Alexis’ (aka Ayla’s) Evolving Muslimism: The Decision to Have Hair Shorn and Wear a Head Scarf; Wise Words on the Meaning and Horrors of Wearing a Head Scarf Taken From Muslims of the World; Chauvinistic Male Loses to Two Asian Women and a Muslim Woman; Salvo Defined; Photograph of Alexis With Short Hair and a Head Scarf

Now that is a made up word: Muslimism – a good word, but not a great word. Although my Instagram ‘followers’ are aware of my BIG decision, my blog followers are not. My BIG decision…

Goodbye Gavin the Governor: Unwelcome Texts Sent by a Lying Incompetent Man’s Inept Campaign to Defeat the Recall. Ire, Treachery, Infiltrate, Detest Defined; Hate to Admit But I was Once Married to a Republician; Hold Onto Your Hats Defined; Alexis’ Face Becomes the Scottish Flag to Support Free Scotland

I received the following text, it was actually sent to the former owner of the phone whose first name is Kendra. I have had this number for almost two years – which says something about…

Trying to Get Back in the Saddle Again Gun Shy Defined; Get Back in the Saddle Defined; Granny Has Never Been in the Saddle in the First Place; 1.5 Views on Instagram; All That Glitters is not Gold Defined; The Folly of Getting Advice for Nothing; Recent Statistics; Funny Cartoon From The New Yorker

Although it did not seem so at the time I was totally traumatized by my temporary disappearance from cyberspace – the hours in which the only message was that my blog had been suspended. It…

I am Blessed; Another Gift From Allah, When Utilized Led to Blessings; Thoughts on July 4, 2021, Not Only Knee Surgery Scheduled But New Building in Hospital Completed in the Nick of Time; Surgery Planned with Greater Precision Than D-Day; Crucial Defined With Hope That Life-And-Death Not Operative; Alexis in Patriotic Bathing Suit and Margherita Glass; Refrigerator Magnet Pictured

Cheerful and uplifting topics. Faithful readers will know that one tenet of the Islamic faith is the belief that Allah gives certain people gifts – but if given a gift one is to use it….

As If Things Are Not Bad Enough In Canada, There is More; Here at the Right Time and Right Place Because Marin Has Best Vaccination Rate in the State of California and Many Other Reasons; Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold; Living Well is the Best Revenge; Uncle Dave’s Advice; Potty Mouth; Dovetail Defined; Photo of Iceland Menu Card; Funny Cartoon Revealing Pros and Cons of Being a Queen

Received this email through the Knowledge Network which in inaccessible to streaming since my relocation to the USA. The email heralded a program to be aired on July 27, 2021. “This important film takes a…

Where To Now? Citizenship in Other Countries Explored; Three Very Different Venues Being Considered; Scotland Addressing Islamophobia, Recognizing It and Looking at Solutions, Unlike Canada; Instagram Reel Made, Already Receiving Great Responses; New Manager Appears Affable; Affable Defined; Photo in Black with Blue Headdress and Glasses

As I write it is July 1, 2021, Canada Day. As promised I am dressed in black and will later do a Reel on Instagram speaking of mourning, not only for the dead Aboriginal children…

Hunkering Down Defined and Illustrated; Idiom Explained: X-rays Reveal Massive Damage to Left Knee Requiring Surgery; An Example of the Early Bird Getting the Worm; Timing Is Everything; Quell Defined; Fearlessly Facing Surgery But Date Unknown at the Present Time; Activity Not Inactivity Caused the Damage; A Partially Remembered Limerick

The phrase Hunker Down suddenly came to mind and does describe what I intend on doing during the upcoming weeks. I was not exactly sure what it meant but did absolutely know that it was…

A Joke Played on the June 23, 2021 Blog, Affiliation Defined; Ordinary Life Revealing a Fun Loving Muslim Woman; Complicit Defined; The Trappings of the Muslim or Any Faith; An Inspiring Conversation with a Neighbour; Saturated and Surrounded by the Joys and Sorrows of Schitt’s Creek: Ajar Defined; Into Instagram; Resignation From a Wide-Brimmed Hat

First, of all, here is the joke played with readers on the June 23, 2021 blog. Mention was made that a photo featuring my face self-painted as the Canadian flag being posted but the image…

The Death of a Colleague, Aramburu Brings Back Memories and Mention ‘Good’ People Also Responding on Legacy; The Need for Blog Anonymity Described and Illustrated: Calcification Described; Carnage Described and Illustrated: On-Dimensional Character Described and Illustrated: Off for Mani and Pedi; Photo of Younger Alexis and Face Painted Like Canadian Flag Alexis

Recently I reconnected with MCARE which stands for Marin County Association of Retired Employees. It is a voluntary association in which I once played an active part, interviewing retirees for the newsletter, later becoming the…