Here Comes the Inauguration; News from a Middle East Network Supplemented by Reliable Mainstream Television Reporting; Getting Off One’s Soapbox Defined and Illustrated; Then Such Positive News of the Inauguration Due to the Choice of Amanda Gorman; The Certainty of Good Prevailing Over Evil as Found in the Qur’an; Photographs of Daffodils

This from Al Jazeera, the network which approaches the news of the world in an intellectual fair and considered manner. Those in the know will know that Al Jazeera is owned (and funded in part)…

So Positive To Be Old and To Be Me; Popularity Its Ups and Downs; The Ups and Downs of Facebook; The Downs of Instagram: An Instagram Admirer Returns During the Writing of the Blog; A Vancouver Buddy Also Returns: Also Because of My Sense of Humour; Ilk Defined; A GIF That I Love.

At the present moment watching Channel 9, listening to an interview with Justice Ginsberg by David Rubinstein. She was, of course, alive at the time of the interview. The experience of watching her in action…

About Me

This is the latest, the most up to date, About Me. It shall take the place of the one posted in that section. In a day or two this up to the date version can…