Sifting Through Stories, Souvenirs and Stuff; Two Unknown Male Admirers Emerge in Written Form; Incarnate Defined; Ada Adams Light at the End of the Tunnel Defined; Not Fun Being the Subject of An Obsession; Terminating Relationship Led to Meeting the Sultan and Royal Family of Qatar; Knee Deep in Men But Lost Most of My Women Friends; Alexis Turns Into Hat Stand; Photograph of Greeting Card and Alexis, the Hat Stand

I am back at it, going through two file boxes brought from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada two and a half years ago. Such treasures are being discovered. One is a handwritten note; the other is…

Fantastic News from My Current Life; You Will Never Believe What I Found From the Past, Clearly Me As My Own Barely Readable Handwriting; Possibly Never Sent to Recipient; Follow Your Passion Is Good Advice; One Little, Two Little, Three Little Multibillionaires All Fall Down; Whereabouts of the Emperor Accidentally Discovered; Seeing the Good in People Even When It is Not There; True Love is Touching Soul Before Skin; Choose Which Photograph

The most fantastic news of yesterday came via email – Angel offered my an indoor parking place for my treasured Lexus. Yes, she did! She is my Angel and I noted, for the first time,…

Proof that Alexis McBride Anti-Ages, Such a Talent; Canadian Passport Photo Reveals Another Truth; Facts Surrounding Canadian Passport Revealed: Life Free of Parasitic Dysfunctional People; Alexis Learned Her Lesson; Song of Ruth a Hallmark; Bye Bye Astronaut; Fall From Grace Defined; Photo of Dryburgh Abbey and a Younger Me

Gentle readers, please look to the previous blog, the August 31, 2021 entry. There are official photographs of me, the passport picture taken in 2018, the driver’s license picture taken about five weeks ago and…

Not Abdicating My Duty of Bringing Cheer; Quoting From Zoe Pearl of The New Yorker; Poignant Defined; Spot On Defined; A Most Wonderful Day With So Much Assistance From Junior at Lexus of Marin; Fabulous Food with Compliments to the Chef; To Trader Joe’s For More Excellence Service; Only Slightly Marred At the End Upon Reaching Tam Ridge

Well, I do have an obligation to bring cheer, joy and happiness. I have the wonderful gift of a sense of humor (which is inherited by the way). Allah commands that if you have a…

Explanation on Why Alexis McBride Has Been Out to Lunch; The Third Jab Brings Sleepiness But This Good News: The Best Day of My Life; AAA Becomes FAA In an Action of Betrayal; In Fact the Pham Fantastic Family Is Not; We Are Friends Already Says Peter.; Out to Lunch Defined: Where The Bodies are Buried Defined: Closure Defined: Instagram Comment Receives 20 Likes Including One from a Qatar Princess

I do admit to being out to lunch recently, not blogging for several days (5 or 6 it seems). Initially we shall explore this: What does the expression out to lunch mean? It means inattentive….

There is So Much to Blog About These Days; My New and Glorious Life Made Possible By a Lexus; Personal Driver Castigated and Set Aside; Treacher Defined; AAA Concentrating On What She Does Best; The Story of the Wrongful Cancellation of Knee Replacement Surgery Finally Told; I am a Card Carrying Member of the Marin Jewish Community Center as of August 24; Eat, Pray, Physio, Pedi and Mani

There is so much to write about these days. It is difficult to know where to start. So we shall briefly speak of this all important topic – ME. My life has dramatically changed since…

Back Home; Delightful David Sedaris; Prolific Defined, Sedaris Being an Example; Luggage Lost and Found; Dear A Lexus Drives Dear Lexus; Swearing While Driving My Lexus; Put On a Happy Face Lyrics and Philosophy of Life; Reaching 21 Before Her Time; I am Sooo Soft; I Would Always Rather Be Happy Than Dignified; Photo of Sizzled 21

Yesterday’s blog was a bit far out – traveling to the U.A.E. speaking of the sterling qualities of the Former Afghanistan President and the rather esoteric topic of bad mouthing, talking behind people’s back. The…

A New and Better Reason to Visit the U.A.E.; A Portrait of Afghanistan’s Former President Ghani; Talking Behind Someone’s Back Explored; Ten Tips to Avoid Bad Mouthing; Incredible Defined and Illustrated; Valuable Information About the U.A.E.; Search Engine of Blog Reveals 70 Entries Relating to the Ruler of Dubai; Amusing and Apt Cartoon

Faithful readers will acknowledge that I abandoned all plans to visit Dubai – even Expo 2020 held no allure as I was frightened – if I went to Dubai how would I get out. They…

To Keep Up With the News or Not to Keep Up With the News, That is the Question; Idiom Botton of the Barrel; News From the iWatch is the Greatest; The Ruler of Dubai is Now a Great Guy; Superman Comments on Afghanistan From a Unique Perspective, He Served There; A Song: Here Come the Locusts Written by Alexis and Derek; Photo of My Palm Tree

To some degree one must know what is going on in the world but it is overwhelming and depressing, by and large. The mess in Afghanistan is one example. Television stations are consumed with it…

My Life Has Changed Inexorably; A Glimpse Inside My Morning; Inexorable Defined; From This Moment On Miraculously Discovered; How One Can Live in the Moment; Endow Defined; Process of Writing Blog Explored; Wonder as to What Shall Happen with Upcoming Pod Cast; A Confession, I Snort; Habit Defined; Photographs of My Patio In All Its Glory: One Must Create Their Own Order

My life has changed inexorably. It is best, at the outset to define inexorably: in a way that is impossible to stop or prevent. I would not want this life change to stop, would not…