Well there was an amazing revelation from the New York Times but why in the world it took them all this time to uncover this history is rather amazing to me. If they would have gotten around to it sooner this stupid country would not continue to be in the mess that it is with the failure of idiots to get the vaccine.
Here comes the tardy information: “The United States owes its existence as a nation partly to an immunization mandate. In 1977, smallpox was a big problem for the bedraggled American army that George Washing tough it could jeopardize the Revolution. An outbreak had already led to one American defeat, at the battle of Quebec. To prevent more, Washington ordered immunizations-done quietly, so the British would not hear how many Americans were sick – for all troops had not yet had the virus. It worked. The number of smallpox cases plummeted, and Washtington’s army survived a war of attrition against the world’s most powerful country. The immunization mandate as Ron Chernow wrote in his 2010 Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Washington adopted during the war” In the decades that followed, immunization treatments became safer (the Revolutionary War method killed 2 percent or 3 percent of recipients), and mandates became more common, in the military and beyond. They also tended to generate hostility from a small minority of Americans.”
It is a well researched, well written article by y David Leonhardt, check it out. nytdirect_at_nytimes_com_x2rbq4cpw5_aecae02d@privaterelay.appleid.com
So the question is this. Why did it take you so long to let us in on this important news, New York Times? The biography has been around since 2002, according to your story and it does have massive implications. Well, not to those with no sense of history which is, unfortunately, the fate of oh so many people, millions actually, in the United States (and Canada). Do remember that poignant saying. If you do remember history you are doomed to repeat it. As usual I Googled it and here we are: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it! (George Santayana-1905). In a 1948 speech to the House of Commons, Winston Churchill changed the quote slightly when he said (paraphrased), “those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
Google helpfully supplies some examples. I do LOVE that Google. What are some examples of history repeating itself? Some examples of history repeating itself are Napoleon and Hitler invading Russia, The Great Recession and The Great Depression, extinction events and the sinking of great ships like the Tek Sing, the Vasa and the Titanic. Well, oops!! I know a great deal about Vasa and the Titanic, but absolutely nothing about Ten Sing. I am not perfect, but you may have realized that a long time ago. Hahaha Hahaha
Goodness gracious the lack of teaching of history is happening here in this countr and Canada. I do get a glimpse of the fact that the UAE and Qatar are different. They both actively engage their young in a history of their countries with interactive displays and museums. More about that later. Is their hope for here – that this might be a feature extolled by all. Very unlikely as there would be no agreement as to what the history was and how to use it. The anti vaccinators would be focusing on the 2 to 3% deaths and everyone else (the intelligent ones) would be looking at the massive success and the wisdom of George Washington. Sometimes, in fact most of the time, the democracies of these times do not work. Look at the United States, look at Canada, look at France (Muslim women forbidden to wear head scarves to school).
Do realize that I keep talking about death but then not dealing with it, not getting around to it. Of course I am speaking of the blog, not real life. In real life (my real life) I look forward to death as I am a Muslim who has behaved herself subsequent to my entry into the faith on October 20, 2020, therefore in all probability, bordering on certainty, that on Judgment Day I shall be going to Paradise. But, if I commit suicide there will be no Paradise for me. there is good news straight to you from the index of my paper back Qur’an.
Index; Death only happens once. 37:58-60, 44:56
The writing is small and difficult to copy at the moment. But it is beautiful and totally understandable. It is in English, or I could not understand it. It is an English translation, the wording of the Qur’an has never changed; whereas the wording of the Bible has been altered constantly, particularly the New Testament. Who knew what was intended and it was written at least 100 years after Jesus’ death. How do I know this? I obtained a Masters Degree in Humanities from Dominican University in San Rafael. Went back to school after my retirement from the County of Marin. A course in the history of Christianity was mandated along with my my other other studies. I learned so much from that class and others at Dominican. I took a course, after graduation, on Buddhism from Professor Novak. But I did not become a Buddhist, I became a Muslim about seven years later, having nothing whatsoever to do with Dominican University. I shall include a photo in my cap and gown if I can find it. Warning: It is another fine example of Alexis McBride anti-aging.
But onward until death – that is my motto and is everyone’s fate. At least once, so says the Qur’an. The impetus to write about death came from my conversation with Eric – the Pope
Purveyor – it is the proper words as a purveyor is a person or group that spreads or promotes an idea, view. Everyone gets a nickname (or two) on this blog – perhaps Eric could be PIP – Pope Investment Purveyor. I shall have to check that out with him, if I ever see him. Synonyms are vendor, trader, supplier, provider, stockist, trafficker, pedlar, hawker.. Trafficker, pedlar and hawker have rather bad connotations so we shall not use those.
I did promise PIP that I would provide the link to the David Sedaris New Yorker article. Here is is https://www.newyorker.com/culture/personal-history/a-better-place?utm_source=onsite-share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=the-new-yorker. I described it as funny and poignant. David Sedaris is downright brilliant, Here are some snippets from A Better Place; Why the euphemisms? My father did not “pass.” Neither did he “depart.” He died.
This is how it begins. Doesn’t all our greatest art address the subject of death—its cruelty, its inevitability? The shadow it casts on our all too brief lives? “What does it all mean?” we ask ourselves.
Allow me to tell you: death means that the dinner reservation you made for a party of seven needs to be upped to ten, then lowered to nine, and then upped again, this time to fourteen. Eighteen will ultimately show up, so you will have to sit with people you just vaguely remember at a four-top on the other side of the room, listening as the fun table, the one with your sparkling sister at it, laughs and laughs. Or perhaps you’re all together but not getting your main courses because the chef, who should be in the kitchen, cooking, is getting dressed down by your brother-in-law, who did not care for the soup. Or maybe your party has been split into six groups of three, or three groups of six. While the specifics blur together, there will remain one constant, which is you, having to hear things like “Well, I know that your father did his best.”
Then Sedaris continues in this same vein – being both funny and terribly, terribly sad.Writing of this nature is a true gift as the reader is constantly being caught off guard;
You: Am I supposed to be laughing or crying when I read this?
Me: Both, it is rather like my writing =, you just never know quite what you are esupposed to be doing.
Here are some more words stolen from The New Yorker, well snot stolen as I give the writers credit and expand their reader base. They should be grateful actually. .
“People love saying this when a parent dies. It’s the first thing they reach for. A man can beat his wife with car antennas, can trade his children for drugs or motorcycles, but still, when he finally, mercifully dies, his survivors will have to hear from some know-nothing at the post-funeral dinner that he did his best. This, I’m guessing, is based on the premise that we all give a hundred and ten per cent all the time, in regard to everything: our careers, our relationships, the attention we pay to our appearance, etc. “Look around,” I want to say. “Very few people are actually doing the best that they can. That’s why they get fired from their jobs. That’s why they get arrested and divorced. It’s why their teeth fall out. Do you think the ‘chef’ responsible for this waterlogged spanakopita is giving it his all? Is sitting across from me, spouting clichés and platitudes, honestly the best that you can do?”
Now you have the link. Go read it in its entirely, you will not regret it. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/personal-history/a-better-place?utm_source=onsite-share&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=the-new-yorker
More from PIP. And Me.
Me: Your website made it to the blog today! Look it up.
He: This is an honor. Thank you so much, Alexis. You are a bright and brilliant woman.
Me: You are not so bad yourself. My sense of humor is my best trait, I bet I could even make a Pope laugh. Hahahah
Me: I always thought calling a woman bright was an insult, as only women are called bright, not men. Light bulbs are bright. But you graciously added brilliant.
Attached are two New Yorker cartoons to bring you cheer, laughter and joy.