A quandary, a noun, is a state of perplexity or uncertainty, especially as to what to do; dilemma. I was in a dilemma, trying to decide what to write about, where to in a sense go, what my next ‘blog destination’ might be. Being in a quandary is not an easy place to be as you can see because it can also be described as: difficulty impasse plight predicament uncertainty.
Sent my faithful blog master an email, subject line I guess the blog did not reach you before you left for work.
Me: For work? Thought it had. Pretty dismal the last one and the next one is going to be too. My numbers are going to dip. Maybe interesting to do countries again to see where we are at. Thanks.
He: Correct, never fear, you are posted now .Top countries as follows.. Malaysia is up into the top 4, unsurprisingly, I do wonder why you have so many from the Netherlands!? Have a lovely weekend. Thanks.
Me: I shall have a lovely weekend armed with your statistics. Woke to find the blog, read it with delight and now the statistics. All I can say is hmmmm.we never analyzed these things. Best we do not now. If it ain’t broke do not fix it.
The statistics will be provided as a photo at the conclusion of the blog. My Malaysia rising to fourth place was not surprising, despite the fact that I have been here for only three weeks. The Netherlands is confusing, but as I recall they were always prominent. No idea why. I visited their fair land, ages ago though. I am going to attempt some analysis of this factual data, despite the intentions expressed to my Computer Guru. This will be for the sole purpose of finding my way out of my predicament and uncertainty.
First of all, some background information. While living in Saudi Arabia it was the number one country. I typed statistics into the search engine of the blog – discovering it had been ‘mentioned’ 163 times. After today it will be mentioned 164 times – my math skills are being effectively utilized.
This found in my March 17, 2024 blog.
‘Perhaps it is symbolic word of, what I consider my success, be received at the Dhahran Mall. Periodically I ask Computer Guru to check what is going on in the wide world of my statistics. It is possible to know where my readers are, their countries. The USA has always surpassed all other countries. Canada edged out others during late 2022, early 2023. My Saudi Arabia readers (once only 4) began to grow, first edging out Canada.I had sent him an email asking for a statistical update. I was at the Mall of Dhahran when I opened this email.
He: I grabbed these yesterday. Hope Ramadan finds you well. Cheers.
The statistics revealed the country where most of my readers reside is Saudi Arabia. I was absolutely ecstatic. I realized my goal! I truly have arrived! Ran about telling all my mall acquaintances of my success. Practically dancing with joy, happy birthday balloons bobbing up and down.
Later sent nine people an email. Subject line: Look at this statistics!! My goal achieved. More Saudi readers than the USA and Canada.
Me: That has been my goal since I got here. Need I remind you that KSA’s official language is not English. It is Arabic to those who do not know. Alhamduillah”
This June 8th day, two and a half months later, everything has radically changed. Saudi Arabia is now in sixth place in a tie with Bahrain. The following countries have beat it out: 1. United States 2. Canada 3. Netherlands. 4. Malaysia 5. United Kingdom.
Bye, Bye Saudi Arabia!! This is not a complicated statistical analysis. However I gave you the best six months of my life and you do not even stick around, you are not there for me – so very soon. Huh??? Thought I was there to listen learn and report. Report to whom? You are not even listening!! Saudi Arabia I learned is full to overflowing with arrogance, greed, no sense of history, stereotypical gender roles, megalomania. KSA faces an enormous problem, revealed by a Bahraini driver.
He: Five years ago they went from having no freedom to having absolute freedom. The young have no idea how to handle their freedom. I see it every day living in Bahrain, a short ride over the causeway. They come on weekends to drive, party, carouse. Both men and women.
Me: Thank you for this knowledge. Of course, that makes sense. Throw off the shackles, animals and people run madly about with no sense of direction or purpose, That is what is happening now in Saudi Arabia. Flashing its wealth, trying to attract more and more with no end goal in mind. I wonder how ‘Vision 2030’ will find them. Already going downhill not uphill.
They rely on expats to be their work force. The government Is already trying to reduce their reliance because Saudi Arabia needs the jobs for its swelling ranks of people needing employment. Seventy percent of its people are younger than thirty-five. But they have no idea how to do it. It is the too much freedom again. Companies must hire two Saudis for every twenty workers. However, the Saudis are put in positions of power to which they are not trained. The expats are still doing all the work – this is at every level – even engineers. Haughty Saudis are NOT going to be the best housekeeping staff, the best waters and waitresses, the best anything. Without religious restraints they will descend to immorality.
He: I see you have thought about this.
Me: Yes, as a lone outsider I have spent months observing. But your first hand knowledge has helped me see the bigger picture. Bahrain has become the cesspool of Saudi Arabia. How clever I made it up.
He: You are an inspiration.
Me: You are too!!! I will talk to the world about it on my blog. But I first have to reach safety first. Like Malaysia perhaps later Nigeria.
He: Amazing.
This May 1, 2024 conversation continued.
Having reached safety. I am talking about it. But no one is listening. Look at my Saudi numbers, probably decreasing by each passing moment. It gives me peace mind, speaking out about the Saudi Situation. I have clearly communicated, all that is expected of me. I may speak of the desecration of the Holy Sites. Still and all, will that make any difference, will that have any impact? I may speak of it in observance of the Islamic Faith, not expecting any change to come about because of my words. I shall see Inshallah.
Now it is Goodbye Saudi Arabia, at least for the time being. The larger question remains. Why are the folks in the United States and Canada still reading me? I am not speaking of the goings on in their countries, not amusing them with New Yorker cartoons and Andy Borowitz humour. I am sure that attracted readers in the beginning days of this blog. Perhaps hoping to read that I have tripped, stumbled and fell, Goodness gracious, it is a Mamas and a Papas song.
Trip Stumble and Fall
You’re gonna trip, stumble, and fall.
And though I know you’re having a ball,
You’d better listen my friend
(Oh listen my friend, yeah…)
This is the end
(This could be the end…)
Someone’s gonna make you crawl.
(Someone’s gonna make you crawl)
You’re gonna stumble and fall.
You’ve no respect (no respect)
You see it, you grab it (you see it, you grab it)
You’ve got yourself (you’ve got yourself…)
A very bad habit (a habit, yeah)
You know you’re on soft ground.
(Oh, you’re on soft ground)
You’d better look around
(Yeah, you better look around)
One wrong step and that’s all.
(One wrong step and that’s all)
You’re gonna stumble and fall.
Some little bird is gonna put her eye on you, yeah.
And when she does you know you’re gonna be blue
You’re gonna be….(yeah, yeah, yeah)
Then you’re gonna trip (trip), stumble, and fall.
(Trip, stumble, and fall…)
And when you land (and when you land…)
It’s no fun at all (it’s no fun at all)
You’d better listen, my friend.
(Oh, listen my…won’t you listen my…)
Yeah, this is the end.
(This could be the…)
Someone’s gonna make you crawl.
(Someone’s gonna make you crawl)
You’re gonna stumble and fall
You’ve never been burned,
But everybody’s somebody’s fool (yeah)
And when it’s your turn to burn,
You’ll know that it’s cruel.
You’re gonna be a…(yeah, yeah, yeah)
You’re gonna trip (trip), stumble, and fall.
(Trip stumble and fall…)
And when you land (and when you land…)
It’s no fun at all (it’s no fun at all)
Looking at the lyrics I can actually see that it could be a message to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
But again, enough of them. If you, KSA, can ignore me, I can ignore you. Hahaha. Gentle readers, go to YouTube and listen to them sing. It is most energizing.
Enough of this. Back to everyday life at Lexis Suites. My Malaysian Sister had a brilliant idea, telling me to amass everything I could find that said my name, put it on my birthday bed. I did! Took a photo and put it on Instagram, where 108 accounts were reached and I got 4 Likes and no comments. Goodness knows how many people will see this – I will not get any likes or comments on the blog. The caption read: I absolutely love my name. It is everywhere. I am blessed. I wrote about the origins on my blog somewhere. I need to find it.
The music, on Instagram is Happy Life. By the way, I am Alexis Dryburgh on Instagram, Dryburgh is my birth name. Scottish in origin, as am I. Hahaha
There is also a photograph sent to my Malaysian Sister (and others) showing my head gear of the day.
Me: The Oman hat was a gift from a man from Oman. A beautiful story about the hat. I will tell it on the blog.
It was during my Abu Dhabi days. I lived at the Abu Dhabi Premier Inn, nothing at all like Lexis Suites. No view, no breakfast buffet, people coming and going on airplanes conveniently located across the street. A tiny room etc etc. Saw a man at reception dressed in a white dress (as I call them now) and an Oman hat. He was exhausted, on his way back to Oman from having major surgery. He needed to rest but there were no rooms.
Me: He can sleep in my room. I am awake and up.
He/The Hotel Staff: That is so kind of you.
So he did. We talked briefly before he went to sleep. He woke up, caught his plane to Oman, refreshed. The man from Oman gave me his Oman hat and a bottle of perfume purchased for one of his two wives. I had his email address, tried to reach him later but he did not respond. He had brain tumor surgery. I fear he may be dead. I would wear the hat in Saudi Arabia on rare occasions.
They: That’s a man’s hat. You cannot wear that!!!
Me: Where in the Quran does it say that?
I wore it to breakfast this morning. A room crowded with Malaysian families here for the weekend. Not one person told me that I shouldn’t be wearing the hat. Alhamduillah. I am blessed to be in Malaysia at Lexis Suites.
This morning I bid a fond farewell to my new Singapore Muslim Sister, making plans to keep in touch and Inshallah to see one another again. Her former sister-in-law took our picture. I would only put it on the blog with her permission.
Also the photograph of yesterday’s head gear, sent to my Malaysian Muslim Sister with this message.
Me: Me this morning. I look like a nun. The scarf is a gift from a Saudi man. It is a Saudi men’s scarf – same pattern as the red, but white and made of the finest cloth. Could not wear it there but can here!!!
She: Alhamdulillah.
Then a celebratory sticker sent by my Malaysian Sister. Congratulations on your Malaysian number. Well, it did not work out very well at all. More about that later. Not everything can be perfect. Not even Malaysia. Hahahaha
And look at those statistics!!!!!