For reasons that shall, and shall not, be revealed this came to mind. I knew it was from the New Testament learned from my early religious days before I became an atheist at the age of 19, Wikipedia came to my immediate assistance.
“Get behind me, Satan”, or “Go away, Satan”, and in older translations such as the King James Version “Get thee behind me, Satan”, is a saying of Jesus in the New Testament. It is first attested in Mark 8:33, where Jesus is addressing Peter; this is retold in Matthew 16:23 (Greek: Ὕπαγε ὀπίσω μου, Σατανᾶ, Hypage opisō mou, Satana). In the temptation of Jesus, in Matthew 4 and Luke 4:8, Jesus rebukes “the tempter:. One of the newest versions of the Bible says it in different (and perhaps clearer terms). . “Then Jesus said to Peter, “Go away from me, Satan! You are not helping me! You don’t care about the things of God, but only about the things people think are important.” In another modern version Peter is called a stumbling block, concentrating on only worldly matters. That is so true of Satans – they are stumbling blocks keeping one away from God, and the faith – whatever the faith might be.
The definition of a stumbling block is an obstacle or problem in the way of some desired aim. An example of a stumbling block is the lack of a driver’s license when planning a road trip. (idiomatic) A hindrance, obstacle or impediment. Idioms are a common stumbling block for learners of a language.
Wikipedia summarizes in this language: “A stumbling block or scandal in the Bible, or in politics (including history), is a metaphor for a behavior or attitude that leads another to sin or to destructive behavior. It is a phrase used in many religions. It is found in both the Hebrew Bible and The New Testament”.
The origin of the metaphor is the prohibition of putting a stumbling block before the blind (Leviticus 19:14). Geoffrey W. Bromiley calls the image “especially appropriate to a rocky land like Palestine”. Psalms 140.9 uses the word Skandalon as a stumbling block meaning anything that leads to sin. The New Testament also uses the word skandalon fifteen times in New Testament in 12 unique verses. It does mean to cause someone to sin.
The New Testament usages of skandalon, such as Matthew 13:41, resemble Septuagint usage.[3] It appears 15 times in the New Testament in 12 unique verses, It means to cause someone to sin, a ‘stone of stumbling. The term “stumbling block” is also common in Protestant writings. An early use was Martin Luther’s consideration that the common belief that the Mass was a sacrifice was a “stumbling block.
Satans play a huge role in the Islamic faith as well and I have come to the horrible conclusion that this Middle East is a breeding ground for evil and Satans, At this moment my life is free of Satans – so I am in a place of peace and inner happiness. But one is sure to make his appearance. Do not trust mere mortal men Allah keeps reminding Alexis but I do fear that I am tempted. They can be s handsome and so seductively romantic but it is all a pack of lies. But in the end Allah rescues me and POOF they are gone.
Remember POOF – that great word with a double meaning. It is used to convey the suddenness with which someone or something disappears but it is also a British derogative for an effeminate or gay man. Obviously the former, not the later use of POOF was used. Disparage is a word with such ugly synonyms; belittle, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, downgrade, play down, deflate, trivialize, minimize, make light of, treat lightly, undervalue, underrate, underestimate; disdain, dismiss, ridicule, deride, mock, scorn, pour scorn on, scoff at, sneer at, laugh at, laugh off, defame, decry, run down. discredit, slander, libel, malign, speak ill of, speak badly of, cast aspersions on, impugn, vilify, traduce, revile, criticize, condemn; slur; informal do down, do a hatchet job on, take to pieces, pull apart, pull to pieces, pick holes in, drag through the mud, hit out at, knock, slam, pan, bash, bad-mouth, pooh-pooh, look down one’s nose at; rubbish, slate, slag off, have a go at; cry down; hold cheap; rare misprize, minify, asperse, derogate, calumniate, vilipend, vituperate. So here is a hinting guidance, one I should remember, If you are around someone who belittles other, pull people apart and drag them through the mud and is generally vituperative – then you are associating yourself with a Satan and must say to them: Get You Behind Me Satan.
I do suppose that satire is a form of discarding, of casting aspersions on but it all depends on who does it and why. The target of Andy Borowtiz’ most recent satire is not really or actually a person – but a concept. This is so laughable. Florida Judge Rules That Airlines Cannot Require That Passengers Have Tickets. “TAMPA (The Borowitz Report)—Calling the provision a “violation of individual freedom,” a federal judge in Florida has ruled that airlines can no longer require passengers to have tickets.Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle said that she came to her decision after finding that the United States Constitution makes “no reference whatsoever” to airline tickets “The Framers of the Constitution clearly wanted to prevent the infringement of Americans’ right to board any airplane they want,” the Trump appointee said. “And so I hereby lift the ticket mandate.”
Would you not know – the Judge is a Trump appointee? Of course she is! He is saying that the strict Constitutional interpreters are rubbish. Andy is crying down and bad mouthing their rigidity and simplemindedness.
But Andy has more for us. “As part of her ruling, Mizelle barred the airlines from giving seat assignments, calling that practice a violation of the First Amendment’s enshrinement of “freedom of sitting.” The pilot of an airliner travelling from Denver to Chicago announced Mizelle’s decision in mid-flight on Wednesday, causing passengers to erupt in applause and wrestle for seats in first class.”
Now that is priceless, the First Amendment’s enshrinement of ‘freedom of sitting” and passengers wrestling for seats in first class. I am laughing out loud at that – me alone, alone, all all alone, in my humble hotel room at 8:20 am.
I have been forgiven from fasting during Ramadan. I have been so sick, not to be too graphic but everything coming out of both ends. Throwing up etc and having no energy whatsoever. Allah was proud of the efforts I made – I still will follow all of my other Intentions during this time. At this moment I feel nourished, at peace and optimistic. Satan is behind me – all of those strict Muslim rule makers are Satans in my eyes. They seem to have forgotten how the Qur’an begins: The Opening (al-Fatihah)
- In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
- Praise be to Allah, Lord of the World.
- The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
- Master of the Day of Judgment]
- It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help.
- Guide us to the straight path.
- The path of those You have blessed, not of those against home there is anger, nor those who have been misguided.
This is how the Qur’an Ends. An-Nas The Mankind (114)
- Say: “I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of mankind.
- The King of mankind.
- The Ilaah (Allah) of mankind.
- From the evil of the whisperer (devil who whispers evil in the hearts of men) who withdraws f(rom his whispering in one’s heart have one remembers Allah.)
- “Who whispers in the breasts of mankind.
- “Of jinns and men”.
So both in the beginning and in the end of the Qur’an we are warned against the whisperer devil who leads us down the wrong path. Satan leaves our lives when we remember Allah. It happened to me very recently. No one is whispering sweet nothings in my ears anymore! It is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The photograph is me, Alexis (aka Fatimah) looking lively in the lobby of my hotel because I am no longer fasting and have my moxy back. Moxy or moxie is a force of character, determination, or nerve.