The Edmonton Journal of September 2, 2022 is Chock Full of Good News; Chock Full Defined and Explained; Bivalent Vaccine on the Way and Just in Time; Front Page Story of an Heroic Woman and Michele Smith Who is the Opposite; Rabble Rouser Defined; Link to Article Provided; Divisive Defined; Demagogue Exhaustively Explored; The Good Fortune of Obtaining a Free Edmonton Journal; Randy is My Guy; Two Cartoons

Chock full is a great expression which means: full to the limit. Some synonyms are: completely full, cram full, crammed and jam-pack. The origin of the phrase is rather amusing. Middle English chokkeful already had…

The Blessings That Emerged From Imagining Monet Almost Defy Imagination; A Chance Encounter Resulting in a FaceBook Entry; Providence Defined; First and Second Instances of Convulsive Crying Explained; Going Alone to Places and Events; A Violinist in a Beauty Salon on Saadiyat Island; Photographs of Two People Having Fun

This from Google: “If something defies description or understanding, it is so strange, extreme, or surprising that it is almost impossible to understand or explain.” So here is was happened, all of this because I…

Another Q found for Qatar; Quiescent Defined and Applied: Depravity Defined and Applied to Former Pakistani Prime Minister Khan; Khan Should Go Quietly Into the Night But Does Not and Apparently Will Not; Go Quietly Into The Night is a Poem from Dylan Thomas; Several Google Search Made During the Writing of this Blog, One Found a Possible Flight; September Heralds Autumn But Then Comes Winter; Cabin Fever Extensively Explored; Forewarned is Forearmed; Three Cartoons to Cheer

Following up on my prior blog, thinking of Qatar and a possible third Q, magically came up with Quiescent, which is in a state or period of inactivity or dormancy. Qatar is absent from the…

The Middle East Haunts My Life But Occasionally in a Good Way, Particularly Qatar; Qatar Invests in Pakistan, Hopefully Just in Time; Jest Defined With Its Origins; Street Children World
Cup Shall Proceed the World Cup; My Puny Athletic Abilities Revealed; Wished For Dad Laces My Ice Skates; Three Cartoons to Bring Needed Humour

Just when I think the Middle East is a thing of the past, something pops up and I am back there again. I suppose reading Al Jazeera does not exactly help with my isolationism. This…

I am in Heaven; It is not Jannah But It Will Have to Do For Now; Suffice Defined; Conversations Concerning the Temperature High Here of 21; Coffee in a Canada Cup: Yello Cab Conversation on the Way to the Mosque; Befriended by a Fellow Revert; Comparison of the Two Mosques; Text Conversation with Revert Number One; Woudda Thunk Pictured and Defined; Photo of Cup and Calendar

This morning, this fine Saturday morning, it does seem like I am in heaven and I shall explain why. The heaven is not Jannah but it has to suffice for the moment because I am…

My Canadian Prayer Rug Takes Center Stage: Center Stage Defined; Limelight Defined:  It Label Speaks of the Beauty it Hopes to Spread to the World; Prayer Rug Sales Will Support Women; A Reel Found on Instagram and Embed Herein Speaks of Forgiveness; Embed/Imbed Defined; Photos of the Prayer Rug in Place and  Its Label

My Canadian prayer rug, praised in the August 28, 2022 blog, shall again take center stage. To take center stage means to be in a main or very important position. Used in a sentence: The…

Waking Up to Rain in Hot Edmonton ; Ameliorate Defined and Illustrated; Underground Passages Leading to Beloved Library; Definitely Time for Some Humour, This From the Magazine Section of The New Yorker Jenny Allen “Come to My House”; Prime of My Life Defined; Photographs of Library Card and Book Retrieved from the Library

It is morning here in Edmonton in what is, at present, the perfect weather place. Soon it will not be, but now it is. Edmonton earned a heat alert as it warned temperatures will hit…

Focusing on the Important Things in Life: An Encounter with the Alberta Minister of Infrastructure; News of Scotland’s Possible Cessation from the United Kingdom; Magical Defined; The Search for An Ancestor’s Imprint on the Alberta Legislative Building; Visceral Defined; Photographs of the Annual Report of the Department of Public Works and Alexis as the Scottish Flag

There is entirely too much going on in this cruel world, most of it rather nasty and unpleasant. It becomes necessary to focus one’s energies. During Ramadan 2022 one of my Intentions was to retreat…