I travelled to Penang approximately a month ago. Came to visit my Muslim Malaysian Sister whom I met in Medina on July 22, 2023. It was an aborted trip. I was delayed in Bahrain due to the unnecessary credit card protections and Quasar Air – but eventually arrived. This time I made a reservation for four days, used Booking. Com in a hotel with an interesting name Lexis Suites. Just for four days, thought I, then elsewhere.
I arrived and got, not the best room in the house, instead, best suite in the hotel. It is huge, must do a walk through and put it on YouTube at one point. It was so spectacular, the view absolutely incredible. After about the second day I went to ask if I could get a long term rate. Got one, almost immediately, this so rare and so fare. Some hotels, like the Hilton Garden Inn in Kohbar I could never get one. (Thank goodness in retrospect) This immediate and affordable due to the exchange rate. I felt blessed, at the time could not really understand my tremendous good fortune. But why worry when things are going so well, so perfectly actually? .
Decided to put on my thinking cap, which means to begin thinking about a problem or a situation.The first step was this. Had I ever encountered this before? Yes I had! On December 23, 2023 checked into the Bahrain Rex Carlton under my own name. was met by the Front Desk Manager, immediately given an upgrade, a scenic view to top all scenic views, with a absolutely huge Christmas tree. The Front Desk Manager, a totally funny man, told me that he was reading my blog – I almost fainted. Some time later, speaking to someone in the know, was told that in a Five Star hotel googling incoming guests is a common practice. Hmmmmm. Good Gracious! Eureka! Wikipedia tells us about Eureka
Eureka” comes from the Ancient Greek word εὕρηκα heúrēka, meaning “I have found (it) It is closely related to heuristic, which refers to experience-based techniques for problem-solving, learning, and discovery……The expression is also the state motto of California, referring to the momentous discovery of gold near Sutter’s Mill in 1848. The California State Seal has included the word Eureka since its original design by Robert S. Garnett in 1850.
Enough of that! Lexis Suites is a five star hotel. Management could have, probably I’d think that if I liked the place I would write about. They were right, I love it. Write about it here, post on Instagram both reels and photos. If a hotel later proves problematic I let readers know. The Kohbar Hilton Garden Inn proved most problematic. Fortunately, although told I could not, I was able to cancel my month long May reservation. Yeah!! Look at the fantastic birthday celebration I had here. Monumental. Fabulous hot rock massage in the Lex Spa, manicure, head massage AND then staff and the elephant coming with balloons, cake, good wishes. That would NEVER be possible at the Kohbar Hilton. No Lex Spa but that only the beginning of the end. Some of the Kohbar Hilton staff are the most wonderful people – write to say they miss me. But upper management, the GM Tony , his underling, and the Saudi owner with his chi chi bar I shall say, most unsatisfactory. The blog of then discusses the situation in gory detail. .
Wisely left there on April 28, going back to the Bahrain Rex Carlton. There I was upgraded to a huge suite which became a funny video on Instagram. It was entitled Complaining about the Bahrain Rex Carlton. I was complaining that the suite was too large, giving everyone a tour. But it was too expensive, particularly with the Bahrain astronomical dollar so to Malaysia I did go. Exchange rate marvelous for my American dollar. This Lexis Suite with the pool and steam room on the deck makes the Bahrain Rex Carlton upgraded suite look tiny.
I cannot say enough about this Lexis Suites. I rush about with my A stickers placing them on shirts, signs, windows and lapels. All the staff want A stickers. This morning woke up for Fajr prayer, wrote for hours and then got dressed for breakfast. Amazing Amy of Lex Spa did an Instagram Reel Illustrating the delicate art of tying a Malaysian scarf. It is complicated. So complicated. I played the video about a hundred times, following along finally achieving a modicum of success. Displayed my artistry to any and all who were unfortunate enough to be I near me in the hotel. This morning I decided I would try again and do better. I did, you shall see!!! Scarf gorgeously tied went down for breakfast. The crowds are thinning but they had already served 286 breakfasts, not counting kids meals. (Six and under kids are free, not counted). This breakfast buffet has the foods from all lands, all cuisines. Delicious Malaysian food of course, eggs and omelets cooked to order, but also Japanese, Chinese, Indian, British full breakfast, croissants, danish delights, make your own Caesar salad with all of necessary ingredients. Then desert and ice cream. I am not sure how many chefs Lexis Suites employs – will have to ask the Executive Chef. We often chat, he receiving compliments. .
Me: Your chefs are amazing! To be able to prepare the cuisine of every nation so deliciously and for so many. I am knowledgeable about food, once thought my next career would be as a chef when I retired. But decided it would be too difficult at the age of 61 so became a writer instead.
We are planning a benefit – I will serve the Caesar Salad at the guest’s table. He is familiar with the practice from his employment at a St. Regis Hotel. He will be in charge of the steaks. I am thinking of cheesecake for dessert. We will have to look for recipes. I have the most fantastic Caesar salad dressing recipe. Not sure what the benefit will be for. Would it not be fantastic if it were to celebrate the end of the genocide in Gaza. If so I have a unique contribution to make – my departed friend Judy’s Matzo ball soup. The recipe is on my blog. Inshallah may it happen soon.
Another one of this hotel’s star attractions is the (as I call it) Big Pool. Every room has a little pool on its deck, it Is there most families congregate, so the big pool is not a star attraction. Therefore I am able to exercise with the greatest of ease with iPods in place, my Apple Music privately blaring a playlist: A Day in San Francisco. Recalling the moves of prior water aerobic classes I march, dance, do jumping jacks, push ups by the side of the pool – ending in stretches. Elephant Man, my esteemed cinematographer has made a couple of reels, more may follow. Perhaps we could pair one or two with the music. Lexis Suites could offer an attraction: Play with Alexis in Alexis Suites, Penang.
Do admit that I have an ambition – to officially rename this Alexis Suites. This is the plan. I start a rumor.
Me: Did you hear? They are going to name this place Alexis Suites.
They: Really, no I have not heard it yet. Then we would be special – other hotels are just Lexis Suites.
Me: Yes, it is an excellent idea.
Then people would approach Ian, the General Manager saying:
They: When are you going to rename the hotel Alexis Suites. Everyone says that is going to happen?
He: I know nothing about that.
They: Well I guess you are not privy to the good news.
He: Perhaps not.
They: When are you planning to speak to the Owner about this. Of course, you are the best person to make the request.
He: I will do so immediately
They: The A means that we are the very best of the Lexis Suites.
He: Yes!!! Of course and we are.
I suddenly recall something about an air strip built in Africa. Something like built it and they will come, or maybe it was about a baseball team. I will now search Google. My goodness I was right, sort of.
“This famous misquote of a line from the 1989 movie “Field of Dreams” is deeply embedded into our common language. “If you build it, he will come,” is the line heard by Kevin Costner’s Ray Kinsella, who followed the voice in his head to build a baseball diamond in his Iowa cornfield.”
The idea taken from the Hebrew Bible: Exodus 25: 8 , God speaks to Moses; “Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.”
I shall now turn serious on you, enough of this frivolity.
This morning, during Fajr prayer randomly this page was opened: Quran 5:12-13God made a covenant with the Children of Israel and raised among them twelve leaders. God said, “Surely I am with you. If you attend to your prayers and pay the alms and believe in My messengers and support them, and give a generous loan to God, I will certainly forgive your sins and admit you into the Gardens through which rivers flow. Whoever among you denies the after this shall go astray from the Straight path. Since they broke their solemn pledge, We laid on them Our curse and hardened their hearts. They distorted the meaning of the divine words taking them out of their context, and forgot what of much they enjoined. You will constantly discover treachery on their part, except for a few of them. But pardon them, and bear with them, and bear with them truly, God loves the doers of good.
Do admit to be utterly amazed to find this. Never in the midst of all of massive media, both social and traditional, have I ever seen this message from Allah (SWT) mentioned. It is instructive. Look at the Holocaust, which was preceded by pograms. Wikipedia informs us of the history of antisemitism in Russia.
“Before the 18th century, Russia maintained an exclusionary policy towards Jews, in accordance with the anti-Jewish precepts of the Russian Orthodox Church.[1] When asked about admitting Jews into the Empire, Peter the Great stated “I prefer to see in our midst nations professing Mohammedanism and paganism rather than Jews. They are rogues and cheats. It is my endeavor to eradicate evil, not to multiply it”
We see, when we look to history, that Muslims and pagans were preferred by Peter the Great. It does put matters into perspective, making one think of modern days and the distortions found in Western media.
Other tidbits of history are to be found.
“In 1772, Catherine II forced the Jews of the Pale of Settlement to stay in their shtetls and forbade them from returning to the towns that they occupied before the partition of Poland.[4] The Pale of Settlement was officialized in 1791 with the purpose of ridding Moscow of Jews.”
The long history of antisemitism in Russia is horrendous. Indeed the Quran speaks the truth: it “We laid on them Our curse and hardened their hearts.” Innocent Jews suffered because of their ancestors actions and those of villainous leaders such as Netanyahu.
I commend Wikipedia’s Antisemitism in the Russian Empire to you. From reading it is its entirety I did find a measure of hope reading of Jan Gotlib Bloch (1836-1901). He was a Jew, an example of “except for a few of them”. He used truth and reason.,to make a difference. I will read more about him – it shall be heartening rather than disheartening.
Heartening is a great word, meaning make more cheerful or confident. Leaving you hearted I shall share some synonyms: cheer up, raise someone’s spirits, boost, buoy up, perk up, ginger up; , revitalize, energize, animate, , exhilarate, uplift, elate; buck up, pep up, give a shot in the arm to.
Photos show the placing of A stickers and one on a Duty Manager sign alongside a gift from Amy, a jar of delicious Malaysian snacks. I am developing mastery of Malaysian scarf tying from the Amy Instagram post. The pink my first attempt, the white my second.
Here at Lexis Suites,I am putting an effort and believing in the success of the Alexis Suites Project. It is therefore more likely to succeed. My Medina projects will require even greater efforts and belief. I am ready, able and definitely willing.