A Most Unusual Existence; An Arabic Call to Prayer Echos in my Edmonton Apartment; Ordering a Book From Audrey’s; Time Travel Not Possible; Brat Defined and Illustrated: A Luncheon Turns Into an Opportunity; Glad to Be in Edmonton For Many Reasons But Also Because of A Possible Earthquake; Me and Property Survived One. Photograph of Not Me: A Vegetarian Plate and an Instagram Video

Nowadays an Arabic voice calls, summons me to prayer on a  prayer rug of beautiful design which combines the Indigenous Canadian culture and the Islamic faith. It was purchased at the Edmonton Muslim Heritage Festival…

Does this Ever Happen to You? Decision to Abandon Both Local and World Politics, But Back to a Final Smith Salvo: Do Not Count Your Chicken Before They are Hatched; Conscience Defined; Islamic Tawqa Explored; Another ‘Koran’ Found at Audrey’s Bookstore; Followers Defined and Counted; 2023 Inuit Wall Calendar Purchased: Major Announcement; Photos of Koran and Quran, Laughing with Trickster; Inuit Wall Art Pictured

Does this ever happen to you?  Turn on your computer, the ‘calendar ‘sends you a notice: Robert Jones Miller’s 47th Birthday is tomorrow. I have no idea whatsoever who Robert Jones Miller is, much less…

Indigenous Defined, Two Poems Written by Indigenous Women; A Total Betrayal of Indigenous Children by Premier Smith as well as an Unsubstantiated Claim that she is Indigenous; Thompson Highway on Ideas Podcast Brings Delight; Photos of my Indigenous Wall, Photo of the Real Thing; Photo of Jean Paul Langlois and Alexis McBride

This shall be an Indigenous Blog. First, do let us define Indigenous. It is a new word to me, in school we learned that the people originally inhabiting this country were called Indians. Then came…

Determined to Not Speak of World Politics But Not Succeeding; Glad Tidings of Great Joy Hearing of the USA’s Disenchantment with Trump and Dr. Oz;  Canada on My Mind:  Alberta’s Premier Smith’s Folly Revealed in a Toronto Star Article;  Reporter Leavitt Quoted at Length With Link Provided; I Must Say No to Injustice; Pandora’s Box Explored; Yes Men and Sway Defined: Relevant Cartoons Adding Humour to a Bleak Situation 

I am aware that there is a risk of loosing many of my faithful readers, those who look for humour in these epistles.  If you are one of them, best you skip this political diatribe,…

Becoming an Atheist at Age 19: Stasis Defined: Psalm 23; An Inspiration Over the Years, Realized at the Club Yesterday; Conversation from the Club; Relationship of the Quran and the Bible Discussed; A Meaningful Blog Made by Me; Another Reel Sent to Me: The Photo That Began the Reel, I am a New Muslim Woman

Faithful readers will know that prior to my coming to the Islamic faith I was an atheist. I was born and educated as a Protestant, was very active in the church as a child and…

Evil Elon Musk Rises Again Thanks to Andy’s Satire;  Alexis Aims Satire at Premier Smith Again; Morning Breakfasts at Alberta Legislative Cafeteria Curtailed for Two Reasons; Freedom of Speech Takes Precedence Over Breakfast: Had to Leave UAE to Exercise Free Speech; Hibernation Comes to an End; Photo of Bundled Me and Mittens

I did think I was temporarily ‘over’ my concentration on the evil Musk but there in my Inbox there was more fabulous news from Andy Borowitz. Musk Accidentally Includes Himself in Latest Round of Mass…

This is Not the Blog I Intended to Write; The Change of Heart Began with the Discovery of a Poster from my Comic Debut in London; “People Who Need People”; Not Me: Rothman’s “Becoming You” Quoted at Length; Comic Debut a One Night Stand; Poignant Defined and Illustrated by the Death of a Friendship; The First Marriage Under the Syphilis Clinic in By Gone Edmonton; Finally the Pictured Poster

Yesterday evening I got totally  prepared for the blog to be written today, doing massive amounts of online research into dealing with the social injustice that surrounds us all – what guidance had Allah provided?…