One Ramadan Intention Not Being Met; Gun Control in Canada: A Shining Example to Our Southerly Neighbor; Al Jazeera Reports on the Finding of a Commission; Federal and Provincial Legislation Urged Immediately; Alberta Might Not Be Compliant With Premier Smith; Premier Smith Acts in an Unethical Way, Denying Responsibility Saying She is Not a Lawyer In Training; Photographs of the Building Where She Reigns 

Ramadan is not just about fasting, as mentioned earlier, it is only one aspect. I formed Intentions, during Ramadan 2022 and again this year. Some Intentions have remained the same, one in particular: Retreat from…

Role Reversal; Not the Perfect Word; Unbidden; Two Persona’s Instagram and Blog; Stupefy Defined; Two Reels of a Massive Solemn Procession Filmed From My Window; Summary of the Accompanying Commentary: Character Foibles Illustrated: Playfulness Revealed Through Emails with Computer Guru; Screen Shot of Potential Blog Categories

I was looking for a word to describe the happenings of today but one eluded me, usually words come unbidden. The closest I could come is role reversal, defined as a situation in which someone…

Today is the Third Day of Ramadan and Allah has Truly Blessed Me: The Quran and I (or is it me); Catching Someone’s Drift Defined; Elation Described and Defined; Pity the Best Response to Disappointment; My New Quran Brings Purpose During Ramadan; Delivered From the Horns of a Dilemma By the Quran; Photo of a Magnificent Sunset and a Snowy Building 

Today is March 25, 2023, it is now 10:30, the third day of Ramadan 2023 and at this moment I feel thoroughly, entirely, completely blessed.  You: Why?  Me: Because it is snowing.  You: What is…

Help is On the Way; A Kinder, Gentler Ramadan; Quote From Quran Urges Ease; Purpose of Ramadan Explained More Fully; Piety Defined Leading to an Examination of the Muslim Treatment of Women; Other Definitions Reduce the Seriousness of Blog; Any Borowitz’ Humor Comes to the Rescue; Two Funny Cartoons

I suddenly remember the saying: A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. I am not going to let that get in the way of my next pronouncement. I was reading the YaQueen Institute’s…

Reaching Toward Ramadan; Fasting Hours Throughout the Northern And Southern Hemispheres; A Move to the Southern Hemisphere Contemplated; A Stitch in Time Saves Nine; Drum Roll Explained; Fret The Word of the Day; The New Yorker Supplies Secular Content;  ‘Ramadan Mubarak’; Photos of Dates and Sunny Times 

First the bad news. Depending on where one lives in this wide world, the hours of Ramadan requires differing fasting periods. Here is a list of the longest fasting hours.  – Nuuk, Greenland: 17 hours…

Al Jazeera Brings Encouraging News; Obligation Defined with the Help of Wikipedia; The Golden Rule Quoted and Seen in the Context of the Islamic Faith with the Help of Wikipedia; An Instagram Reel Revealing a Possible Nervous Tic; Text with Ghana Guy; Some Humour Provided By Cartoons 

My Inbox brought encouraging words from Al Jazeera which shall now be conveyed to you. It was speaking of agreements reached between Saudi Arabia and Iran. This agreement has been blessed by China.  “Removing misunderstandings…

Blogging Gives Me Sustenance: Sustenance Defined: Busy With Mundane Matters: Mundane Defined; Tax Time Brings Double Trouble; Arrows in a Quiver is Found in Psalms; Dentist Appointment Looms; Ink Cartridge Purchase Planned; Decisive Moment, a Letter to the Editor; Photographs of a Sunset, Alexis and a Beautiful Young Woman 

These are incredibly busy times – so busy that I am not blogging everyday. Blogging was an activity that gave me sustenance over the years, so its absence is giving me pause.  In usual form,…

Blog Statistics Versus Instagram Statistics: Numbers and Examples of Instagram Gratifying Feedback; New Dryburgh Instagram Follower, Name and Conversation Provided; Possible Voyage to Australia and Malaysia in 2024; Purist Defined: Dinner Party A Success; Liberia History Fascinating; Photos of Moosewood Cookbook; My Face Painted in the Manner of the Scottish Flag; And Dryburgh Abbey 

I wax eloquently, and recently rather continually, about my blog statistics, however, I am seeing that this is futile and rather meaningless. (Warning: It does not mean that I am going to abandon this preoccupation,…