What a Difference A Day Makes; Revealed in Three AlexisMcBride.com Blogs; The Opiate of the People, in History and Present Day; A Wikipedia Analogy: Quotes From a January 21, 2022 and a January 28, 2023 Blog Reveal Massive Differences: Photos of An Unusual Breakfast; The Wearing of Many Saudi Gifts; A Link to a 99 Names of Allah Reel and an Alexis McBride YouTube Entry

Do you remember that song What a Difference A Day Makes? This is how it goes I think:  What a Difference a day makes, twenty-four little hours.  Do have to admit that I looked it up,…

Waking Up in the Lap of Luxury To an Inspired Message: Allah (SWT) Praises Scholars, Those Who Seek Knowledge; This Followed by Instagram Censorship;  Meta Media Giant Revealed to To Be a Censor of Reality;  However, Not All Work and No Play Revealed by Photos; Alexis Driven in a Lexus; Another Incredible Bahrain Sunset

I am at this point living in the lap of luxury. Woke for Fajr prayer, receiving needed inspiration. Next,  hastily opened Instagram to an inspiring message texted by a woman who specializes in inspiring messages…

An Utterly Strange and Unlikely Coincidence; More Than Just One: My Blog Sent to an Edmonton Mosque Instead of to Blog Master; Conversation with Edmontonian Teenager; Definition of Coincidence; Please Recognize Sam the Scottish Boy; Wingman and Walis Suddenly Enter My Existence; Another Sunset

Well, an utterly strange and unlikely coincidence just occurred in my life and in the life of this blog. New readers may not be aware of my writing habits. Therefore I shall inform any and…

Oh My Goodness Gracious Me; My Response to a Reel Brings 507 Likes; Links to Two Instagram Posts; Found Old Emails Showing Positivity; My Serious Blogging is Becoming Tiresome, Bland and Boring; Humor Found on Ice Breakers for Elevator Rides; Determined to Try Some Ice Breakers; Photos of Sunsets, A Covered Me and a Book 

Oh my goodness, gracious me!  Goodness gracious me is an interjection expressing surprise. This is all good!! There was an amazing reel posted speaking of the program of education, the luxury  attending university in Saudi Arabia….

Overthinking, a Sin, I Do It; Quotations From Darker Side of Western Modernity; Overthinking a Special Form of Fear; 6 Tips for Overcoming It; Tragic Example of Mission Accomplished: Title Create the Thing You Wished Existed Extensively Explored: Other Titles Suggested: Prologue or Epilogue: Book Writing Not Usually Fun But Cover of Fun One Shown: Photos from My Day at Ithra; The Evils of Saudi Arabia Uber  

I do overthink. interestingly there is an Arab word for it: altafkir alzaayid ean allaazim. Needless to say it is impossible to pronounce – for me anyway. I know of the concept and do know…