which I hurriedly photographed. It was heartbreaking to see the prayers of my Muslims sisters interrupted and to see them stepped and grabbed by frantic souls. We were quit quickly ushered out of the massive confusion, the total melee. The pinned microphone was put to use, I was asked for my reaction. I recall saying it was so magnificent to be there but how confusing and horrible was the spectacle.of such disrespect. Our group parted, pledging to stay in touch (we did not) The Moroccan woman pushed me back to my nearby hotel. She was able to reach her English speaking daughter, at last we were able to communicate.
All of us, in our little group were utterly dismayed at what we had seen. How can this be allowed to exist I wondered at the time and still do. It is not a rarity, it is commonplace for both men and women I learned speaking to pilgrims of both sexes and those with extensive experience over the years at the Prophet’s Mosque.
I was convinced that I was allowed to see and experience this desecration for a reason. It was my responsibility to speak of it. Other insights obtained during my July 2023 visit encouraged the belief that I must speak out. You shall hear of them soon.
An Aside The situation has not improved only worsened it seems. This from the October 15, 2024 Gulf News. “Over 10 million Muslims visited and prayed at Al-Rawda Al-Sharifa at the Prophet’s (PBUH) Mosque in 2024, according to official Saudi figures.The figure marks a 26 per cent increase against last year. The visitors included 5.8 million male worshippers and 4.7 million females. Due to improved services, the waiting time for access to the site has been cut to one hour. Meanwhile, guidance is now available in 11 languages. The visits were made according to crowd-management rules and separate schedules set for women and men.”
Why are numbers so important to Saudis? It is greed, I have been led to believe.

Other Events Occurring on July 2023 Left Me Wondering Why and How Was This Desecration Allowed to Continue Unabated: This Increased My Growing Understanding That This Was My Calling; Photo of Basic Etiquette and Madinah Munawwarah,
From the very beginning I could not fathom why this desecration was allowed to continue, First of all, it is essential to define desecration. Desecration is the act of depriving something of its sacred character, or the disrespectful, contemptuous, or destructive treatment of that which is held to be sacred or holy by a group or individual. Some synonyms convey my meaning: sacrilege; degradation, dishonor, dishonoring, damaging. Antonyms can further understanding. These antonyms further understanding: veneration; sanctification.
What seems strange, even to this day, was that I have always been provided with sights not seen by others. First, being given the opportunity to be gifted gifted with the blessing in being present in Al-Rawada without a much sought-after prior appointment.
The second unprecedented event was occasioned because I have no sense of direction. I became totally disoriented walking about the vastness of the Prophet”s Mosque. For some reason was directed to the offices of the Hajj for assistance and direction. The staff there helpful, as I sat waiting for further assistance saw a prominently displayed sign directing proper behavior, the only acceptable behavior allowed in this hallowed place. Almost reflexively took a photo, which at the moment is the screen saver on my computer. Soon you shall see it.
Basic Etiquette
When Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque
Maintain peace and quiet.
Occupy yourself with worship
Follow the sections of security personnel
Maintain the cleanliness of the mosque
Cooperate with the cleaning staff.
There were basic rules, spelled out. delineated. One would think that would not be complicated, It is clearly communicated, and one would think they are not not asking too much. But these rules are not enforced, in the most holiest of places. How can this be???
It is interesting the excuses made by those comfortable with the status quo, those having something invested in keeping things they way they were. There are many such status quo era particularly ones in roles of authority over the Two Holy Sights. The status quo, according to Wikipedia:
Status quo is a Latin phrase meaning the existing state of affairs, particularly with regard to social, economic, legal, environmental, political, religious, scientific or military issues…Karl Marx viewed organized religion as a means for the bourgeoisie to keep the proletariat content with an unequal status quo.
They: Those people you see shoving, pushing, screaming cannot read or write, they must be excused.
Me: The Prophet (PBUH) did not read or write. There is no excuse for allowing such caterwauling ]
In the beginning I blamed the tour bus operators, calling them hooligans even. Now I see that the problem is even more endemic. The real problem lies with their licensing, with the permits and granting of the privilege of bringing pilgrims to the sight. No one holds them accountable. Then one must ask: Why and how has this has happened? But we are getting ahead of ourselves, we are not there yet. I am tracing the beginning of my search to find the truth.
This was the second ‘event’ occurring in July 2023 was the purchase and reading of a book. . Surrounding the Prophet’s Mosque are many bookstores filled with religious books. Always skiing knowledge it was exciting to see a book which about the history of the city in which I found myself. I shall picture one that looked and was particularly enlightening. History of Madinah Munawwarah,
Began reading it to find that the caterwauling in the Prophet’s Mosque, particularly Al-Mawda was thoroughly disapproved of. Page 101 of the book contained ample authority as you shall soon see.
“Visiting the grave of the Prophet is not an obligation, nor is it a condition for the acceptability of Hajj, as some of the common people and the ignorant think; rather it is something special that is highly recommended for those that visit the Mosque of the Messenger are are near to it. As for one who is far away from Al-Madinah he may not undertake a journey with the intention of visiting the grave. However, it is a Sunnah for him to undertake a journey with the intention of going to the Noble Prophet’s Mosque. Then once he has reached it, he may visit the venerable grave and that of the two companions, based on the narration Sahihain in which it is mentioned that the Prophet said.
The book discusses fabricated Ahadith The first: “Whoever performs the Hajj and does not visit me has shunned me. The second: Whoever visited me after my death, it will be as if he visited me during my life. The third: “Whoever visited me and visited my father, Abraham in the same year, Allah will grant him Paradise.” The fourth: Whoever visited my grave, must receive my intercession.
The book goes on to describe the ‘protocol’ required “When desired to visit the grave of the Prophet (PBUH) should stand next to it respectfully and lower his voice, then he should give salutation of peace to him. (Words given in Arabic) And there is no objection to it if the the visitor and the following during his visit because all of these are his attributes. After this is completed he should leave. There are further instructions. And it is not permissible for anyone to wipe his hand over the chamber or to kiss it or circumambulate because that has not been transmitted from the Pious Predecessors, In fact it is a detestable innovation and it is not permissible to ask the Messenger to fulfill his needs or to receive him os some distress, or to cure the sick, or the like because all of these things should not be sought except for Allah the Glorified. And seeking him from the dead is an act of associating partners of Allah and worship of other than Him. As for what some of the visitors do such as raising their voices next to his grave and standing for a long time there, it contradicts what has been legislated . Because standing next to his grave and and repeating salutations of peace much leads to crowding and excessive clamor and shouting there and contradicts what Allah has legislated for the Muslims.”
None of this is honored or respected. People are not advised by staff, many in attendance of what is required of them. It would be so simple to do and waiting for entrance is a way of life. Hotels surrounding the Holy Sight could easily be proved with pamphlets explaining proper equate. This is not done. Why?? Because it interferes with the profit motive, I am convinced. I met more than one hundred pilgrims during my stays in Medina. Often heard stories of them praying for their relatives, expressly forbidden. No one seems to care what is right, what is the truth. Believers are to believe in the truth of what is right. No one with authority over the Two Holy Mosques are, by their actions, believing in the truth of what is right.
I did not then understand what was happening. I was nonplused. It is a big word; (of a person) surprised and confused so much that they are unsure how to react.
But do let us return, via the blog, to the events following the day of my admittance to Al-Rawda. Two days later on July 23, 2023 I wrote from the Oberio Hotel in Medina.
“This morning was planned with some precision. Usually I awake Fajr prayer, groggily have coffee, make a list of intentions for the day, systematically preform them and cross them off the list, do some preliminary research and write the blog. Today was different. I awoke, got dressed and went out and about while it was sort of cool out. It was SO busy. I was amazed. Met a wonderful woman from Malaysia. Here are snippets from our conversation.
Me: I understand that Malaysians who come to Hajj must pass a test first, Show that you have knowledge of the importance, the significance of Hajj and all that is expected of you. She: Yes. That is true. It is considered a privilege, an honor, a blessing bestowed by Allah (SWT).
An Aside She and I have been in constant contact since that day. We WhatsApped for almost a year. When I could no longer deal with the living in Saudi Arabia she suggested I visit her. I came to Penang, not knowing anything at all about it. Found a hotel through called Lexis Suites. Made reservations for four days and have been here since. People say Allah (SWT) works in mysterious ways – indeed this is true. This has been the absolutely best place for me to be.
Back the blog written on July 23, 2023,
Me: That must be made mandatory for all countries. I was almost trampled alive two days ago with the absolute rudeness and animal like behavior of tour bus pilgrims. It was a desecration of the holy site of Al-Rawda. My prayers interrupted five times and those of my companions. It was a free for all. I could not believe the disrespect. It happens all the time, Even with the men, apparently. Hooligans have taken over the most precious of all holy places. It must stop, it is my mission.
Hooligan is not the perfect word as it means: a violent young troublemaker, typically one of a gang. These women were not young. But the synonyms are descriptive: lout, vandal, ruffian, rowdy, troublemaker; tearaway;. rough, bruiser, roughneck, lager lout, chav, hoodie You: That is a bit harsh Me: You were not there being trampled shoved and pushed while trying to offer prayers. One rowdy grabbed me for support. I dug my fingernails into her arm in self defense. I was determined not to be a martyr like those 68 heroes always remembered here in Medina. They were killed in the Battle of Umrah when deserted by the bow and arrow guys who left their positions to pillage as they thought victory was at hand. Greed motivated them and motivates the Hajj tour bus operators. The Prophet (PBUH) sacrificed his life to make Mecca, the House of Abraham Holy again. I intend to make Medina holy. If I loose my life in the process I will certainly go to Jannah.”
This from my May 11, 2024 blog.
Read those powerful words, written on July 23, 2023. I wrote that The Prophet (PBUH) sacrificed his life to make Mecca, the House of Abraham Holy again, I intend to make Medina Holy. If I loose my life in the process I will certainly go to Jannah.”
That blog continues, explaining what happened next. You are not there yet.
Photographs attached to this blog will include the 1) my computer screen saver showing the never complied with Rules 2) the cover and title page of the quoted book.

Learning About Pilgrimages Provides Background to My Calling; Reels on YouTube Speak of Peace Found Prior to Leaving Medina; Guidance From Quran 9:107-110; Photographs from the Prophet’s Mosque, Some Showing Pilgrims at Rest
A necessary first step prior to writing My Calling was to gain an understanding of pilgrimages, I bean this search with no knowledge, with no comprehension as I had been an atheist my for most of my life. Readers may be in a similar situation so decided this would enlighten all.
The Two Holy Mosques are magnets for pilgrims.
First, let us define what a pilgrimage is, and why the faithful undertake the often arduous trip. Google describes the process in the following manner. “A pilgrimage is a sacred journey, undertaken for a spiritual purpose. Pilgrims are different from tourists: they travel for spiritual reasons, not just to relax or for fun. Pilgrimage is a search for meaning, purpose, values or truth.” I see pilgrimages as jump start for a believer’s faith. One thinks of jump starting a car but used in this context it means to start or improve something more quickly by giving it extra help.
The Islamic Faith both requires, and encourages, special pilgrimages. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and all able-bodied Muslims are required to perform it once in their lifetime. The Hajj is seen as a chance to wipe clean past sins and start afresh.
How can pilgrimages change your life? What is the possible expectation of all of these people I have observed during my long stay in Medina; a shorter stay in Mecca. . It is said that by seeing God, the pilgrim unravels the bonds of excess attachment to earthly concerns to center on the singular purpose of the journey. This single-mindedness frees one from the worries of daily life and allows the believer to be wholly present to God in all things. The purpose of a pilgrimage is to open our eyes, and for Muslims, their hearts.
This is from Wikipedia. “Mecca is the required for Muslims. Where it all began, but most importantly the Ka’ba , the house that Abraham built, is the holiest sight in Islam. Since Abraham built al-Ka’ba and called for Hajj 5,000 years ago, Its doors have been of interest to kings and rulers throughout the history of Mecca. Historians say that when it was first built, the Kaaba had no door or roof and was simply made of walls.”
This also from Wikipedia: “Both Hajj and Umrah are Islamic pilgrimages, but they differ in terms of their significance and the manner in which they are practiced.[2] Hajj is regarded as one of the five pillars of Islam, making it mandatory for every Muslim to undertake it at least once in their lifetime, as long as they possess the physical ability and financial means to do so. Although both Hajj and Umrah involve shared rituals, Umrah can be completed in just a few hours, whereas Hajj is a more time-consuming journey that encompasses a greater number of rituals. Additionally, the pilgrimage of Hajj takes place during specific days within a designated Islamic month while Umrah can be performed at any time throughout the year. Medina has become, in a way, an enhancement, for both Hajj and Umrah pilgrims.”
I definitely had the inside track to observe what was going on. (Inside track is an advantageous position) Being somewhat a permanent fixture in the Oberio Hotel housed in a unique place to watch the comings and goings of vast numbers of pilgrims. I over the course of months observed probably hundreds, if not thousands – streaming in on every mode of conveyance, most frequently tour buses, but also vans and RVs, private cars and limousines. More affluent pilgrimages stay two or three days here – then off to Mecca. Or they have first visited Mecca and then come to Medina. On my December 2022 Umrah I first visited Mecca, then Medina for only two short days. It was not nearly enough time there so I returned, incredibly blessed to be there.My return was almost demanded by a photograph taken December 11, 2022 in order to unravel the story behind it The photograph and story behind it will appear again under the banner The Photo.
I was able to reside in a very posh hotel nearby hotel in my solitary room. That was not the living conditions of many less affluent tour groups. They apparently sleep eight in a room, they are loaded on a tour bus, dumped off at the Prophet’s Mosque, picked up at the end the day, where they will do it all again – the next day. They are fed at the Prophet’s Mosque. They sleep on the prayer rugs provided, both inside and out. No doubt they are exhausted. These pilgrims come from far away countries, are not flying business class where beds and seclusion allowing sleep. They arrive to massive confusion, with hotel rooms randomly assigned. Could you possibly imagine the snoring, the interruptions, the smells, the strain on bathroom facilities of eight women in one room? It probably resembles Dante’s Inferno. They are most probably awakened in the middle of the night so they can arrive on time for fajr prayer.
Living conditions for tour groups at this five star hotel are certainly a cut above. ( A cut above means admirable, exceptional, preferable) However, the conditions are still not conducive to worship, quiet contemplation in the presence of Allah (SWT). Tour group pilgrims are awakened to Fajr prayer at the Prophet’s Mosque, walk the few steps back to enjoy breakfast buffet and then retire to their room, sleeping until Dhuhr prayer. Back to the harem, with some free time in the afternoon. The buffet serves an ample meal after their obligatory prayers. They are never alone, solitary worship never experienced, eating (and perhaps even solitary loo trips) are unknown.
Why do these people go on pilgrimages? It if extremely stressful, does not sound like a lot of un to me. Nor is it conducive to worship – spending time with Allah (SWT). The Creator seems to be the last thing on the mind of even these, the affluent tour group members.
I was not altogether aware of the circumstances of ‘masses’ at the Prophet’s Mosque, in the beginning go my stay. Would wonder, often out loud: “Why are you so unhappy, not smiling? You are in Medina, the place so treasured by our Prophet (Peace be Upon Him)? He words: “O Allah! Make Al-Madinah beloved to us, as we love Makkah – or more”
Later I was to learn why the misery, hearing of the conditions under which they lived and attempted to worship, the working conditions of those employed within this hallowed place, even the rampant thievery. For example, shoes must be removed, For some reason nothing is protected or guarded, lockers are not provided. Visitors for the day, their shoes missing, not warted, would emerge bare footed and are forced to buy footwear at an exorbitant cost in the stores surrounds the Mosque. Learning all of this during my October 1- to December 23, 2023 residency wrote: ‘I live next door to the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina. Chaos and confusion, disorganization and mismanagement reign. It is unbelievable, it is a travesty and a desecration but the truth of conditions are well kept secret. Well up until now.”
No one wants to keep reading a story, an actually real life story, which has an unhappy ending. I shall give you now a happy, coupled with a rather surprising ending.
One morning six days before I was to live Medina, (most likely forever) I was strolling about in the cool early morning temperatures. The day before had been rudely accosted by a guard who forced me to prove I was a Muslim. (The story of that shall appear later) I was resting learning against one of the movable dividers when man, sweeping up after the messy pilgrims, suddenly brought me to a collapsable stool to sit on. Wanting to preserve my thinking, having no cinematographer I filmed a series of three selfies. Posted on You Tube and there for your viewing pleasure. One version received 782 views. Go to the right hand corner of the blog, there are four lines, poke the lines. A menu emerges. Go to YouTube. Three reels are on the first page. Listen. It will not take very long. The reels are repeated with others. – it is there you shall see the one that got 782 views.
I continue to write of this with trepidation (a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen). I am filled with apprehension, dread,, foreboding, heebie-jeebies and `cold feet. In times of such dismay and apprehension When troubled I often turn to the Quran, randomly seeking a page to find guidance. This on the page opened. “Then there are the who built a mosque to cause harm, to spread apostasy and disunity among the believers – as, an outpost for those who from the outset warred on God, and His Messenger. They swear, ‘Our intentions were nothing but good but God bears witness that they are lying. Do not set foot in it. Only a house of worship founded from the very first day upon piety,, is worth of your setting forth therein, In it are men who love to be purified and God loves those who purify themselves. Who is better, he who founds his building on the fear of God and his good pleasure or he who builds on the brink of a crumbling precipice, so that his house is ready to fall with him into the Fire of Hell? God does not guide the wrongdoers; the building they have built will be a source of deep disquiet in their hearts, are cut to pieces. God his all knowing and all wise. (9: 107-110). Reading this left me with a feeling of calm and equanimity.
Photographs are ones taken of the Prophet’s Mosque. Two of three show sleeping pilgrims within the Mosque.