Be Merciful; Journey from Riyadh to Jeddah Brings Both Hardship and Joy ; Visiting King Abdulaziz Complex in Makkah; Gifts of Gold Threads Given by Kind Men; The Vast Majority of Saudis are Kind and Comfortable in Their Country; Even Paranoids Have Enemies; Kind Defined; What Goes Around Comes Around

Everyday I learn more of the Islamic faith. This very morning listened to a scholar quoting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Be merciful Don’t frighten people away. The best of you for Islam will be the…

Malcolm X’s Words Resonate Most Emphatically in These Times; Discovering The Truth of Saudi Arabia By Being Their With its People Living Under the Rule of MBS; Irresponsible Western Press is Reprehensible; Reprehensible Defined; Photos and Stories Illustrating the Wearing of Head Scarves.  

Malcolm X was, of course a Muslim.These words are attributed to him:  The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make a criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim…

Now a Damsel in Distress; After, At Long Last, Finally Feeling at Peace and At Home; Damsel in Distress From Earlier Blogs; The Alberta Legislative Building was Plastered by my Great Uncle William Dryburgh; Trip to Get Mail Proves Disastrous; Guffaw Defined; M.A.N. and my Emails; I Could Never Be Rapunzel; Only the Good Die Young; Great Photography

As this blog will later attest, complete with fine photography, I was feeling that I was finally at home (after so many years). I had roots, I had connections, everything and everyone of importance was…

The Integration of My Instagram Self and My Blog Self; Integration Defined; 176 Likes to My Instagram Comment About Prayer; Becoming Totally Side Tracked by the Harry and Meghan Fiasco; My May 27, 2018 Blog Foretold the Future of the Pair; Side tracked Defined; A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss; Text Conversation With LOL; Photo of Eggs 

I have been working at this for some time but its beginning to reach fruition. Integration is a noun which has some synonyms that catch my meaning: amalgamation, unification, consolidation, fusing, blending, meshing, homogenization, coalescing,…

Middle East Rulers Had Best Read Up on Their History; Mecca Has Faced Competition From Other Middle East Countries For Centuries; Competing for Pilgrims But Now Tourists; The Year of the Elephant From This is Muhammed: Major Flooding Taking Place in the UAE; Prince Hamdan May Be at Risk; Possible Photo of His Jeep; Cartoons to Cheer in Midst of Depressing and Perhaps Alarming News. 

I am buried deep in the heart of the Middle East (not Texas as the song goes) My examination of Middle East history is taking place because I am tracing the life of the Mohammed…

UAE (Back But To Be Repudiated); Islamic Insights Shall Be a New Feature; Conversations with Computer Guru on Many Topics Including “Have a Nice Day” 279 Islamic Faith Blogs Found in the Search Engine; The Last One Turns Into Being a Real Shocker; Photo of an Omelet Which Caused At Least One Man to Salivate.  

Faithful readers will note that the UAE is back, but shall be repudiated. Immediately following my May 8, 2022 escape from the UAE, thoughtful Computer Guru Chris revolved it from the title of the blog….

Hallelujah My Search Engine is Back; Looking Backward and Then Forward, Then Forward and Backward Again; West Edmonton Mall Apple Store Gives Forth Computers and Assistance; Step in the Right Direction Defined and Illustrated; The 99 Names of Allah Found on the Muslim App of my iPad; Final Word on World Cup is Prosaic Which is Defined; Get Thee Behind Me Satan; Peaceful Photo of View with Moon 

I have been operating under a handicap for months now. The search engine icon disappeared from my devices leaving me totally unable to find anything that I had written about in the past. It was…