I am Not Alone in Seeking Asylum in Canada; Idiom Catch One’s Eye Defined and Illustrated: Article from The Star Describing Massive Increases in Those Seeking Asylum in Canada; Supreme Court of Canada Deciding Weather Relaxation of Agreement Needed, Link Provided; Fabulous News of a 20 Billion Settlement to First Nation Nations and Their Families; That Link Provided and Must Be Read; No Photographs or Other Distractions

I now look now at my return to the land of my birth as an absolute and utter blessing, for which I shall be eternally grateful.  I see now that I had to make a…

Saying Goodbye to the Polarized USA; The Economist Reveals only 25% of Americans Have Confidence in Supreme Court: Idiom Throwing Away Baby With the Bath Water Explained; Two Hilarious Andy Borowitz Articles Which Include Fetuses; Eastern Canada Versus Western Canada, Two Celebrations; Photo of Alexis in Canada Day Finery

The hiatus from blog writing allowed freedom of thought – the focus of thinking was as follows:Me: What do I want to blog about now? My life has drastically changed. Many of my old ‘subjects’,…

Taking a Hiatus After Closing A Door; Hiatus Defined; Door to Immigration Assistance Closed; Andy Borowitz Delivers Humor About Recent US  Supreme Court Decision; Back in the Saddle Defined; Instagram Negativity Ignored, Reward for Positivity on the Site; Photo of Grand Mosque Enlargement and a Wall Calendar

I took a hiatus from blog writing, did not write for four days. This hiatus was granted because Computer Guru is switching servers (whatever that may mean) and there was to be some down time. …

Oops I am Land Locked.; Another Wonderful Recalled Experience That Happened in Abu Dhabi; My Nine Close Friends on Instagram: Conversations with Texas Women Coming to Visit; Cannot Pick Your Family But Can Pick Your Friends; A Blessed Message From a Wonderful Instagram Man; Why I Became a Muslim Shall Be Permanent Topic on Blog; Persona Exhaustively Explored; Photo of Last Night’s Clouds

I had the following conversation with myself this morning.Me: It is amazing but when my phone predicts rain, it rains on time. When it says it is going to be sunny, it is sunny.Alter Ego:…

Thursday Bad Day, Friday Good Day, Who Knows About Today; Fall Into Place Defined ; All Over the Place; Lyrics and the Meaning of “Good News” ; Identifying with Marc Miller; Friday a Success, Photograph Arrives, Ice Cream, MAN Prints Lease; Health Registration Completed; Shopping at Alberta Craft; Photo of Tea Pot, Bio of Artist; and Grand Mosque ‘Painting’

This is a truth. If every day of your life was a good day, you would not appreciate the joy of having everything fall into place. When things fall into place, they happen in a…