Today is a big day – it is the second anniversary of my reversion to the Islamic faith. For various reasons it is an IN day, spent totally alone and, blessedly at peace. There is a great deal happening in this world and in this province but there is not much I can do to remedy it except have faith in Allah.
I awoke recalling my first October 20, anniversary. The contrast absolutely amazing. Then I was in residence at a Marriott Hotel in Dubai. Decided it would be fitting to spend the day in a mosque as I had never been in a mosque before (Covid and other factors). A beloved Marriott driver (who later acquired the nickname of Grandson) drove me to the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi (about an hour and a half by car). As a result of that day and drive I fell in love with the city of Abu Dhabi (it seemed the antithesis of Dubai), and decided to make it my home. That did not work out (thankfully, All Praise to Allah). This morning, from my perch on the sixteenth floor, sent a text via WhatsApp to Grandson. He remains in Dubai – a Pakistani with few options. Canada not a possibility because of the massive waiting list of two or three million visa applications that have not been processed. I did find out why. Canadian Federal employees were allowed to work from home during the pandemic – this an unfortunate truth – neither they nor their supervisors had a functioning work ethic. Nothing got done and there were no repercussions. It is a travesty, in other words a perversion, corruption, caricature; farce, The political climate throughout this fair land is not allowing for the resolution of anything whatsoever. Stagnation reigns supreme. Therefore, no hope for Grandson’s coming to Canada in the foreseeable future.
Thank goodness I was Made in Canada and was born here – my citizenship made the return possible. I am eternally grateful and shall do my best to ‘give back’ – but not at this precise moment.
It has been a busy week. The most momentous, the most incredible event was getting the jab – getting vaccinated for my community. Of course, it was a necessity, to film a video and place it on Instagram. Here I am in all my glory, now giving you the link:
The blessed Alberta Health Plan also gave me a flu shot and because I am over 65 I got an enhanced version the added strength to provide more protection. Received the vaccine and flu shot at the Allin Clinic, they were so professional and confidence building. The nurse provided the best of information, explaining the side effects clearly and rationally so that I was not panicked but informed. There was some bad news, the immunity will not kick in for two weeks. Made the immediate decision to lay low, wear a face mask, not be in crowded indoor places (like restaurants). I shall become a pandemic hermit again. The peace of mind achieved by being safe is worth it.
After my jabs, got on an elevator and went to my physiotherapy appointment. I continue to show great progress – my physiotherapist is an Albertan familiar with the ins and outs of the political situation in this province. I now understand how this happened – how we got an anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-reality Premier. Her mandate came from one per cent of the provincial population. But I shall now switch to encouraging words.
My next stop at the Allin Clinic was at the Eye Clinic where I picked up my newest pair of glasses. A charming turquoise pair. A photograph of the glasses (and me) shall be posted at the conclusion of this blog. Then a call to Yellow Cab brought me home to rest.
The next day dawned – another red letter day. A red letter day is a day that is pleasantly noteworthy or memorable. Wednesday was memorable as I met with my Canadian attorney and finalized my Will. It provides peace of mind – my accumulated wealth shall go to a good cause. I previously executed a California living trust which would benefit a Marin County Jewish school. That is no longer my intent, particularly since I was the victim of discrimination levied by the Osher Marin Jewish Community Center. Blessedly I am alive and well a year later and my money did not pass to their hands.
I do have fears that covid will strike again. Those fears were validated by a New Yorker article written by Dhruv Khullar a practicing physician and professor at Cornell Medical School The title: How Many Times Will You Get Covid?
Here is the link:
If you are too lazy to read the entire article I am providing a summarizing paragraph.
“People should still do their best to avoid contracting and transmitting the virus, Al-Aly said: mask on public transportation, stay home when sick, choose outdoor activities over indoor ones. Meanwhile, there’s more that policymakers must do: maintain testing and treatment programs, fund next-generation vaccines, invest in public-health departments, improve ventilation systems, support paid medical leave. “Without mitigation measures, it’s inevitable that most people will get reinfected,” Al-Aly said. “That’s the price we pay for moving toward normal. It’s an exorbitant price.”
If only Alberta Premier Smith would read this summary – it is highly unlikely that she shall much led heed the expert advice. A massive covid outbreak could signal her downfall – but on the other hand it might instead be the downfall of most Albertans. It is hockey season, crowds at the games, crowds at bars and restaurants watching the games. Masks worn at those events will be an absolute rarity. Here is the good news – I shall not be in attendance. Safe in my aerie
But speaking of my aerie, the greatest delight are the clouds which gather in all of their glory, providing a spectacle of wondrous color and shape. Some photographs shall be provided. But there is also another gift – coming to you from Instagram. Here is the link:
Tune in, It is rather amazing. He discusses the weight of a cloud, now we know that clouds are actually heavy, not the light airy concoctions we thought they were. The Quran, written all those many years ago by a man who could not read or write – told the world that clouds were heavy. The man who made the video explains the wonder of it all much better than I just did.
Photos of clouds and my new glasses.