Strange But Simple Times; I Have Become a Hermit; Hermit Defined; Possible Fame for Jean Paul Langlois; Feather In My Cap Defined; Canoe Delivered Sushi; Watching Schitt’s Creek and Burn’s Hemingway; Divorce Most Expensive in the Islamic Faith; All That Glitters is not Gold; Qatar Quivers, Coming Soon to this Blog

I am happy to report that I am most happy which seems more than a little unusual considering my existence at this moment. Could say that I am marching toward the completion of Ramadan but…

When Life Comes Together in Strange Ways; Hijab Wearing Scottish TV Reporter; Yale Student Body President Elected, a Muslim Student; Finally Some Humor About Filling The Void; Instagram Conversations with Crown Princes and Shaykhs; Photos of Flower Arrangements Both Indoor and Out; Photo of Growing Unicorn Collection

This seems to be taking place on many levels in my life. Faithful readers will be familiar with the internal debate about wearing the hajib and my new commitment to Scotland. This heartening article appeared…

An Upbeat and Then Dreadfully Down Day: Blatant Defined: Blatant Defined; Province of Alberta in Trouble, Orthodox Jews Trampled to Death by Other Orthodox Jews; Texts From Jolly Day that Preceded the Bad News; Becoming a Mystic, Rather Than Traditional Muslim; Photographs of a Flower Arrangement; Face Mask and a Candlelight Dinner

Unlike my usual fashion, downbeat shall come first. The Province of Alberta is now in the midst of a covid crisis with huge numbers of variants on the loose and a dreadful vaccine rate. Cannot…

A New and Revised About Me; Enclave Defined; Blab Defined; A Wondrous Gift; I Am Jean-Paul Langlois Favorite Patron, You Should Be Impressed; Thoughts of My Early Days of Writing for the University of Alberta Gateway Newspaper; Photographs of the Precious Painting and Framed Article Written by Lexy Dryburgh

So this blog contains a heading About Me which details a history of the blog and describes my present living situation. There was the suspicion that it was dated, that things had changed but had…

The Many Rewards of Ramadan; Foresight Defined; A Rewarding Visit with PCP; A Throng of Famous People; Throng Defined; Gold Toes and Fingers; Impunity Defined; A Story of Ramadan Involving a Little Girl and Several Unicorns; A Gift of Ramadan Advice For the Asking; No Smoking Allowed But Done; Photos of a Saskatchewan Poster and a View From My Bed

Believe me, had no idea of what Ramadan would bring, and do admit that I would not have believed it if given foresight. Foresight is the ability to predict or the action of anticipation, planning,…

I Got It Wrong; How Embarrassing But I Can At Least Admit To It; Dubai Becomes The Vaccine Hero of the Western World; A Drastic Switch in a Teenage Crushes: Wisdom from Former London Lover; A Biography Gone Bad with Wisdom From The New Yorker; A Retread Comes to Life; A Mission to Claim Zambia; A Photograph of Rings on My Fingers

It was rather a shock, did some basic vaccine Googling focusing upon the Middle Ease. This is what I found from a reputable news source: “The UAE has overseen the second-fastest vaccination campaign in the…