Instagram Islamic Snippet of the Day; I Must Be Trained as No Difficulties; Tip on Marking Allah Happy; Articles to Amuse You: Tips for Sure Fire Sermons; Stuff I Learned From the Internet Last Week; Tips for Looking Stunning in Photographs; Two Photographs, Two Mask or Not to Mask That is the Question

Receive daily encouragement from other Muslims on Instagram. This came my way the other day from Sibah20. . .If You Are Facing Too Much Difficulties Believe This: Allah Is Training You For a Huge Victory.I…

Back to Dr. Azeem’s The Status of Women In Islam Addressing the Subject of The Veil or Head Covering; Everyone is Possibly Entitled to Their Own Opinion But Not to Their Own Facts; Subterfuge Defined; Jewish Women Have a Long History of Being Veiled; Ending in the 19th Century; Christianity Veils Its Nuns and St. Paul Orders Head Covering To Show Submission to Men; Veil is Worn for Modesty in Islamic Faith; Modesty Equals Protection for All; Women Pay Price for Lack of Modesty; Photographs of Alexis (aka Fatimah) Wearing Traditional Head Scarf.

A chapter entitled The Veil in Dr. Azeem/s scholarly The Status of Women in Islam begins with these words. “Finally, let us shed light on what is considered in the West as the greatest symbol…

Get Thee Behind Me Satan; Versions From the King James’ and Modern Versions; Many Satans in My Life But They Go Poof; Denigrate’s Multiple Synonyms; More Andy Borowitz Humor Featuring Airline Tickets; Relieved of Ramadan Fasting; Stumbling Block Mentioned in Many Faiths; The Beginning and Concluding Words of the Qur’an; Photograph of Alexis With Her Moxie Back

For reasons that shall, and shall not, be revealed this came to mind. I knew it was from the New Testament learned from my early religious days before I became an atheist at the age…

Instagram Brings Nouman Ali Khan to Me: A Right Fit for the Job; Qur’an Speaks to striving for God; The Ten Major Signs of the Great Tribulation; Trump and Putin Candidates for the Job of the False Messiah; Rightly Guided One and Jesus Save the Day; You Must Believe in the Hereafter; Photo of Painting from the 11th Century

Instagram is a tool which can be used for good and for evil. At this moment we are talking about good although the Evil of Instagram has haunted me over the years. At this moment…

This Blog Needs a Little Levity; Governor Santis Warns That Math Makes Children Gay; Santis Prays Math Away; The Lord’s Prayer Examined in a Historical Context; The Prophet Jesus and His Mother MaryAnn Explored Through the Qur’an: Levity Defined With Cheery Synonyms; A Day By the Pool Meeting a New Friend; Denial is Not Just a River in Egypt; Photo of My Simple Iftar

Do realize that I have gone a bit serious of late what with the Minor Signs of the Great Tribulation and all. Such serious matters, such serious times but a balance can, and must, be…

Onto a Bigger and Better Story; The One Told in the Islamic Faith; Known By Many Names, of Great Tribulation is My Favorite; Tribulation Defined; A List of 46 Minor Signs Present in the World of Today; Some with Explanations, Some Not; Photographs of a Tang Dynasty Cup With a Warrior and a Phoenix and Dragon Cloth

There is, of course a name for all of this and it is difficult to pronounce, one problem I have with the Islamic faith is that many of the words are impossible for me to…

More Woes in the United States of America; Inflation There; Money Talks Here in the UAE; Some Stolen African Art is Being Returned But Not All; The British Museum Should Be Called the Museum of Rape and Pillage; Will the Abu Dhabi Louvre Return Its African Art; Photos of Abu Dhabi African Art; Lyrics to the Last Thing on My Mind

As if things are not bad enough in the United States listen to this from the New York Times. “ The overall cost of gas, food and other everyday items is increasing at its fastest…