Once Upon a Time; Love Me or Leave Me; More Travels; Mark Twain and a Walk
I am getting behind and I am blogging every day – how can this be? I am not going to be stupid enough to blog twice a day. Enough is enough. The weirdest thing that…
I am getting behind and I am blogging every day – how can this be? I am not going to be stupid enough to blog twice a day. Enough is enough. The weirdest thing that…
I totally loved Chris’ comment about yesterday’s post. He, being the computer guru, gets to read my wisdoms first. After reading Colette’s truism he gave further advice: “There are indeed men everywhere. Watch your step….
Friend Colette and I spent our visit together during my visit to California. talking on the phone as she drove to her work in Millbrae. We didn’t see one another, just laughed and joked at…
I am sure many of you are sitting at the edge of your seats wondering what happened with the traffic cone. WELL,..I got in the Mercedes, backed up, turned the wheel and poof, it fell…
So I asked Chris what my statistics were and he told me. I almost fainted. I told my friend Colette that it blew my mind and I cannot imagine that many people. I told her one…
I spoke of many things with my wonderful doctor, sharing my health concerns with a man who not only listens to me but has known me for years and (despite that) respects me.(The “despite that”…
Life is very strange when you leave a place (London) where you were quite happy and cared for people and then you come back (home?) to find that you care for people but not everyone…
I shall try and describe the setting from which I write at this moment. It is the antithesis of London. It is a small funky hotel and restaurant founded just after WWII by a woman…
I opened my iBook notification to learn that Alec Baldwin has written a book about his life. It is called Nevertheless. Alec Baldwin, remember him? He was the subject of my March 31, 2017 post. I…
April 1, 2017 How appropriate to be spending April Fool’s Day in Trump Land. I awoke at 3am in a horrible state, feeling utterly dislocated in the town I worked and lived for…