Valentine’s Day 2012; My Best Ever I Do Believe; A Little Bit of Impeachment Goes A Long Way, Limited To Andy for Today; Wonderful Emails Awakened Me on This Valentine’s Morn; All Are Copied In Whole or In Part; The Lyrics of You Are My Special Angel and a Secret Told; My Maternal Grandfather is James Duncan Pirie (a Scot); Photographs of Brute Which Reveal His Underlying Illness

Oh my goodness gracious me, Andy did it again! Took something totally tragic and turned it into something totally funny and uplifting Here we go! THE AFTERLIFE (The Borowitz Report)—The late James Madison, widely credited…

The Paralyzing Effect of Not Blogging On a Daily Basis; An Analysis of My Recent Shutdown; A a Difficult Blog For Me As A Horrific Event But Then Rescued By a Loving Community and Central Marin Police Department; I Am So Blessed; Photographs of the Horrible Man That Attacked Me, His Parrot and Where He Lives, 1 Mohawk in Corte Madera, 94925, A Most Tacky House But Expensive Car on Driveway; Do Not Mess With Me; Great Adoration Felt Toward the Men in Blue; The Redemptive Aspect of The Experience: It Could Only Happen to You. Personage and Disarray Defined; Picture of the Brute, His Bird and His Tacky Home

As faithful readers may know I blog every day, well almost every day. When, for some reason, I do not the day is filled with a sense of incompleteness, of mild disarray, with listlessness. What…

The Return of the Kitchen Aid and Soon Ikebana Containers; Back to Ikebana; Brilliance from The New Yorker About the Stupidity of the Impeachment Trial; The Mundanes’s of Clothes Moths Surprisingly Shared by Computer Guru; Photographs of Artful Arrangements and a Utilitarian Sculpture; Snazzy Defined

Upon leaving for London in 2014 several people were ‘temporarily gifted’ with possessions which were to be retrieved upon my return – envisioned to be in a couple of years after graduation from Uni and…

An Hilariously Funny Computer Guru: No Trip to Qatar After All; Boo Hoo; Not Only Alexis (aka Ayla) is Devastated; The Emir of Qatar Succeeds In Laying the Groundwork for Peace in the Middle East; Clothes Shopping Under Strange and Unusual Circumstances; Photographs of Handsome Items of Men’s Clothing

Sent the photograph of the alleged Ray to Computer Guru, with the subject line: Handsome, eh? He emailed back. He: Magnificent! Great beard!! Xx Me: You are making me laugh!! You are feeling beard deprived…

Cannot Help Myself, Andy is Back, But at the End; There Is Too Much Going On In My Life; Both Good and Bad; A Summary May Have to Be Provided for Some But Giving You Hope for Future More Complete Coverage; A Dreadful Marin Woman Who Labelled Me Racist; Clarifying My Minority Group Status; Instagram Man Found to be Scammer Again; Photo of Me in Dental Chair with No Nitrous Oxide

There is so much going on my life that it is impossible to report – impossible. There is getting to be such a backlog. I simply must blog every day and have not been. But…

So Much Has Happened in My Life in the Past 24 Hours; I Do Have To Retreat and Recoup; I Have Been Reduced to Ashes But Emerged as the Phoenix; Excuse Me, Tears of Joy Not Sorrow; A Photograph of a Birthday Cake Made for a Wonderful Little Girl Who Lives Very Nearby; No More Nicknames to Those Who Have Harmed Me; I am Blessed; All Praise to Allah

I am saying no more, for once. Sort of speechless, who would have ever thought something like that would every happen to me, of all people? Yesterday was one of the worst days of my…

My Mantra; The 23rd Psalm; Evil Entries Found in The Companion Dictionary of Quotations; Evil Tiptoed Into My Life But Is Rescued By the Faith; Wise Man Opines That the Faith Protects Me; Subjugation, Envisioned and Mantra Defined; Photograph of Delhi Llama and As Yet Unnamed Unicorn

First of all, do let us define mantra. Apparently there is no generally accepted definition of mantra. Renou has defined mantra as a thought.[ Mantras are structured formulae of thoughts, claims Silburn.[Farquhar concludes that mantras…