This from a recent text message between SOFTS and myself She had sent me a reel Launch announcement of The Line.
All I can say is WOW and thank you for this. Perhaps I can visit when I am there. We shall see. I remember reading and perhaps writing about it. It was being totally downplayed by the Western Media at the time. I will see if I can find it on my blog.
Just so you understand what I am talking about we shall start with a definition of unfathomable: incapable of being fully explored or understood. To further your understanding here are some synonyms: enigmatic, incalculable, esoteric, abstruse, puzzling, cryptic, mystifying, baffling, deep, profound.
Onward now with the enigmatic, mystifying, rather baffling series of coincidences.
The other morning I was not doing anything in particular, had some time so thought about my dim memory of Neom and this is what happened next.
Me: Why do I not type Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia into the search engine of my blog and see what happens?
Alter Ego: Good Idea! What have you got to loose?
Me: Nothing. It will only take a couple of minutes.
Alter Ego: Go for it Girlfriend!
Me: I did! Lots of entries but the May 17, 2021 was the one I was looking for. .
First of all, in my defense (even before the crime has been committed). I do have to say I was relying upon lying Western media at the time and there were no truth tellers to be found. The Wall Street Journal was definitely considered credible. .
Here is what I said, did think it was the truth, but obviously it was not. My report began by speaking of the shifting sands of the Middle East, then this is where it went. (I am not sure what the protocol is when you quote yourself but am guessing quotation marks might be in order. Hahaha).
“No where is such a dilemma more evident than Saudi Arabia and I have the proof. This most recent news: “RIYADH—If Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman realizes his dream, a $500 billion city-state dubbed Neom will one day rise from the desert, transforming Saudi Arabia by drawing billions of dollars in new investment as the kingdom attempts to reduce its dependence on oil before its crude reserves run dry.So far, however, Neom has been mired in delays and hit by an exodus of employees who are straining under the weight of the prince’s ambitious vision. Engineers have struggled with demands to blow a hole a half-mile long and 30 stories high in the side of a mountain, to house a honeycomb of hotels and residences. Another directive to construct 10 palaces, each bigger than a football field, attracted more than 50 different designs, but left staff wondering whether anyone would purchase homes that could list at up to $400 million each, according to a review of the project’s plans and interviews with those who have been involved in Neom’s development.”
This from the Wall Street Journal: “Former employee Aimee Bothwell, who worked in the division focused on creating a food industry, said employees were drilled to believe in Neom but few risked questioning the project’s culture or feasibility. “When I left, I felt almost as though I was emerging from some sort of cult,” she said.”
We know now that there is no mountain there, there is nothing there. Palaces are not being built, this is a place for ordinary people who will not have to rely on cars, roads or outmoded forms of transportation to travel around. The Saudi oil reserves are not going dry at all. What was somebody doing creating a food industry for a place that has never been constructed?
This certainly did not stand the tests of time, these silly statements. I continued on, in gay abandon (that is an expression which shall be explored at a later time.).
“So the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia has this dream, but is it realizable??? Perhaps, and most probably not! But this is my involvement in all of this, which is quite simply none of my business. (Well, except I want to go to Mecca one day). Implausibly, improbably, far-fetchedly unrealistically preposterously and inconceivably I have a copy of a May 31, 1943 Life magazine in my possession. It informs, with photographs taken at the time, just where Saudi Arabia was before the discovery of oil made the country incredibly rich. The starkest photo is the Main Street of Riad (as it was called then). Here is the caption on the photograph: This is the city market place, and on the lamppost in the background the heads of beheaded criminals are suspended some days as an example, The beheading would take place here too. Photographer Landry got permission from the King to photograph the streets of Road one day at 5:30; was not allowed to get out of the car for fear Wahhabin might assault him. Both the cover of the magazine and this chilling image will be pictured. The story is entitled The King of Arabia” Ibn Saud, A Self Made Monarch, Rules a Nation Just Emerging From the Time of Mohammed. He was a great man and an amazing ruler – one of his sons, his second Feisal perhaps an even greater ruler. Faisel was assassinated, things went bad and look who Saudi Arabia seems stuck with at the moment. There is every indication that the Main Street may return to its 1943 state. I do not recall where I purchased the magazine, found it when unpacking my belongings from their six and a half year hiatus in storage. But the magazine is dated May 31, 1943 which is just two days after the day of my birth. I think it was purchased from an antique store in the California foothills, maybe thirty years ago. More will follow from the lengthly article/ Page 76 is particularly fascinating and it is King Ibn Saud’s Pronouncement on the Palestine Problem. I have not read it yet as the translation is in small print and I cannot find my close up glasses. Stay tuned!”
There are definitely updates to this blog. I did go to Saudi Arabia in December of 2022. I went in pursuit of my Islamic Faith (as it was an Umrah pilgrimage) but I was also in pursuit of my missing magazine. To make a long story short, found the faith but not the magazine. But when there did discover, within two days the extent of the absolute lies of journalists who probably, in their defense, do not even know where Saudi Arabia could be found on a map of the world. That is funny, but not funny at all, when you think of the ruination that this has cost the world – beginning with 9/11which led to the Iraqi War etc etc etc etc. It is played out every day in Palestine. This has GOT to end. Only Allah (SWT) can do this – but it seems the Creator could use some assistance. I am on board (to use a Prophet Noah analogy) with my faithful army of nonbelievers. Well, they are not Muslims – so therefore nonbelievers. SOFTS is not a Muslim, Wikipedia is not Muslim, The New Yorker is certainly not Muslim. I have likened myself to Joan of Arc, but I cannot ride a horse. But there was a real on Instagram showing the trial of an air taxi in Neom. I am very good at riding taxis (and recently limos).
This from my itinerary. It is labelled 3-Day Tabuk Region Archaeological Exploration Tour. It is expensive, but everything is included. This is the Overview. “A 3-day tour in the Tabuk region in Saudi Arabia, a tour that contains many charming attractions, where we will start deep in the city of Tubak and explore its archeological and historical landmarks, followed by a visit to the NEOM the next day and will do a cruise there and the third day we conclude our tour by visiting Woodl-Al-isah Valley. “
Is that not impressive?? What is amazing is that all of these plans are being made in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada with the incredible assistance of Travel Guru. There are real people there, not just computers, not robots. They look you in the eye and even laugh at my jokes. It is time to put the humans back in the travel business. I have total piece of mind. I leave you to pack. My chauffeur is booked, a wheel chair at the ready at the Edmonton airport. An Air Canada jet will whisk me to San Francisco Airport. Qatar Air will take over from there, taking me to Doha Airport, then to Riyadh. Stay tuned!
Stay tuned means to wait or remain alert for further news, information or instructions. So sit tight, hang tight, not forgetting to tune into
The ‘photograph’ was sent by SOFTS, showing the location of THE LINE, it is now the screen saver on my computer. How exciting this all is and as I said to my cousin last night in a lengthly telephone conversation.
Me: Yeah! All of this is happening to me and I was born in Saskatchewan.
She: I know! I was too.
Me: I know and you are older! Hahaha
My cousin and I share a name (Dryburgh), a sense of humour, a birth province but that is about all as we have a very different life style. We promised to return to Scotland with one another again. We went on that memorable journey in 2014. That seems SO long ago.