Very early yesterday morning, even before dawn, I gazed out upon the marvels of Riyadh. My thirteenth floor window provided a sight, markedly different from my usual Edmonton sixteenth floor vantage. Took a photo, climbed back in bed but later edited the photo.posting it along with several photos taken yesterday afternoon on an ‘accidental’ tour of the city. These photos shall also grace the blog so that you can, perhaps, get the same sense of wonder
In the usual and customary fashion words shall be defined.. Marvel is to be filled with a sense of wonder or astonishment. The verb marvel has simply marvelous synonyms: be filled with amazement, be astonished, stand in awe, be full of wonder,, gape, not believe one’s eyes/ears, not know what to say, be dumbfounded;, think highly of, respect, venerate, be flabbergasted.
I do enjoy the word flabbergasted the best but stand in awe, be full of wonder, not believe one’s eyes more accurately convey my intense admiration for this city. It is the city of the future, in so many ways. One portion of my duties, while. Working for the as an attorney for the County of Marin, was to advice the Planning Department. City planning is fundamentally imprtant. I am most happy to report that Edmonton is a very well planned city, easy flowing traffic, many parks, green space valuing, enhancing the North Saskatchewan River valley. Riyadh is very well planned, it is growing but in an organized fashion with public transportation at the ready. Cone cannot say that of all Middle East cities. People would laughingly imitate me describing Dubai.
Me: Dubai is a garbage heap, a garbage heap.
They: Alexis, what makes it so funny is your hand gestures.
Me: But it is not funny, people waste hours in endless traffic jams. The Ruler of Dubai so proud of his space program but did nothing about the horrendous congestion of the streets. Loads of vacant buildings, built with dirty money. There is a planning concept; view corridors. When a new building is contemplated the views of existing properties are taken into consideration. No such thing as that in Dubai. Abu Dhabi had, and has, consideration for its inhabitants and is compared to Dubai, a well planned city, But no other city can equal Riyadh. While in Shanghai visited the Shanghai Planning Museum, drove throughout the city. Shanghai began with something like 5% park land – their massive city plan tore down shanties and low density housing, stacking people in enormous skyscrapers surrounded by parkland. The green space is now approximately 85%. A delightful touch; flowers baskets along freeways.
But enough of good and bad examples: back to Riyadh. One of my followers, a world traveling woman met a couple of years ago in a cafe in the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi, responded to my Instagram post.
She: Looks like traveling to the future.
Me: It was in a way and I think it was, and is. More later.
She hearted the message.
Me: Am going to write about your message on my blog!
She: Seriously! I am flattered.
Me; Thank you. I described where we met and that we have kept in touch through Instagram.
The post also received another response.
He: Welcome to Saudi Arabia
Me: Thank you! I love the city and its people and feel most welcome and cared for. The Saudi people are such fine Muslims!
He: No problem. It is my job to give you a great welcome. I was impressed to meet you in really but not forget a cap for me?
Me: I only brought one with me. Sorry. Hahaha I am keeping it. Hahaha
He: Next time 2 not one
Me: Okay I can afford it. Bought it at the dollar store.
He: It’s up to you. I just need a cap to save by your hand After that I can remember your gift every day. Because when I see your gift I will be happy.
Me: Our conversation is so funny. It is going on the blog. You shall remain animus.
He: I know I am just joking. Don;t be confused.
Me: I am joking too. It is so funny
He: How is your day going.
Me: Fabulous. Tonight an adventure with a Muslim family I met yesterday at the hotel. Mother and her 16 year old son and 13 year old daughter.
He: If you need a car for outside I will send from airport .
Me: No they are from Riyadh and have their own car. But I might need one tomorrow night to see the lights of Riyadh. It is prettier at night I have heard.
He: Don’t worry. Just confirm and I can arrange.
Me: Okay probably around 7:30
He: Which car – your favorite Lexus
Me: Of course. My name is Alexis
He: Confirm the time and I will send a car with good driver.
Me: Make him handsome
He: I am a good driver but I am on duty.
Me: And you are not handsome. (Hahaha)
There is a back story. I arrived in Riyadh after my long trip, going to the car distribution stand to get a car to get me to my hotel. He laughed at my Canada hat and upgraded me to a Lexus. It is so much fun to be 80 – to be able to laugh with people and make your own plans without a husband or a girlfriend. One meets new people, some end up being friends. It is jolly.
I am presently having breakfast at the breakfast buffet at the Riyadh. Incredible food was pictured on Instagram in December. There are extremely wealthy Saudi families having breakfast on nearby tables. . How do I know wealthy? The mothers are sitting with their father, The children at a separate table with their Phillipino Nanny. The fathers stop by the children’s table. This practice seems typical of rich Arab families. Te richer the family, the lesser contact the children have with their mother. Members of Middle East Royalty say it is like being a foster child – the father has many wives, the mothers not available. The Islamic Faith is to be taught to children by their mothers. For that reason, Royalty Arab mothers of moderate means are very involved with their children. I am waving at the little boys, they are laughing. I provided the wait staff with my blog and Instagram address.
The day is somewhat unplanned. I need to purchase a light weight abaya but it is a five minute walk to the mall. It is now 35, with a high predicted of 44. That is, of course, Celsius not Fahrenheit. In Edmonton it is probably 35 with a high of 44 – but that is Fahrenheit and it is summer there. Hahahah
This another Instagram exchange with a 17 year old, a neighbor at my Corte Madera, Marin County, California apartment. She posted a photograph of Palm Springs. I responded to her post.
Me: You are a traveller. But so am I. Hahaha I have been to Palm Springs. Have you been in Riyadh or Edmonton??? Hahaha
She: no not to those places. Yes I love traveling.
Me: You must come to Edmonton when I am not traveling. Hahaha Amazing sunrise in Riyadh at this moment. I am having a huge adventure with a Muslim family this afternoon. Girl is 14, her brother is 17. Will Instagram of course.
She: Sounds cool! I read ur recent blogs seems ur having a better time our of Marin.
Me: Oh yes. My dear. I am SO happy I left there! Best thing I ever did. The only good thing about that place was you. Well, and my huge retirement income from the County of Marin. Hahaha. It funds my travel and Edmonton is so inexpensive. . My apartment is on the top floor with great view 1 bedroom Safe building. Near Legislative building and huge park. Heaven.
She. Hahaha happy for you! Seems like ur life is so much better now.
On that high note I will leave you.