Veterinarian or Doctor; Paraphrase Defined; Necessity is the Mother of Invention; Monkey Pox is Scientifically Explored: A Monkey Pox Vaccination Not Needed for Me: Looking Back at Covid Days; UAE Viewed in Less Condemning Ways; Window Dressing Defined; Photos of Blog Business Card and Container

Paraphrasing an extremely funny woman who almost daily posts on Instagram: “Chicken Pox; Swine Flu; Covid; Bird Flu, Monkey Pox. I wonder, should I be going to a doctor or a  veterinarian.Paraphrase, used as a…

It is Time for Some Levity, It Shall Be Provided; A Hamburger at the Grand Mosque McDonalds; Halal Defined; Emails Concerning My Presidency of an Elvis Presley Fan Club; Andy Borowitz Satire Cheers; Little engine That Could; A Commentary Concerning the Conditions in the UAE (Not Funny); Three Cartoons from The New Yorker Magazine

Well it is time for levity – we have been dealing with serious matters for several blogs and we shall unfortunately go back to serious matters but in the words of a commercial. You Deserve…

The Pope’s Apology and Its Rather Awful Aftermath: Insights from Al Jazeera, Excellently Written and Researched Reporting with Links Embedded; Alexis a Common Name Sioux Nations, Chiefs and Me; Uncanny Defined: Continued Victimization of Indigenous Women and Girls with No Remedy in Sight; Evolve Defined and Applied to the Islamic Faith; Photograph of My Almost Consumed Omelet of Yesterday

The Star posed this question: What happens next after the Pope’s historical apology? It was an expression of sorrow and regret — a historic apology. “I am deeply sorry,” Pope Francis said, speaking of the…

Why Did the Pope Come to Canada? A Story Lifted From The Toronto Star with a Link (or two or three); An Endless Video; A Commentary on the Video From Alexis; Tantalize Defined; Tantalizing Personal Tidbits in the Future if You Are Lucky; Tantalize and the Proverb Time Will Tell Defined

“Why is the Pope Coming to Canada?”, the Toronto Star headline queried. Guess where he landed? Edmonton OF COURSE! Here comes the article: “The Pope landed in Edmonton Sunday to begin a six-day “penitential voyage,”…

Good News from the UK About Women in Leadership Roles; Iceland Tops Every Country in Gender Equality: Some Discussion of Feminism; Marie Shear’s Famous Quote; You Can Lead a Horse to Water But You Cannot Make Him Drink Explained; Tolerance Defined; Gender Equality Further Discussed; Then Blessedly More Cartoons To Make You Giggle in Delight

It was a a lazy day, writing the blog at the end of the day while looking at the world through the lens of the The Economist and got good news, which is rare when…

Friends, Romans, Countrymen. You are Rescued From Boredom and Seriousness: Serious Defined; Friends, Romans, Countrymen Examined; Two Cartoons From the New Yorker: The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Folktale Examined and Brought to New Life; I am the Child

First of all let us look at seriousness which is, earnestness, graveness, gravity, gravitas, soberness, sobriety, somberness, sternness, grimness, dourness, humorlessness; solemnity, thoughtfulness, preoccupation, pensiveness… Instead you shall have cheerfulness and joviality. There are a…

Temporarily Lost My Mania, My Absolute Obsession For Blogging: Why Did I Lose My Desire to Blog, a Conversation With My Alter Ego; Seek Justice on Blog and to Be Heard;  I Do Love Being Right and I am Right Again; It is the Lawyer in Me: Uber Revealed to Be Absolute Evil For Everyone Except the Greedy; Photograph From An Earlier Time

Faithful readers will have noticed that I lost my obsession for blogging. This was brought to my attention by my Computer Guru upon sending my last epistle, bragging to him that I was no longer…

What a Difference a Week Makes; Canada Day Celebrations Leads to Disillusionment Learning of Two Million Awaiting Visa Determination; Then a Widespread Network Outage: My Personal Experiences with the Outage; Distress and Anger Eventually Leading to a Measure of Relief; Photographs of an Icelandic Mural and a Scottish Church and Graveyard

The beginning words of today’s blog (What a Difference a Week Makes)  is, a play on words – song words What t a Difference a Day Makes  is a romantic melody. The fate of this…