Impossible But Andy Did It Again; Satirizing the Supreme Court; Johnny Cash’s We Got Married in a Fever; Why It Might Apply to Alexis McBride; Consummating a Union Perhaps Prematurely; If Only the USA Would Become a Muslim Majority Country; I Walk the Line; Defined and With Another Johnny Cash Song; Homage Defined; Photographs of Photographs Taken at the Grand Mosque

It seems improbable that it is possible yet again but Andy Borowitz does it again. WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Assailed for her texts to the former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, Ginni Thomas accused…

The Lovely, the Luscious ,the Luxurious Louvre in Abi Dhabi; A Journey Back to the Louvre to Speak to a Painting; The Conversation; Delicious Lunch and a Plan for Sunday; Battle Over Who Shall Push Me; Cold Feet Defined But Problem Solved Hopefully; Photo of Painting; Hands and an Emirati Man

Throughout my long life I have been the member of many museums, almost impossible to remember them all, much less list them. The DeYoung, SFMOMA and the Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco, an…