Look back to the September 16,2021 blog wherein there is a discussion of the Longfellow poem, the concept of Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall. Suddenly recall that there is a song by that name. Google, and find that I am right, !00% percent right. Here are the lyrics.
But too much is falling in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But someday the sun will shine
Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much, too much is falling in mine
Into each heart some tears must fall
But someday the sun will shine
Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Into each and every life some rain has got to fall
But too much of that stuff is fallin’ into mine
And into each heart some tears gotta fall
And I know that someday that sun is bound to shine
Some folks can lose the blues in their hearts
But when I think of you another shower starts
Into each life some rain must fall
But too much is falling in mine
Now you get to do some work. Google it yourself and you can listen to a stellar version of the song sung by Ella Fitzgerald and the Inkspots, with photos of Ella and various stars including Marilyn Monroe. It is rather uplifting as it does clearly promise that “someday the sun will shine.” Even more than that, “someday the sun is bound to shine.”
Well in my life, for reasons you shall soon learn, the sun did shine but then a monsoon struck at approximately 1500 hours (military time). But you shall not hear of the monsoon, instead of the sunshine that proceeded it. First of all, what is a monsoon? It is the rainy season accompanying the wet monsoon. Unfortunately, the monsoon may have struck me personally but not my environment – the promised rain (so needed) may occur during the night – only a 50% chance. Well, you cannot have everything! My Marin IJ notified the world this September 18, 2021 that “Marin County unemployment rate was the lowest in California in August, its 10th consecutive month in the position, according to state data released Friday. The country’s unemployment rate also continued to be lower than the state rate of 7.5% and the national rate of 5.2%.” Now, what they do not say is that it is SO expensive to live here that you HAVE to work, at least one or two jobs, in order to live here. But, I am blessed, my defined benefit retirement income from the County of Marin insures my presence.
A discussion of the sun that shown will begin. The day began with prayer at sunrise (it was interrupted by a neighbor and his barking dog but that will be addressed at a later time as it was not at all upbeat, nor uplifting. Uplifting is the greatest of words: inspiring happiness, optimism, or hope. Shining synonyms: inspiring, stirring, moving, touching, affecting, warming, cheering, cheerful, gladdening, encouraging; emotional, profound, fervent, heartfelt, sincere, passionate; meaningful, significant, eloquent, expressive; sad, soulful, mournful, doleful. But my day yesterday was full of gladdening, warming, profound and meaningful events.
After prayer was breakfast and then to water aerobics at JCC. My daily Marin IJ newsletter is encased in a plastic sleeve. One plastic sleeve was placed over my bandaged arm and secured by a rubber band. Gail, a wonderful JCC woman helped me with that and later found me a towel. I did get some exercise but it was not the thorough work-out as it was impossible to fully participate. However, for some reason, my best thinking occurs when jumping up and down in a water aerobics class, found that to be true in London and found it true here. The following conversation (with myself) echoed in my head.
Me: Who am I going to leave my money to when I die?Past attempts, for various reasons, have failed. There must be something or someone that is worthy.
Alter Ego: Well, how about Marin JCC? You enjoy this place, the sense of community, the support you receive.
Me: I do! But, for me, education is SO important and money spent on someone’s education would give my life meaning.
Alter Ego: Well, what about Brandeis. Remember the volunteers here the other day who gave you coffee and you discussed the importance of education.
Me: Yes, of course. I spoke of Qatar and their mission to educate refugee children. Education is the key to success and, as it gives hope, the cure to terrorism. The Emir of Qatar asserted this in an interview held in Georgetown several years ago. He is putting his money where is mouth is. Hahah. A woman, one of his sisters, is heading up the enormous campaign. I read about it on Instagram, but Instagram is so transitory so I do not know her name or the precise vast numbers that will be served.
Alter Ego: Well, Qatar does not need your money.
Me: That is for sure! So I will help support the education of Jewish children in my community. The Islamic faith is inclusive, it does share many prophets and the Old Testament. At times the Jews and Muslims are enemies but not here, not in Marin, where I am so welcomed.
Had to cease water aerobics early as fatigue overcame me. Went to the jacuzzi and spoke with a man called David, who provided history of his faith (and mine) about David and his ancestors, it was all rather amazing.
Dried myself off, went downstairs, talked to Vern, the membership man who was doing duty at the front desk. He showed me the way to Brandeis. Barbara Harris was SO helpful, immediately had time for me, gave me a form and her card. The form asked for the amount of the legacy. I called George Elias, my able new financial advisor who sent me an email immediately.
He: So Alexis. As of June 30, this amount, plus your Canadian stocks and the amount of cash in your account
Me: THANKS. I am rich enough I guess. Hahahaha More later. Plans changed a little.
What is rather amazing is that I knew how much I was ‘worth’ – even though math deficient and having no interest in money.
It will give my life meaning to know that I was able to contribute to the education of worthy children. This complex is crowded with parents who take advantage of Marin County schools. They rent an apartment so that their children can go to a good school – avoiding in almost all situations, the cost of private schools in San Francisco. But they are being parasites – school funding comes from property taxes and they pay none. They do what they do. I lives in Marin County from 1973-2014, purchasing homes, selling them and then reinvesting. Always paid property tax although had no children. What is a parasite? The synonyms say it all: hanger-on, leech, drone; bloodsucker, sponger, sponge, scrounger, freeloader; cadger; moocher, mooch.
There are, of course, exemptions to the freeloaders, the moochers, the spongers. I think, particularly, of one family who does SO much for the community, giving back in creative and wondrous ways. Why am I brave enough to say this about some of my neighbors? Well, for one thing they probably, most probably, do not read my blog. It is a temporary solution for these children. There is no rent control in Marin, the rent can rise astronomically here so that the parents can no longer afford it. They must find other housing, probably in another school district so their child’s education is forever harmed. Children should not be moved from one school to another. I have the greatest sympathy for these children, but there is nothing I can do to help. Well, except perhaps, contribute to a scholarship fund at Brandeis.
Why am I worth an undisclosed amount? Most Marin Matrons, as I call them, upon divorce and the mandatory sale of the home, the largest repository of $$$ – take their share, buy a condo in Marin, get a girlfriend or two and travel about Marin lunching with this friend/friends. They do not date because they do not meet eligible men – what worthy man wants a threesome – she, the girlfriend and him? I did not do that. Took the money from the sale of 271 Riviera, San Rafael, invested it, stayed in a small humble apartment near the College of Marin. Then I was free to go to London, on my own, where I found fame, fortune and numbers of men that were interested in me. My disinterest in money and possessions earned this compliment:
He: Alexis, I like/love you because you are interested in me as a man, not my money, nor my sperm, nor my possessions.
Me: That is true. It is your brain I value.
Now, admittedly, that relationship did not ‘work out’. But it is living hell being in the sphere of a multi-billionaire, or multi-millionaire. An attempt was made on my life in August of 2019, for example. I did eventually relate the circumstances in a blog written while visiting London in November of 2019. I felt safe there and Wise Man approved. But I survived and, in the long run, thrived and it ain’t over until the fat lady sings. It ain’t over till the fat lady sings is a colloquialism which is often used as a proverb. It means that one should not presume to know the outcome of an event which is still in progress.
The day went on with even more sun, am amazing discussion with a man from the Central Marin Police Department, yielding a gift beyond measure relating to the Islamic faith. Stay tuned. This has been a bit serious so two cartoons will follow, straight from The New Yorker to you. One about a T-shirt selection, the other about chairs.