The phrase suddenly came to mind. phrase. If you describe something as going from the sublime to the ridiculous, you mean that it involves something that changes from something important to something silly. Used in a sentence: I am in a playful mood now because we have gone from the sublime to the ridiculous.
This can often describe my life. Here is an example. I am WhatsApping a very busy man. He communicates in emojis. I am unable to include emojis for some reason so this will be a one way communication. I remembered a conversation with he and an older brother, asking them who was their mother’s favorite.
Older Brother: He was!! She took him with her when she traveled all the time. We were left at home.
Me: I do not think that was the reason. He had blue eyes that is why.
I wrote saying how strange that I remembered the conversation. Busy man sent an emoji response.
Me: I guess you are happy and I remembered. I extended my stay here, ordered sahour for Saturday and a pedicure for tomorrow.
He: (sent seven emojis)
Me: Wow Mashallah. You are clapping for me six times and saying I got things right. I am six times proud of you Alexis.
I sent three Avatars.
Me: The Alexis School of Emoji Interpretation. I am studying Islamic Schools of Theology. This could be a spin off??
I am studying Islamic Schools of Theology and it is proving very difficult. More about that later.
Speaking of ridiculous I recall a man of old (real olde, 55 years ago) shaking his head at may antics.
He: Alexis. You do not have a sense of humor. You have a sense of ridiculous.
Do think he might have been right. The origin of the word: mid 16th century: from Latin ridiculosus, from ridiculus ‘laughable’. Some synonyms: absurd, comical, hilarious,, chucklesome, slapstick, sidesplitting. My favorites: chucklesome, slapstick, sidesplitting. The antonym of ridiculous is serious. We shall now go from ridiculous to serious and sublime. From the ridiculous of emoji interpretation to the sublime of the islamic Faith.
The Day of Arafah approaches. Received an email from the Yaqueen Institute sent an email suggesting ways to make the most of the day. This is the link:
Read it over, deciding to utilize more than one way to make the most of the Day of Arafah. I am fasting, with a the a treasured Saudi friend, on his suggestion. We – he, me and thousands (if not millions) of other Muslims.
I shall also take this suggestion:
“Use this blessed day to make a significant personal commitment to enhance your spiritual life. Identify one major change you can implement to better adhere to Islamic teachings and write it down as a contract with Allah. Start your day with Fajr in congregation, and spend the day in sincere supplication and reflection. Ask Allah for guidance and strength to fulfill your new commitments. As you renew your covenant with Allah, let this day mark a turning point in your spiritual journey.”
I shall do this, draw up a contract between Allah (SWT) and Alexis McBride. It shall be private, I do not share my prayers or deepest religious thoughts and commitments with others.
This is the conclusion to the link provided by Yaqueen Institute.
“The Day of Arafah is a gift from Allah, a chance to wipe away past sins, renew our faith, and draw closer to Him. By engaging in continuous du’a and dhikr, reflecting on our covenant with Allah, fasting, understanding the significance of the day, and making personal spiritual commitments, we can truly make the most of this blessed day. May Allah grant us the ability to observe this day with sincerity and devotion, and may He accept our efforts and forgive our shortcomings. Ameen.”.
As mentioned, I am studying Islamic Schools of Theology. Philosophy at the best of times can be confusing. Then, to make matters worse the schools concepts and names are in Arabia. If I ever get things sorted out – you will hear about it. Do not count on it soon. I am undertaking this study in an attempt to gain knowledge to explain why (and how) the Faith is practiced so differently in the everyday life of Saudi Arabian Muslims and Malaysian Muslims. I have reached some preliminary conclusions but further study is necessary. It requires extensive concentration and innovative thinking.
Meanwhile back at Lexis Suites.
Yesterday made the commitment to stay two more weeks.
WhatsApping folks telling them. Positive responses. This from my Malaysian Sister.
She: Wow Alhamduillah. I am happy you extended your stay. (With dancing bear emoji)
Me: Me too! Them too! Everybody is happy!
One of the many reasons I am extending my stay is the availability of the big pool (as everyone calls it). The second of my self-styled water aerobics was arduously completed and filmed. . My cinema photographer was there to film the proceedings. The video will make an appearance on Youtube. However Computer Guru Chris has been sick and not able to post them as yet. So a slight delay.
The next day found that, In my typical fashion I overdid it, and established trait. If something is worth doing, it is worth overdoing. t. I was totally exhausted the next day, suddenly remembering that active aerobics should is not an every day event, particularly for old ladies. Every second day shall be the routine.
There are many reasons why I am making Lexis Suites my home. I was relaxing pool side after exercise. The Head of Security approached for some reason and we began a conversation. He told me of the security measures in place here at the hotel They are impressive, not noticeable but extremely thorough and effective. It provided such peach of mind and a sense of security. An attempt was made on my life while living in San Francisco in August of 2019. I was living in an apartment in Hayes Valley at the time. Needless to say the security in that building was not adequate. One never fully recovers from such an experience. The security at another hotel, the Bahrain Rex Carlton is evident and extensive. I felt extremely safe there. Other hotels I have stayed in, not so. However, las time I checked I am still alive.
The sunsets, coupled with the view, are nothing short of spectacular. I am facing the wrong direction to view sunrises. The other morning I was surprised with gift of inestimable worth.
I almost always wake up ‘out of sorts’ If you are out of sorts you are in low spirits, depressed. I am not my usual self. The concept was used in this Internet entry. . And I’ll have a huge pang of regret and I’ll be out of sorts for a few days and my friends will wonder what’s up. Isabel Wolff Rescuing Rose (2002). It is not surprising, I wake up all alone, after experiencing multiple betrayals and losses over the years. The other morning waled out on my balcony in a most desultory state of mind. I could not believe my eyes, what was before me. It is almost impossible to describe. There were huge cumulous clouds, infused with light. Never have I seen anything like it, not in the three weeks I have been here and never before. I was in awe, my mood changed from regret and hopelessness to optimism and hope. I immediately was my usual self. A photograph could never capture the glory., did not even try.
Dateline: Friday, June 14, 2024 High Noon Lexis Suites.
A great deal has been accomplished on this fine day. Waking for Fajr prayer, then staying awake is the secret of my success. Every day a list of intentions, religiously crossed off when completed. One item !) Make list. This can be immediately crossed off and I am off to a great start. A WhatsApp reel and two emoji greeted me. I could incorporate the reel but it was slightly, shall we say, off color. Therefore I shall not. It was funny as well as the two accompanying emoji. After Fajr prayer wrote for about two hours. Then It was off to the breakfast buffet. Arrived at Lex Spa promptly for my ten o’clock appointment. A young Malay woman did a magnificent job, as you shall see. I congratulated her on her chose of career telling her of Khrome Nail Academy in Edmonton. Their mission is to train young woman so they would not have to rely on entry level jobs, be maids or housecleaners. With that skill women can become independent, be their own boss, make their own hours. A couple of months ago was thinking it would be an excellent resource for Nigerian women who work as maids for subsistence wages. Now it is No Nigeria for me. This young woman is doing very well for herself. Lex Spa is beautifully furnished, she has the best of colleagues, does not have to worry about billing. Ideal!!
I found an Instagram reel taken during my Edmonton days. Perhaps I can link it for you. Shall include a photograph of my toes. Requested and received black polish with glitter. This will match my bathing suits. Color coordination is the name of my game and has been since I was a child. I have no definite plans for the day. Definitely it will be early to bed, early to rise. My sahour (breakfast) will arrive at 4:30 am. Eat and then begin the day long fast ending on or about 19:45. (Military time).
I was in the lobby of Lexis Suites, watching workmen clean the chandeliers when a song came to mind. As you will see the memory bank is working overtime. This had to be from my Protestant Christian Sunday School Days. Here are the words, I will not sing, I promise.
Yes Jesus loves me, yes Jesus loves me.
Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.
Same song but with different words these days.
Yes Allah loves me, yes Allah loves me.
Yes Allah loves me, the Quran tells me so.
Of course, it is proper to write and say Allah (SWT). I stand corrected, all you critical souls
Photographs of toes, my Quran and perhaps a photo from my Edmonton Khrome Nail days.