It is time for a little fun, things are getting far too serious. Oh, by the way, I contacted my attorney and a transfer fo beneficiary for my living trust is being prepared and he is most efficient, he got back to me immediately. Only one issue to be decided and this can be done by tomorrow afternoon. When I get onto something, I get onto something. I make decisions swiftly and surely – not impulsively actually. I get all the evidence, decide on my motivation and off I go. People thought I was out of my mind when I decided in 2013 to live in London.
They: Why are you doing this? You know no one there?
Me: I want to do it, feel I must and will do it well and properly. I will apply to a graduate school, get accepted, then apply for a student visa which will enable me to stay for two and a half years.
Not one person in hundreds wanted me to go or supported my decision. My therapist at the time, Dr. Karla Clark was dead set against it. My insightful friend Colette said at the time.
She: Alexis, you do not really want to go to school or go to London. You just want to get away from your therapist.
Me: I am convinced you are right! But it will be a great adventure.
I did need to get away from that woman. Wise Man spoke the following words.
He: I still have that paper that Karla Clark wrote, She is evil.
Me: I know. In every way, because of her resurrecting my memory I endured post traumatic stress for years after I was proven allergic to the antidepressant that suppressed post traumatic stress – it was given to soldiers returning from Iraq. But, by and large, the pst episodes have entirely disappeared. I would have her license removed but she is no longer practicing.
I have never, nor will I EVER regret going to London – it changed my whole life. For example, now I am a Muslim, then I was an atheist. Before did not even know what a blog was, now I have had about three million views from people all over the world. Before I had not dated in years and had no sex life for years because of bad marriage with husband #3. Before Covid and my entry to the Islamic faith I was MOST popular. So it has worked out for the very best – to say nothing of the multi-billionaires and fame which shall soon be discussed.
But found something else totally funny from The New Yorker. Its title My Husband, I Vow to Honor You Always—Unless We’re Playing Scrabble, in Which Case I’ll Destroy Your Ass. It is written by Maeve Dunigan.
Here is the first paragraph.” I can’t believe that our wedding day is finally here. I’m so lucky to be standing with the man of my dreams, surrounded by friends and family. My partner, my cutie, my beloved, I vow to support, honor, and love you always—unless we’re playing a game of Scrabble, in which case I will ruthlessly wipe the floor with your ass.”
She hilariously continues: “I vow to make sure that the house is always stocked with your favorite snack, white-Cheddar Cheez-Its. I vow to rub your back when you’ve had a hard day. I vow never to pass judgment on you—unless that judgment is “I am better than him at Scrabble,” which is less of a judgment and more of an objective fact. I’m amazing at that game.”
She continues with her promised vows: “I vow to make you breakfast in bed. I vow to keep your secrets. I vow to never, ever cheat—even though you constantly accuse me of rigging the game to get better tiles. What you fail to understand is that I don’t need better tiles. I will win with whichever tiles I pick. I’m just that good.”
Her concluding paragraph says it all. “I vow to be your wife forever. I vow to stand by you no matter what. If I’ve learned anything from this complex, mystical game we call life, it’s that there are no winners and losers in love. Scrabble, though, is an uncomplicated game. Scrabble has a winner. And that winner is always me. “
Could you imagine the wedding vows if I were to wed again?? Well, in a Muslim marriage there are no vows, it is a contract signing, the details confidential. Perhaps the Christian Dryburgh Abbey wedding will have to be resurrected. It might be for another reason. I was jumping up and down (water aerobics at JCC) and a certain song was played. It is profound. Now Muslim women are not supposed to dance – but at least one, please Allah. Beautifully clad in my pale pink abaya (dressed already picked out) I shall dance to this joyous song. Slight problem is that I will have to dance alone as I do not think that Muslim men dance at weddings either – just do a strange thing with sticks. Saw it at the wedding of the Sultan and his two brothers – three of them at once. Rather strange as I know his father could afford a separate wedding for each them. To each his or her own. I want my own wedding please, two please. Polite, I am polite, particularly to Allah, as he is all powerful.
The song is Shut Up and Dance. Here are the lyrics:
Oh don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
We were victims of the night
The chemical, physical, kryptonite
Helpless to the bass and the fading light
Oh we were bound to get together
Bound to get together
She took my arm
I don’t know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
A backless dress and some beat up sneaks
My discotheque Juliet teenage dream
I felt it in my chest as she looked at me
I knew we were bound to be together
Bound to be together
She took my arm
I don’t know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
Oh, c’mon girl
Deep in her eyes
I think I see the future
I realize this is my last chance
She took my arm
I don’t know how it happened
We took the floor and she said
Oh don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance
Don’t you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me
I said you’re holding back
She said shut up and dance with me
This woman is my destiny
She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me
Oh oh oh shut up and dance with me
Oh oh oh shut up and dance with me
Google it as it is impossible for me to provide the link. I left a comment on the version that is an hour long. You will so love the song. If this happens people will pay a lot of money to watch me dance this song – a whole lot but it will go to charity.
This has been in most ways another magnificent day. I got seven: “You made my day.” (s). This conversation with one woman (actually from Marin JCC)
She: You made my day. I was tired but you made my day.
Me: Thank you. One day I got nine You made me day(s)
Nor did not make the day of Jacob Huerra when he reads this blog. I did not, nor shall I ever, make the day of his attorney whose name is Brian Skarbek of the Law Offices of Todd R. Rothbard. He thinks he is in command but he is not. He does not know what he is doing. He has not even properly served me. “See you in court” he says threateningly. I should have said:
Me: I do not think so as you have not properly served me which is a prerequisite and you do not have a court date.
But instead I said nothing. I wonder why? Courts are an old fashioned way to resolve disputes. Social media works and I did prevail against Dolphin Square in London. Read the blog Mr. Skarbek, Dolphin Square was destroyed and never did they see the inside of a court room.
Get some respect Mr. Skarbek but it is impossible – you can only respect someone if they respect themselves. How could you respect yourself when you pick on frightened tenants for a living, funded by rich landlords.
The photograph will be of the mighty fortress of Dolphin Square in the Pimlico District of London. Am I staying there when I go to London within weeks? Absolutely not, if the hotel section is still open at this point in time Too bored to look, but probably not and they relied on their hotel income to stay solvent.