That phrase came to me, haunting me, its meaning vaguely known. Thinking these strange flashes bring understanding investigated it more thoroughly. It is an idiom: there are clear signs that a situation is going to become very difficult or unpleasant. It is a portent of doom or misfortune, based on the story of Belshazzar’s feast in the Book of Daniel. Or in common parlance you (all of us it seems) are about crash and burn.
What comes to mind immediately, in all of its horror – is Gaza. It has crashed and burned and there seems to be cessation of the atrocity. It is incompressible. The horrors of this world are not limited to Gaza – the entire world is collapsing in its wake. Most specifically the USA, but also the UK, insignificant Canada. the European (so-called Union). Middle East countries are utterly impotent, divided. There is no hope whatsoever. Television blares with the ridiculousness of the Democratic National Convention – no one in thee parts, including me, paying attention to the circus.
What does a thinking person do in the midst of this mess. ?The three or four of us in this universe are wondering. It is difficult not to become insular (ignorant of or uninterested in cultures, ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience). It seems to be the solution, the compelling people I have met recently are insular. Get on with their lives, do a good job, spread happiness among their fellow workers and the general public. This myopic, xenophobic blinkered approach was enhanced by the short (four day) trip to Bali. It was a respite, a needed one but it seems time to return to a life of purpose – not focusing on world situations which I can do nothing about.
What shall my focus be – where am I going from here? While in Bali, on Tuesday August 13, received the a What’s App voice message which was in response to one I had sent. HI; I just got an invitation to a wedding in Mecca. So it looks like I am coming back to Saudi Arabia.
He; Mashallah Mashallah It is very nice. Good You know Subhanallah. Maybe it is a dua from God, It is true. It is a plan of God that you go back to Mecca do your Umrah and then go to the wedding. Then we will will see you when you come to Mecca because,of course, when you will come to Medina.
I listened to the message on the 13th, thought more about it, listened again a couple of days later, responding.
Me: I listened to your words again and they are wise. It is God’s plan that I return to Mecca and Medina.
Why do I agree that it is God’s plan? So many coincidences, so many pieces of good fortune, happy chances had to come into play to make this happen. To begin with, it seems my destiny, my fortuity, a peace of good luck to be living in Penang Malaysia. However, tourist visas expire after ninety days necessitating a trip to a foreign county. One leaves, returns and there you go again (more complicated actually but not going into that at the moment). I had to go somewhere. First I had chosen Dubai, as my ‘Grandson’ Adam and ‘Granddaughter’ Mya lived there, However, their mother was totally unresponsive when I spoke of possible plans and the kids did not have their own WhatsApp numbers. (Negligent parents, Hahaha). Alter Ego and I began this discussion.
Me: Okay, it was not working out. The Jeddah family I met here keeps in touch, wants me to visit and says I can stay in their home. I could go to Saudi Arabia – a good choice for many reasons.
Alter Ego: So, did you decide to go there?
Me: I decided to but then it seemed that Iran was going seek revenge, redress upon Israel – so it did not seem to be a good idea to go anywhere that Iran might be mad at.
Alter Ego: Was Iran mad at Saudi Arabia?
Me: How would I know? But they could have been, they could have cause to be angry at MBS. Why take the chance?The Jeddah family very understanding
Alter Ego: Yes. Why take the chance and the family would welcome you at any time.
Me: Yes. So I thought of going somewhere close, not a country seeking world power. It would just be for a few days.
Alter Ego; Where did you decide to go?
Me: Bali. But did not know where to stay. Remembered that my Saudi friend Majed had gone to Bali – the Hilton, where he worked sent him there. So I WhatsAped him.
Alter Ego: Did he have a suggestion?
Me: Not only did he have a suggestion but because I was in touch he invited me to his wedding. So that is why I am going to Mecca and Medina.
Alter Ego: I see what you mean. You could have been going to Dubai or Jeddah, but instead you thought about Bali.
Me: Exactly!! Then I ended up making my own reservations using my Hilton Honors App. Majed stayed at the Conrad Hilton but the Bali Hilton Resort was less expensive. Saved $500 US dollars by doing that.
Alter Ego: Good move. And all those things had to happen. All the ducks had to be in a row.
Me: And for SO many reasons, which you shall learn about later it was the BEST place to stay.
All the ducks in a row is an idiom: to be well prepared or well organized for something that is going to happen. There is a funny quotation attributed to Judge Lynn Toler. “If I waited until I had all of my ducks in a row, I’d never get across the street. Sometimes you just have to gather up what you’ve got and make a run for it.”
This confluence of multiple events is bewildering, bewildering in a nice way, but very bewildering.
Bewilder’s definition: to cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused. I am baffled, bemused, perplexes, nonplused, flummoxed and confuddled. The antonym of bewilder is enlighten.
I look for enlightenment and find it! Faithful readers will know of my daily habit – looking to a book gifted by Mr. Ali of the Oberio Hotel in Medina: The Beautiful Names of Allah
This page opened, these two names. Al-Qaabidh, Al-Baasit. (The Withholder, the Expander)
Meaning: “The Withholder is the One who takes away souls, provisions and whatever. He pleases, and the Expander is the One who gives provisions, mercy and whatever He wishes. He is also the One who reaches out His Hands so that the believers may repent and turn to Him. These two names are among the names of Allah which always come together, for absolute perfection is realized in their combination, and they cannot be used separately.”
Allah took away the incentive for traveling to Dubai and to Jeddah, gave me the idea of Bali and Majed’s suggestion. Allah took away the Conrad Hilton, gave me the Bali Hilton Resort.
This enabled Majed to give me the invitation to his wedding in Mecca. I told Mr. Marwin of the invitation so he gave me the idea of coming to visit Medina.
While there I can stay at the Oberio five star hotel – hopefully at a less expensive room rate than before with a much better view. As plans progress you will be shown the views from my various hotel rooms and you can compare, (Hahaha)
Today is Thursday. Muslims can, but are not required to, fast on Mondays and Thursdays. Two or three days ago made the decision to fast, asked the staff if I could have food delivered to my room as I must eat before sunrise. I was still in bed at five am. A knock on my door, Amir (one of my favorite guys) handed me a plastic bag. Dined before sunrise on my patio. A photo of the breakfast, a video of my thankfulness. A photo of Allah’s name found in the book and the sunrise. These words are written eight hours later. Beginning to get hungry.
I have fasted during Ramadan for the past three years, discovering that food is fuel. Everything and everybody needs fuel – a first symptom of starvation is hunger and exhaustion. I am heading in that direction – slowly. Hahaha