Throughout my long life I have been the member of many museums, almost impossible to remember them all, much less list them. The DeYoung, SFMOMA and the Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco, an early Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Museum next door to my first apartment, the Tate Britain in London,, the Vancouver Art Gallery,. Not only that but visited so many museums during my extensive travels in Europe and the Scandinavian countries. I was a frequent long term tourist in Paris – of course, went to the Louvre,, the Musee D’Orcy – you name it I went there. But the most exquisite of all Museums is the Louvre, in Abu Dhabi. I spoke of it eloquently on January 26,2022. The easiest way to find it is to type Louvre, Abu Dhabi in the search engine and several blogs pop up – it is easy to just click on the January 26, 2022 one.
Three days ago S.A.D, and I went back- he has become the designated pusher and I had the desire to go to Gallery 6 as there are some paintings on loan which shall be returned. I decided that I would ‘speak’ to one of them as I had in the past at the Tate Britain for the book In Conversation and In Contemplation. First, a sort of miracle happened – a young man in the bookstore found the perfect book for me to record my thoughts. It was lined AND had a picture of the Abu Dhabi Louvre on the cover. Off we went to find one painting in particular – the Impressionist painting of the Houses of Parliament in London. S.A.D. parked me in front of the painting, he spent his time taking pictures of art in the room. This is what I wrote.
“I sit before this painting which I may have seen before. It is of the Houses of Parliament in London painted by Manet I believe, or is it Monet?
Now is a very different time and moment for me as it does appear that I might be returning to London soon and totally unexpectedly. Allah must have his hand in this – there is no other explanation for this good fortune. Even this book in which I write was found with care with lines and a photo of this magnificent building. The Louvre and the Grand Mosque are the jewels of Abu Dhabi, which in many ways has proven most disappointing. But at times beauty is in the midst of garbage and hence more to appreciated. How my life has changed since those days in London (2014-2017)! From despair in London – surrounded by indifference (except for the Rex Whistler) and here love and grace and a better restaurant even. Hahaha, I will glance at my watch for time and then perhaps to lunch. All praise to Allah, the most Merciful. Allah the creator and sustainer of the world Ameen. “
It was off to the restaurant where I am feted as if I were Sheikha Fatimah. Serious discussions were held. I was able to happily report to the staff that my lunches could continue through April as Rashid is fasting for me. Plans were made to have him join us for lunch on Sunday. Everybody wants to check him out. I would hate to be him, such scrutiny he will be facing. Scrutiny is critical observation or examination. Its synonyms are enough to scare anyone off; careful examination, inspection, survey, scan, study, perusal; search, investigation, exploration, research, probe, inquiry, check, audit, review, analysis, dissection; going-over, look-see, once-over. Poor guy getting the going-over, look-see and once-over.
In anticipation S.A.D. and Rashid are fighting over who is going to push me throughout the Louvre in the wheelchair.
S.A.D. is most eloquent:
He: I get to push you. Maybe he might get to push you later if you are wed but I get to push your wheelchair now. That is my job – pusher.
Me: So many jobs you have. Pusher, and driver and body guard and foot tickler and photographer.
But I admit to this, itis totally mundane, different and pedestrian. I sometimes get cold feet, strange expression, of course I looked it up and found an answer, in a way. “Getting “cold feet” in a relationship basically means that there’s some second-guessing going on. It doesn’t necessarily mean that someone isn’t interested in their partner or that they’ve fallen out of love, but more so that something is holding them back from moving forward.” Google helpfully tells you what to do about it: “Be honest and leave room for your partner to process and share their own perspective. Tell them how you feel and tell them too why you’re experiencing cold feet. Pay special attention to any major issues that might indicate an insurmountable problem.”
“Is it normal to have cold feet before a wedding? You may even find yourself asking, “Do I really want to get married?” If you’re having cold feet before the wedding, know that it’s perfectly normal. You’re not alone, and it’s not a sign that you’re making a mistake. Chances are it’s just pre-wedding jitters and anxiety that can be remedied.”
As I type I notice a message from Rashid has just arrived. A message received earlier. It shall not be repeated in full
He: Have a bright wonderful day.
Me: Thank you. Just woke up. You too have a good day.
He: That is nice. Will keep waking you up.
He: (Censored)
Me: Wow you are so romantic. I so look forward to that day.
He: Are you done with breakfast and still in bed.
Me: I am finishing breakfast and blog. It is rather funny. Your timing and all. Amal had a grown up breakfast this morning.
He:Greetings to her. Yoo Mmy yooo Waguan. This is Jamaican.
Photographs are the painting I spoken to. A strange picture of Rashid looking most Emirati taken a couple of years ago, I think. And a picture he took of our hands
I am going to the Grand Mosque today to worship and ask a few questions. .