Up and At ‘Em After the Fast; Instagram Interaction Illustrates Intrepidity; Focus Upon Margaret Atwood: US Politics Back in the Limelight Coupled with Return of Andy Borowitz; Proper Pronunciation of Oberio Finally Mastered; Outgrowing a Mentor; Photos of the Day of the Fast

August 23, 2024

Woke this morning at 3:06 in the best of all moods, the very best. For several reasons, oh so many reasons, many of which I shall share.
The August 22, 2100 found me totally exhausted, forcing the cancellation of a rendezvous with my Lex Spa family. Exhaustion a consequence of fasting. Not only the fasting; it was also an emotionally charged day, filled with the renewal of relationships, forging new ones, new ways trying to find solutions to problems. Long distance support, encouragement and love from rather unexpected sources. More to be revealed in the coming days.

Woke to a friend’s WhatsApp message, functioning in a different zone. It was an answer to my yesterday’s message.
Me: Completed the fast successfully No dates to break the fast with so I had to ad lib. My life working out very well. But just in case, I have a back up plan.
He: You’re always ahead.
Have to admit I had expected a negative response, so I was elated to see this.
Me: Such a sweet thing to say about me. Thank you, I am awake early in an exceptionally good mood. The joys of fasting. Plan to continue to do so.

Positive he will understand, for he is a Muslim, born that way several years ago. We met most fortuitously and accidentally in Bahrain nine months ago. He has been most supportive providing a needed perspective on life within the faith and the customs and practices of Saudi Arabia.

From the personal to the public. The day prior had randomly scrolled through Instagram posts. My visitations have become sporadic of late. Was rather surprised to see an entry from Femalepoetsociety featuring Margaret Atwood, speaking out about religion, of all things, a topic not touched upon in the past (to my knowledge) I am an absolute, utter fan of Margaret Atwood. Twenty years ago retired and thus was able to relinquish my legal writing, instead embarking upon a a different mode of communication, creative writing. Earnestly sought inspiration, thankfully found a mentor – my Margaret Atwood. She, in this interview emphatically labelled herself as a hard core agnostic. Reasons given: knowledge and faith were separate constructs. It was, for me, a moment of truth.

A moment of truth: a time when a person or thing is tested, the moment at which one’s character, courage skill, etc is put to a an extreme test. It is a time a crisis must be faced, a decision made. he origins of the expression are fascinating- This expression, a translation of the Spanish el momento de la verdad, signifies the point in the bullfight when the matador makes the kill. It was first used in English in Ernest Hemingway’s story Death in the Afternoon (1932). .

This was the extreme test. I wanted to comment, but at what cost?? She, my ultimate hero, got it all wrong. Did not wish to contribute to the tarnishing of her image, but there were greater consequences. Commenting on Instagram brings out the worse in some people – rebuke and ridicule can reign supreme, Negative, insensitive people on the attack. To say nothing, to not speak out seemed cowardly, contrary to my beliefs. I put my courage to the test, responding in the following fashion.
Me: Margaret Atwood has been my hero and my role model since I can remember and I am 81. Ouch though. She appears to know nothing of the Islamic Faith. I reverted to the faith only three years ago. It is knowledge and faith combined, complete with a hereafter. A blessing at our age.

In hesitation, opened notifications. One cannot imagine the sense of relief and acknowledgment, upon receiving two Likes to my response.
Then to my relief and joy, there was this extremely positive response.
She: Mashallah may Allah accept all your good deeds. I’m so happy you find it.
Publicly I replied.
Me: Your message brings me blessings! Thank you!! I did have fears of retribution when I posted. Instead yours. Alhamdullah.

Read on to find negativity. Usually, I merely ignore such comments, block the person to silence them. Inevitably such individuals do not have any posts to their credit, and no followers. They use Instagram to spew hatred. This was no exception. Suzannerquiesscat with a private account had one post and zero followers.
She: Yes. I’d say you reverted. You absolutely reverted.
Never usually do this, but this time in an act of sheer bravery replied to her, publicly.
Me: I reverted to the Islamic Faith. Not sure you know what it means. It means I always was a Muslim, just got born to the wrong/family/culture and it took me awhile to realize it.

It seems a miracle happened. One person Liked that response. It was impossible to thank her immediately as she and I do not follow one another but I sent her a Request.

Then another
She: Barack Allah fiki sister

I am so proud of myself. I was not overly defensive initially nor in my response to the zero followers woman. The Quran directs believers to speak kindly to those who are astray. I had done so.

We are about to shift gears. To shift gears is to change one’s attitude, course of action, methods, etc., in an abrupt, dramatic, or unexpected manner. Scrolling through emails, a Toronto Star headline caught my eye. I do realize that the DNC is in progress but neither myself, nor my fellow Malaysians are tuning in.

HOW MICHELLE OBAMA STOLE THE SHOW FROM BARACK AT KAMALA HARRIS’S CONVENTION. For supporters, the former first lady’s address was easily the highlight of the Democratic National Convention so far, writes Richard Warnica.

Some snippets.
But it wasn’t the words of the former president, Barack — lauded as the most gifted orator of his age — that captured the overflow crowd at the United Center. It was those of his wife, the former first lady, Michelle.In a speech that upstaged her husband, and seized an audience that otherwise seemed listless, distracted and hot, Michelle Obama forcefully made the case for the election of Kamala Harris as president of the United States.For the Democrats, her address was easily the highlight of a convention, thrown together in less than a month, that has so far often seemed antiseptic and the worst kind of professionally “fun.”
his was of outstanding importance to me because I absolutely love being right. Everyone does. everyone does, but lawyers (even retired ones) relish it more. This is lifted from my July 29, 2024 blog.
Dateline: July 25, 2024
This morning at breakfast the television transmitted tawdry snippets of USA politics. The problem with television ‘reporters’ is they have no sense of history. They do not have the time as they can barely keep up with all of the stuff of the world. The very most important decision will be made soon by both the Republican and the Democratic candidates for the Presidency. Their choice of running mates. We would be not seeing Kamala Harris at this time if Biden had not chosen her. At the time I thought it was a ridiculous choice – that Elizabeth Warren would be perfect for the job. However, Joe was not listening to me. Trump please tune in. You should pick Elizabeth Warren as your running mate. She has enough brains for the two of you. Kamala you should pick Michelle Obama as your running mate. That seems unlikely since the Obamas have not endorsed you. However, you could kiss and make up. Probably just on the cheek – otherwise there would be much speculation. Hahahal

I told you Vice President Kamala! You did not listen! You would have been much better off with Michelle. Instead you picked some overweight white guy, ( I think), or maybe that is her husband.) Not going to look that up.

It is not at all surprising that Trump did not pick Elizabeth Warren, instead an overweight white man with initials instead of a first name. JD (usually refers to what I have, stands for Doctor of Jurisprudence).

Faithful readers will now be jumping for joy. Andy Borowitz has returned. He was a mainstay bringing needed humor but I got too serious. SO sorry. My sense of humor is returning. Not telling you why at this moment but at a later time.

MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)—A study published by the University of Minnesota Medical School on Friday “strongly indicates” that people who are exposed to Sen. JD Vance lose all interest in activity that would lead to reproduction.According to Dr. Davis Logsdon, who supervised the study, “Research subjects exposed to JD Vance became less likely to reproduce and more inclined to acquire a cat.”Logsdon said the responses of study participants became “even more pronounced” when they were shown an image of Vance in drag.In that situation, he said, the participants exhibited a range of behaviors from “recoiling in horror” to “attempting to flee.”“Taken as a whole, this research suggests that JD Vance might not be the best messenger for his own pro-reproduction stance,” the researcher said. “He could, however, be an effective promoter of abstinence.”

Oh my goodness gracious me. Andy Borowitz is the funniest man alive. I doubt that he could make Gaza funny but if anyone could – he could. How I have missed him.!! Going to sign up, pay real money so that he will appear regularly in my inbox

I once had a funny lover (had several lovers in my pre Muslim days, most of them were not funny (not funny at all). The man, with a very unlikely name of Alla (short Aladdin) would say:

He: How can I miss you if you do not go away?

Me: Is that a hint? Or an attempt at humor?

Now that he is dead, it is funny. I use it constantly. For example, when I was Bali bound, said to everyone.

Me: How will you miss me if I do not go away?

Well I did and they did. It worked. Gonna try it again in about three weeks. Going back to a place I was before. I finally learned how to say the name of the place by asking an employee. We are ‘accidentally’ in touch with one another.

Me: Please do me a favor You will laugh Please send me an audio saying Oberio properly. You know, the name of the hotel in which you work and I lived in for three months. I keep saying the name wrong.

She did not laugh at me, nor make fun of me, but patiently, twice pronounced it,

Me: Thank you. Ober way, that is easy. I should have asked you months and months ago. Hahah No wonder I got it wrong, It does not look like you should say it that way. But I am sure you are right. Your people will say. Miss Alexis, you finally learned to say the name of the hotel!! Yes, I have acquired more knowledge. Please call l me by my new Muslim name Alaa. I am no longer Fatimah, so you do not have to call me Sheikha Fatimah. I am sure everyone will be relieved.

I am extremely surprised and gratified to learn that many people at the Ober way Hotel have missed me and await my return. She and I had lunch fun. Laughing about earlier times together and my current life. She said something so touching, so warming, so cheering. “We all love you and miss you. A week ago Hamza and I were talking about you and we are excited to see you again. She also said I reminded her of her grandmother, who was her best friend and had died. We committed ourselves to follow the Quran, in her words “prayer and faith in God, angels and messengers” so we will be reunited in Jannah, and I can met her grandmother.

Me: How do people not of the faith survive their losses?

She: Inshallah all Muslims will be in heaven.

The following was written the next morning, August 24.

It is not too late Margaret Atwood, you could either revert or convert. Despite the fact we are both Canadians and almost the same age we have not met in this dunya. I would love to chat, .

Had a sudden thought this morning. Fired off a WhatsApp.

Me: Have you ever outgrown a mentor? I am in a serious mood this morning.

He: Internet back but rumble in the jumble. I am heading underground

Me: See you later alligator. After awhile crocodile.

Researched the word outgrown myself – in simple terms it means to grow taller, to move in a different direction. I have found peace in this. I have grown taller, moved in a new direction. I am short, so this is a good move.

One of the funniest conversation took place in London. A beloved man looked at me as we walked out of the British Museum. He: You are short. Me: I am. I was only 5’3” but I aged and lost an inch. He: I do not want to loose an inch. (I do not think he was talking about his height). Texted back the guy.

Me: I researched outgrown mentor question. Thanks for not being there. Hahaha

On a lighter ending note – I made an Instagram reel, accompanied by music. Go to my Instagram account to listen. My iPhone’s wifi is not working – do not ask me why – so I cannot post the link Photos were taken at Lexis Suites on the day of the fast.