Examining The Concept of Evil In an Attempt to Understand the Genocide That Occurred at the Kamloops Residential School in Canada; Unfathomable Defined; Atrocity Defined: A Short History of Canada; Denial Not Just a River in Egypt; Obfuscate Defined; Two Absolutely Admirable Half -Indigenous Individuals; A Silly Sign Involving Diarrhea Along With a Precious Work of Art

I do admit to be utterly stunned by the horrific news of the mass grave – the genocide of at least 271 children ‘entrusted’ to the Roman Catholic Church for ‘education’. It is unfathomable –…

A Sense of Injustice Reigns Disturbing My Otherwise Tranquil and Blessed Life; Appalling, Wimp and Heartening Defined; Trudeau Displays His Wispiness Yet Again; Trudeau Did Ask for An Apology in 2017 But Did Not Receive It Obviously; I Have Posted 1,133 Times Since This Blog’s Inception; You Inspire Me to Do More; Photograph of Flower Arrangements

This morning, after tidying my apartment prior to the arrival of W.W. for house cleaning I Googled Al Jazeera, actually on a Kentucky Derby investigation. What I found was appalling, absolutely appalling. It concerns the…

Instagram Words of Wisdom; Exchanges Between Alexis McTwit and the Ozzie Guy; The Best Birthday of My Entire Life But Too Much Dancing Queen For Me: Left Knee Catastrophic and Painful; Fantastic Defined, Illustrated and Examples Given; Lyrics for Give Me the Simple Life; Photo From Birthday and Its Aftermath

This quote, so profound and meaningful was posted on Instagram. “Each time a woman stands up for herself without knowing it, possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women. Maya Angelo.” I shall…

Sometimes Something Happens And Your Life is Forever Changed; You Are So Far Away; Two Recommendations for Instagram Following; Conversation with Icelandic Acquaintance of Old; A Winning Conversation with Regional Manager Making Me a Hero; Conversation with a Phony Fazza; Real Thing Not Recommended; Photo of Face Masks and Camera Shy Rubber Duckie

Well in my life anyway. Something happens and everything changes. Peripheral decisions are made, almost for you, no effort required even if they were so worrying. A transformation occurs, never to be believed. I shall…

I Have Come Back Home and The Funny Alexis Returns; Borrowing from Andy Borowitz and Rebecca Mead; Silly Story Comment on Instagram; Adroit Defined; Travails of Potential UK Travelers; UK Travel Restrictions Prove Problematic for Future Marriage Plans; Sad Written Results of MRI; Two Photos with Dolphins Kissing and Dogs Kissing

I awoke early this morning and opened a story line on Instagram posted by a young extremely privileged young woman. She wrote “Keep Palestine in your thoughts.” Or something like that. I responded – can…

The Moment of “Truth” Has Arrived; Anti-Semitism Used as Sword and Shield; Proof that Alexis McBride is not Anti-Semitic: Goldhagen’s Ground Breaking Book; Contemporary Islamic Scholars Weigh in On the Issues: Israel As Cobra; Palestine is People Bitten by Cobra; Conversation with Alter Ego; How Nice of You to Come; Scum Defined; Photo of a Flower Arrangement

I do admit to procrastinating, put this treatise on the back burner – but the moment of truth – well my truth (and Allah’s truth) has arrived, A slight delay while I define procrastinate. The…

Al Jazeera Takes Aim at Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau with Ample Justification; Supplant Defined; Empty Suit Defined; Rare As Hen’s Teeth Defined; Facetious Defined; Globe and Mail and Guardian Refuses to Print Abuelaish’s Pleas; Apple Support to the Rescue

Al Jazeera has become my ‘bible’, supplanting The New Yorker. Supplant means supersede and replace. Synonyms are replace, displace, supersede, take the place of, take over from, substitute for, undermine, override. Al Jazeera has taken…

Beginning with Humor Relating to King Saud’s Sex Life; Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am Explored and Quoted by Billie Holiday; But Back to the Mess and Horror Created by Israel; Cease Fire Abjectly Meaningless and Not to Be Trusted: Al Jazeera Opinion Piece, Why Netanyha Thinks America Is Stupid; Qatar Please Bomb Israel; Secret of My Success; Photos of My Glove with Stickers Showing Fame

I would not say that I am obsess with the sex life of King Saud in 1943 but have been doing some thinking. Totally convinced that he would not be a good lover. He would…