I realized this morning’s (and during the night, one of those fitful evenings) that I presently live in two different worlds. The one here in America being one world, the world in Dubai being the other one. I shall illustrate how I have managed to live in the world of Dubai – it is all rather magical, well most likely it is not magic but it is all-powerful Allah. I shall also illustrate the means and mechanisms being used to participate in my world in America, but at the same time prepare to say goodbye. It is all rather clever, if I do say so myself. .
But here is an illustration of the two different worlds that took place thirty minutes ago. It is sunrise, I am on my patio facing East (I hope) in the middle of prayer and a woman walks by walking her greyhound dog. Me: Good morning! I was in the middle of my morning prayer to Allah. She: I am so sorry I interrupted you. Me: It is perfectly fine. This is not exactly a mosque so I cannot expect privacy in my prayers. Women are treated differently in the faith. We do not have to go to the mosque to pray as Allah know that women have so many responsibilities – they cannot take the time to go to mosques and it is not safe for them – in history and at the present time. Mosque here is in RichmondShe: Yes, women do have so many responsibilities! They do! Me: It appears that you do, you have a dog that you are walking. Do you have children? She: Yes, I do! Me: You do have many responsibilities. I have neither a dog nor children nor a husband. Interestingly my third husband said of me, “Alexis, you think like a man.” I took it to be a compliment because men have the time and opportunity to think -women are burdened by child care, husband care and I guess, dog care. She: You should take it as a compliment.
It sounds unbelievable, but that was a conversation that took place. If you wish verification, her dog was black. How would I know that if the conversation did not take place? Hahaha😂🤣🤪, (As is obvious, I have found the emoji button again on my computer.)
But back to Two Different Worlds. Brilliantly remember that it is a song and then brilliantly look it up on Google. First of all, let us explore the meaning of the phrase Two Different Worlds. If you say that two people or things are worlds apart, you are emphasizing that they are very different from each other. What does it mean to have two worlds? A situation in which you can enjoy the advantages of two very different things at the same time: Google tells us what it means to have the best of both worlds. all the advantages of two different situations and none of the disadvantages I have the best of both worlds— for example, I have a wonderful job and a great family. What does it mean to be worlds apart? completely different For example, The country where she lives now is a world apart from the country and province she came from, Saskatchewan Canada. Another word for the best of both worlds is also supplied by Google: wonderful.
- great.
- excellent.
- superb.
- fantastic.
- incredible.
- fabulous.
- marvelous
Is it possible to live and obtain the best of both worlds. Some would say: When pigs fly. Now what does that mean? to say that one thinks that something will never happen I am at the moment laughing, because when pigs fly just rather accidentally happened, came upon it on the Google line of questioning. Now look at this! I found a pig emoji. 🐷 Who said you can not teach an old dog to perform new tricks. Well, here here we go again. You cant teach an old dog new tricksproverb. Synonyms: old habits die hard. Antonyms: its never too late to mend, youre never too old to learn. You cant teach an old dog new tricksproverb. It is impossible, or almost impossible, to change people’s habits or traits or mindset. Synonyms: old habits die hard. Before moving onto more serious smatters, I shall find a dog emoji. 🐶
But this is nowthe serious portion of the blog. Two Different Worlds is a song, a most romantic song. The lyrics will nwt be provided.Two different worldsWe live in two different worldsFor we’ve been toldThat a love like ours could never beSo far apartThey say we’re so far apartAnd that we haven’t the rightTo change our destinyWhen will they learnThat a heart doesn’t draw the lineNothing matters if I am yoursAnd you are mineTwo different worldsWe live in two different worldsBut we will show themAs we walk together in the sunThat our two different worlds are oneTwo different worldsWe live in two different worldsBut we will show themAs we walk together in the sunThat our two different worlds are one.
Google song yourself. Listening to the April 2014 version. It begins and ends with a sky line that could be Dubai and then changes two one of London (where I lived for two and a half years) and another. It is rather mind boggling. Will it happen? Perhaps when pigs fly?
But back to this world, this United States world. Have devised a methodology. It is a system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity: My methodology is to visit my old haunts, places in Marin that were important to me, and when there decide if this visit is Hello or Goodbye. Hello means to stay, Goodbye means to go. Yesterday went to the Marin Civic Center where I worked for years and years and years. I went before water aerobics at the JCC in the early morning. The Center was virtually deserted – thought I would get coffee and breakfast. But cafeteria closed, but no sign saying so. Talked to a wonderful woman who remembered me, she took me to where my old office was County Counsel’s Office. Cafeteria closed, but not just Covid but when roof renovation the rats came down and there was rodent infestation, So they closed the cafeteria and never have reopened it. The Marin Independant Journal announced that the administrator was granting 3.2% raises to the top dogs (including him). But there is no money to open the cafeteria for the staff and public? This is not an example of good government. Whereas, Dubai is an absolutely shining example of good government. This shall be revealed later, along with my public comment. Needless to say the Civic Center got a Good Bye. Took a photograph while there which shall be included in this blog..
Also yesterday bought an absolutely fantastic unicorn balloon. It is almost as big as the inflatable unicorn given to me by the Royal Family of Qatar on New Year’s Eve of 2019. That started my obsession with unicorns. I shall not show a new trick, learned by this old dog. 🦄.Today Gwendolyn and I are driving to West Marin. It is an old haunt, owned a home there located on the San Andreas fault, property with 2.6 acres which led to a hatred of gardening in any form. So will it be Hello or Goodbye. Stay turned.
It is interesting that my patio lives in two different worlds. In the early morning it is substitute mosque. Later in the day it is a children’s playground with the unicorn and my hobby horse. Freddy videoed men the hobby horse, riding side saddle. It was forwarded to an Instagram reel. Then I videoed the uncork blowingthe wind and took a selfie with the unicorn and I kissing and posted it. The photo will also be attached to this blog. Instagram posts found under alexismctwit.