Mike cheekily said of my fame:
He: I don’t think you are famous, I think you are infamous
Me: I will have to look that up – you may be right.
So now I have yet another job. Will this ever end? Well I guess with my death everything will end – cheery thought that.
INFAMOUS: well known for some bad quality or deed: an infamous war criminal.
• wicked; abominable: the medical council disqualified him for infamous misconduct.
Synonyms: notorious, disreputable; legendary, fabled, famed
FAMOUS: known about by many people
Synonyms: well known, prominent, famed, popular; renowned, noted, eminent, distinguished, esteemed, celebrated, respected; of distinction, of repute; illustrious, acclaimed, great, legendary, lionized; having one’s name in lights
There is a great quote attributed to Henry Kissinger, who I didn’t even think was funny:
The main advantage of being famous is that when you bore people at dinner parties they think it’s their fault.
From past experience I do know that looking up definitions on Urban Dictionary is the very best of all. This is the one definition of infamous that won the prize.
Well, I do not particularly want to be Charles Manson, for one thing he is dead. But there is hope within the other definitions offered by people. Here is one: Being well-known for having a negative impact on society, a community, and/or the world. Someone who is infamous is well known but not respected/liked by anyone.
Well I do not particularly want to be Hitler either, he not only is dead but there are a lot of other things wrong with him as well. But still after taking this under consideration I have decided that I would rather be infamous. It is way more fun and:
- I absolutely do know that other people (not me) are the boring ones.
- I am not as bad as Charles Manson
- I am not as bad as Hitler
- That makes me a good apple amongst bad apples.
So with some degree of objectivity I look at the process that brought me to the conclusion that I wish to be infamous. It is pretty creative, one has to admit. But trust me – I did not learn it from taking courses or listening to those who reportedly teach creative writing. I have no desire to be a creative writing instructor and do think they should be banned from the face of the earth based on my own experiences. I realize that this is not going to make me popular but I do not care as I do not have to earn my living from my writing. So there! So there! So there!
I include email comments from a friend who also does not have to make a living from her writing. We are having a conversation about defenestration (of all things). She did misunderstand a comment I made about a woman who survived such an attempt on her life. She: Did you ever meet the woman who fell 32 stories to hear the full story? I couldn’t find any report of the fall – there was one about a woman who fell 23 stories and lived. However, in the search I learned (from Popular Mechanics no less) how to survive a fall from a plane at about 25,000 feet – it helps if you are sandwiched between pieces of debris!
Me: She did not fall – she fought off her assailant – but the answer is no I did not meet her. I do at times get very self protective and know intuitively that the woman and her woe would be bad for me because I am too empathetic and empathetic pain has been recently identified as an emotion. It is in my blog somewhere. So thanks for the report from Popular Mechanics – I am going to SF in a couple of weeks. I will be sure to sit next to garbage. Hahahahaha. No first class from me. Hahahaha.
We touched on other matters.
She: How goes the wedding planning.
Me: As to the wedding – some things pop into mind – like music to be played or seeing the ‘ring bearer’ with his father and being called Auntie Alexis again – but its gone about as far as it can go. It does endlessly amuse folks – people that know JKT and people that don’t. It keeps him at bay – whatever that expression might mean.
So I guess I have something new to look up – the whole concept of keeping people/things at bay. I do lead an interesting life, but what is interesting is that I led a dull life until about four years ago. My life was dull beyond belief. But then I went to London. Do not follow in my footsteps as it is not for the faint of heart.
I must stop this blogging. I have places to go and people to see. My leg hurts and I have an appointment at the Equinox. I guess I will swallow some pain killers and keep my appointment with Hottie. I have two things to do this evening. There is the symphony and a talk by Tom Rachman at VPL. I may have to clone myself. Hahahahaha
The picture is the stars earned at Equinox, in case you doubted my word.