Where To Now? Citizenship in Other Countries Explored; Three Very Different Venues Being Considered; Scotland Addressing Islamophobia, Recognizing It and Looking at Solutions, Unlike Canada; Instagram Reel Made, Already Receiving Great Responses; New Manager Appears Affable; Affable Defined; Photo in Black with Blue Headdress and Glasses

As I write it is July 1, 2021, Canada Day. As promised I am dressed in black and will later do a Reel on Instagram speaking of mourning, not only for the dead Aboriginal children…

Hunkering Down Defined and Illustrated; Idiom Explained: X-rays Reveal Massive Damage to Left Knee Requiring Surgery; An Example of the Early Bird Getting the Worm; Timing Is Everything; Quell Defined; Fearlessly Facing Surgery But Date Unknown at the Present Time; Activity Not Inactivity Caused the Damage; A Partially Remembered Limerick

The phrase Hunker Down suddenly came to mind and does describe what I intend on doing during the upcoming weeks. I was not exactly sure what it meant but did absolutely know that it was…

A Joke Played on the June 23, 2021 Blog, Affiliation Defined; Ordinary Life Revealing a Fun Loving Muslim Woman; Complicit Defined; The Trappings of the Muslim or Any Faith; An Inspiring Conversation with a Neighbour; Saturated and Surrounded by the Joys and Sorrows of Schitt’s Creek: Ajar Defined; Into Instagram; Resignation From a Wide-Brimmed Hat

First, of all, here is the joke played with readers on the June 23, 2021 blog. Mention was made that a photo featuring my face self-painted as the Canadian flag being posted but the image…

The Death of a Colleague, Aramburu Brings Back Memories and Mention ‘Good’ People Also Responding on Legacy; The Need for Blog Anonymity Described and Illustrated: Calcification Described; Carnage Described and Illustrated: On-Dimensional Character Described and Illustrated: Off for Mani and Pedi; Photo of Younger Alexis and Face Painted Like Canadian Flag Alexis

Recently I reconnected with MCARE which stands for Marin County Association of Retired Employees. It is a voluntary association in which I once played an active part, interviewing retirees for the newsletter, later becoming the…

What a Difference a Day Makes; A Different Sunday and Monday Morning, Meeting BBB in Jacuzzi, Then Meeting Her Husband; Beatific Defined; But What A Difference You’ve Made In My Life; Pain and Agony on Monday Morning; The Islamic Faith Providing Hope in the Face of Loss Using Hazar’s Words; The Ruler of Dubai’s Immense Charity Made in Adherence to His Faith; If Given a Gift By Allah, It Must Be Used; Stand Up Comedy in London Received No Monetary Rewards

What a difference a day makes is a song, a romantic song at that. The song came to mind, however, not in a romantic love context. There is a beautiful version sung by Dinah Washington…

Things Back to Normal; Whatever That Is; ; A New Source of the News, News of Near, Not Far Away Well-Researched and Documented; My Day As Experienced With More to Come; Fuss Defined; Wake Up Call An Idiom Defined: Photograph of a Racy Greeting Card, Unicorn King Horney Resting on New Chaise Lounge

Well, I have a new source of the news, something that landed in my Inbox. “Here it is: Hello From the New York Times. My name is David Leonhardt. Each weekday, you will be receiving…

Here We Go Again; More Horrors From the Land of My Birth; Depravity Defined: Chief Jennifer Bonne Speaks with Compassion; NDP Bachrach Address Parliament and a Resolution is Passed; Trudeau Hides His Head in the Sand (at best) Bury Your Your Head in the Sand Defined; Two Hysterically Funny New Yorker Cartoons, One With Special Applicability

Dreadful, horrific news from Canada. “The Sioux Valley Dakota Nation in Manitoba is working to find students buried at Brandon Indian Residential School, which was in operation from 1895 to 1972.Simon Fraser University and University…

Alexis (aka Ayla) Believes She is in Paradise; Act Like a Narcissist Is Remedy to Over Empathizing; Conversations with Garbage Collectors, Shalom; Getting Teased by Freddie; Son Not Named for Monterey Jack Cheese; Early Bird Get the Worm Explored and Examined: Avoid a Book Passage Lecture on How to Complete a Book; A Funny From Computer Guru; Alexis Pictured Under a Dryburgh Crescent Sign

Recent blogs have taken on the world, illustrating the evil that exists in Israel and in Canada – the suffering which never seems to end in Palestine and the never-ending persecution of the Indigenous population…

I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire: Do Believe That This is One Man’s Wish; Attempting to Achieve a Balance With Understanding of You Can Lead a Horse to Water.But Cannot Make Him Drink; Caustic Soon Again Against Canadians; Caustic Defined; Surviving the Pain of Empathy; A Photo of Wonderful Young Women and Alexis (aka Ayla)

Suddenly a song came to mind, for some obscure reason. I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire – the lyrics are most poignant. Here they are, Google and you can hear it sung…