To some degree one must know what is going on in the world but it is overwhelming and depressing, by and large. The mess in Afghanistan is one example. Television stations are consumed with it all – I know because I had lunch at Marsala Kitchen in San Rafael yesterday and the television was on – otherwise I would not know of TV’s obsession. One should NEVER get their news from television. The reporters do not know what they are talking about – how could they as they are covering the whole world. Now Christine Amanpour is different – she is knowledgable and more importantly, she interviews specialists in every field of endeavor. Fox News is, of course, at the bottom of the barrel. Bottom of the barrel is an English idiom which originally refers to dregs, now meaning anything of low quality. Also the lowest possible condition or level. Used appropriately in sentence: “The excessive coverage of the scandal signals that the news media may have finally hit/reached the bottom of the barrel.”
I prefer, these days, snippets of news from the New York Times. It flashes on my iWatch – so I can keep up without it taking a lot of my time. All rather magical. Therefore, I do know that the former Afghan leader found refuge in the U.A.E, Now that fills me with happiness. Why, Alexis? Because it reveals that the Ruler of Dubai is doing a very good job – an excellent job!! That man turned his life around! He was found by a British High Court, in March of 2020, to have kidnapped and abducted two of his daughters and mistreated his sixth wife. But then something happened and he provided 215 million meals to starving Africans during Ramadan 2021, has initiated multiple reforms in his country and now is providing refuge to a man who definitely needs somewhere else to live. So that was news I wanted to hear. It is gratifying to see that someone can change for the better particularly when he is a Ruler – and a Royal Ruler at that. The Ruler of Dubai is now a Great Guy would make for a great song. He is most wealthy, he should commission someone to write it. Hahaha
Superman, (that is his nickname) served in Afghanistan – he has the best of attitudes about it all.
He: I knew it was coming, There is no way anyone can rule that country ANYONE. It is so tribal, everyone in their own little pocket of authority. Kabul is one thing, but only one thing and is separate and apart from the rest of the country. The rest of the country is divided – it will never be one – never be whole.
Me: How fascinating! One never hears anything like that from the news. The country is portrayed far differently from that, totally different, as a matter of fact.
He: The only problem that I see out of this is that it will be a breeding ground for terrorists. It is next door to Pakistan and in Pakistan there are good guys but there are definitely bad guys – equally divided.
Me: That too is news to me. This is the truth. There was a search for a husband for me in Pakistan – shortly after I became a Muslim in October 2020. But the process got slowed down and did not work because of Covid. The family could not make the necessary connections that would bring it all about. I am SO grateful. They did find a guy eventually – he was young, handsome, in construction there. He was to come to the USA. But, it ended up that he loved a woman in Pakistan – it was his family’s idea, not his. He broke away from them and refused to come to the USA and become my groom. Thank Allah for that, all praise to Allah for that.
He: You certainly lead an interesting life.
Me: Yeah, it might have gotten real interesting. No, actually that would be boring to have a husband – even if he was young, handsome and a Muslim.
He: I guess so.
Me: I know so! The guy might come to love me but then he would be jealous all of the time. It would have been a mess. And what would we talk about, what would we have in common? Nothing. Give me the single life.
He: Yes, you have everything you could possibly want.
Me: Exactly, particularly with my Lexus. Well I cannot have sex without marriage. But that is a small price to pay. Hahahaha
I loaned Superman my May 31, 1943 Life Magazine to show him the condition of Saudi Arabia back then as well as the wisdom of King Saud which is discussed in a prior blog. All you have to do is type King Saud in the search engine and multiple blogs surface including funny ones about King Saud’s sex life. I can be both amusing and serious, which is a delicious blend.
But this is from an August 20, 2020 blog. Most interesting, I forgot about some of this. I was speaking of the apocalypse, because at that time, with the wild fires and Covid-19, it looked as if it was upon us. I remember laughing with someone:
Me: We will know for sure that it is upon usif the locusts come.
She: Yes indeed. Here come the locusts will be the theme song.
Me: It has a certain rhythm all right I wonder if it is an existing song.
Now this is more than a bit surprising, It is actually startling as there is a song and here it is. But the most startling portion will arrive at the end. The name of the song is Locus Laced and it was recorded by Machine Head in 2011, Machine Head is a heavy metal band from Oakland (which is near here, could drive there in my Lexus)
A screaming comes a thousand miles
It might be yours, it might be mine
God forgive but don’t forget
Your wicked self is rising
Run, rabbit run, but you can’t escape
The wicked way is here to stay
Run, rabbit run on broken legs
The wicked day is here to stay
Call up the queen
Give us a taste
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Crush my fading, losing breath
Send me an angel of death
God forgive but don’t forget
Send me an angel of death
Banshee slams her hand in the door
She won’t go outside anymore
Banshee slams her hand in the door
She won’t go outside anymore
Call up the queen
Give us a taste
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
Run, rabbit run, but you can’t escape
Run, rabbit run on broken legs
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
I feel like dynamite
I feel like dying tonight
Just give me a taste
Let it be locust-laced
Just give me a taste
Let it be locust-laced
This blew me away, totally blew me away. The songwriters are: Alexis Krauss/Derek Miller. Yes indeed An Alexis wrote this song. This is just too entirely coincidental.
This is from the August 20, 2020 blog:
“All I can say is this. mosques had best open so that I can join the Muslim faith before it all happens – but here in California it is not bloody likely. Therefore, I am actively seeking other means. I am not converting because of the Apocalypse, as I have expressed my intent some time before all of this happened. It has nothing to do with this mess but rather that I think I was born to be a Muslim – they believe as I believe and give so much hope, particularly to women. Recent history has distorted their contribution to the world and to most societies. I do have to admit that Qatar is looking very appealing for reasons which will be shown in subsequent blogs. They have the virus under control and soon their mosques will open. There are no wild fires there – as it is mostly sand. They have a very strong infrastructure – which California does not. Real estate would not be expensive – well to me, anyway, as there are offers of accommodation in very swank palaces. What is Swank? It is: stylishly luxurious and expensive.”
But things radically changed since August of 2020. Qatar does not have the virus under control, at all, at this moment. There are no wild fires I guess. I was offered residence there in a palace owned by the third wife of the Abdicated Emir of Qatar a few months ago. but I have turned it down Permanently. I am most happy here and there is a palm tree right outside my door. G.E.M had the dead fronds removed last week. Such a man that G.E.M. – now why would I leave him just to live in a palace in Qatar? Hahahaha. He will laugh when he reads this, the poor man.
The photo is the palm tree. I am now going into the jacuzzi located to the right of the palm tree.