This is an extremely significant day, this Day of Arafah.
The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the Day of Arafah; since it is on this day, the pilgrims gather at the mountain plain of Arafah, praying and supplicating to their Lord. Also, Arafah was the day on which Allah (SWT) perfected His religion, completed His favours upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and approved Islam as a way of life.It is a recommended Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) for those who are not pilgrims to fast on this day since the Prophet (PBUH) was asked about fasting on the day of Arafah, so he said:”It expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year.” (Muslim).
Prepared for this day by requesting the delivery of a very early morning breakfast, avoided social media by a WhatsApp message saying:
Me: Just to let you know that I will not be WhatsApping during my fast. I have the blessing of being alone with Allah (SWT).
It was most disheartening to receive twelves messages from one person. I did not respond.
Followed a suggestion – making a contract with Allah (SWT). At this point in time I have five hours and twenty-one minutes left until sunset. More than halfway there. I do laugh at myself. A DO NOT DISTURB sign placed on the door of my Lexis Suites. I am finding my solitude inspiring.
I followed a suggestion, made a contract with Allah (SWT). The Quran provided inspiration in an interesting way. This was the eighth contract term.
As I write this contract I am aware that all of this is to make me a better servant of Allah. The first step is to be aware of the qualities, and not be what others want me to be, for example sweet.
I first looked to a prior blog for the answer, as I knew inspiration had been found. Here it is . This an Instagram post from Dr. Raniawaad (dr.raniaawaad)“Some souls are just so beloved by Allah that you can feel it when you meet them. It’s like an unexplainable ease, comfort, and love that surrounds them. Perhaps it’s because the angels themselves witness God’s love for them. And so, it’s no wonder that even here on earth, we can’t help but love them too. May Allah grant us the opportunity to experience such divine love and connection, especially during the blessed last 10 nights of Ramadan. Ameen.” I see that is my goal, my dream, and my ambition: to be a should so beloved by Allah (SWT). I have expressed that before. But how do I get there?
Today a found an answer accidentally, actually, as I prepared for prayer. It was in a section found in the back of f my Quran What They Said About the Prophet Muhammad.
“I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and bit the sword carried everything before them and surrounded every obstacle. Mahatma Gandhi. Young India, 1924.
I am loath to admit that I do not know the meaning of intrepidity. It means the fact or quality of being resolutely fearless or dauntless; bold, courage, strength of mind to carry on, stamina, tenacity, perseverance. Used in a sentence: “Her indomitable fighting spirit, intrepidity, and devotion to duty against overwhelming odds were an inspiration to those under her command.”
I now have a list of qualities to live up to, gives me a sense of direction. Do admit that I have misgivings about the ‘intense devotion to his friends” I a firm believer is the following maxim: Togetherness is not what it is cracked up to be.’ This means that it is is not as good as other people have said it is. Used in a sentence: Being famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Tell me about that!! It is not! It is, to say the very least, disheartening. Disheartening is causing someone to lose determination or confidence; discouraging or dispiriting. Synonyms: dispirited, dejected, crestfallen and downhearted. Or knock the stuffing out of or knock sideways, put a damper on, make someone fed up.The antonym: Encourage. Now you see what I mean.
Many, if not most, would say that I am a ‘people person’ – when they see extroverted self. That may be true sometimes, but not all of the time.
I need, and love, solitude, need and love writing. Solitude is necessary for that endeavor. Photography is another passion – that too requires space and solitude. Clouds of this morning were an inspiration. If I had a husband, or a roommate, I would be with them and not gazing enraptured at the early morning clouds. Snapped several views, then spent time editing them, using different filters. You shall see the fruits of my labor at the conclusion of the blog.
Last evening was an extreme example of extroverted behavior and I have the slippers to show for it. Dutifully kept my pledge, went to the Big Pool with my iPhone and iPods to exercise. It was so much fun! The Malaysian families were beginning to arrive for their weekend, spoke to many, waving at staff members and people I had met. Was introduced to a young Saudi man who lived in Taif – amazing as I had stayed in Taif. I was the poster child for sociability. I had worn Lexis Suites slippers which flew in the wind landing in the pool. Decided to go to Lex Spa on the same level and get a pair. Amy, always so helpful, said they only had ones for use in the spa but would call Housekeeping and get them to send down a pair. Two pair quickly arrived. Went to my suite to find staff with two more pair. After about ten minutes another staff member arrived with two more pair. I have piles of Lexis slippers. In my solitude I will take a photo so you can see for yourself. I did not get all of that attention, care, concern and generosity NOT by being shy, retiring and solitary.
When Allah gives your a gift you are to use it. I have been given two gifts that are diametrically opposed. The gift of bringing happiness and joy which requires me to be around people. The other gift is my curiosity, my thirst for knowledge, my ability to write, and the blog. This gift requires solitude. I am able to juggle these two by not having a family, people who need my consistent, continual support and attention.
Although I am most popular and well loved in this dunya – this is not my ambition. It is to experience divine love and connection.
The Next Day
A series of amusing events took place, many with photographs to illustrate the rather unbelievable events. Asr prayer completed, it became the opportunity to prepare for sunset. Went to Roselle Restaurant with a request for dates in order to break the fast. None could be found, given s substitute. I broke my Day of Ararfah fast with raisins – sultan raisins from, of all places, California. It was totally laughable. In English reciting the Arabic words, then eating little tiny California raisins. It could only happen to me!
After the raisin acquisition completed, decided to go for a walk on the beach, I cautiously placing a brace, purchased from a local pharmacy on my left knee. At the adjacent beach. I turned left instead of right as I had before. It was a different vibe First, an open air Chinese restaurant not frequented by Muslims as pork is served. Then there were two rather frightening dogs. I forgot about dogs. I have dog phobia, therefore found Saudi Arabia a vast relief as there are no dogs. I am positive it is not completely dog free but I did not encounter any during my residency. Thankfully the dogs left me alone. Barely recovering from the initial shock, looked up to find two of the strangest animals walking toward me. A combination of a dog and a cat it seemed. Frightening, but some good news. The white animal has blue eyes, so I guess we had many things in common. Snapped a photo but got away fast. Then to my room for sunset, breaking the fast with raisins It was a Father’s Day buffet, rather disappointing. Then a bath in my enormous bathtub – soon to be pictured without me in it. Then to bed.
Photographs of Lex slippers, before and after, Housekeeping, lined them up neatly. Living in a hotel is such a luxury. The raisin box is also shown. .
Pleased with myself as I attempted all day to be pleasing to Allah (SWT)