Yet again a few words of a song took over my mind. The times this happens are countless. My fingers fly to Google, the lyrics found – it is constantly amazing. This is no exception. The words that came to mind, caught me attention were: On the wings of a snow-white dove sending pure sweet love. This is what I found.
On the Wings of a Dove .
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above (sign from above)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
When troubles surround us
when evils come
The body grows weak (body grows weak)
The spirit grows numb (spirit grows numb)
When these things beset us,
He doesn’t forget us
He sends down His love (sends down His love)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above (sign from above)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
When Noah had drifted
on the flood many days
He searched for land (He searched for land)
In various ways (various ways)
Troubles, he had some
but wasn’t forgotten
He sent him His love (sent him His love)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above (sign from above)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
On the wings of a snow-white dove
He sends His pure sweet love
A sign from above (sign from above)
On the wings of a dove (wings of a dove)
Next listened to Ferlin Husky sing from the Grand Ole Opry. A rather strange experience as classical music is my forte. But I bravely forged ahead, looking for some message – any message whatsoever to explain why I am obsessed with this song. This from the Fremont County Observer.
“Written in 1958 by Bob Ferguson, “Wings of a Dove” refers to several passages in the Bible. The first one relates the story of Noah sending out a dove during the great flood in Genesis 8:6-12. The second reference is in Psalms 55:7, which talks about the “wings of a dove.” Also, Matthew 3:16 says, “After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him.”
Still motivated to find inner meaning investigate this Fremont place, discovering tis is a county in Colorado. Finally , and I do mean finally I stopped the search, laughing to myself. The song is about Noah – you people in Colorado, and on Google and the astray Christians all over this world do not seem to know that Noah is in the Quran. YES, and in more detail. For example, Noah, despite his mated animals on the arc, left behind his wife. As far as I am concerned this true tale is way more interesting. The wings of a snow white dove might be an inspiring message but the wife left behind to drown is much more compelling.
First to tell you more about Noah himself in the Quran and then we shall talk about the wife. I am saving the best for last and illustrating my famous story telling abilities.
Wikipedia comes to the rescue yet again,
“Noah, also known as Nuh (Arabic: نُوحٌ, romanized: Nūḥ),[1] is recognized in Islam as a prophet and messenger of God. He is also believed to be the first messenger sent by God.[2] He is one of the Ulul ‘azm prophets.[3] Noah’s mission was to warn his people, who were plunged in idol worshipping. God charged Noah with the duty of preaching to his people, advising them to abandon idolatry and to worship only God, and to live good and pure lives.[4] Although he preached the Message of God with zeal, his people refused to mend their ways, leading to building the Ark and the Deluge, the Great Flood.”
Wikipedia also had further information about Noah’s mention in the Quran.
‘Noah is a highly important figure in Islam and he is seen as one of the most significant of all prophets. The Quran contains 43 references to Noah, or Nuḥ, in 28 chapters, and the seventy-first chapter, Sūrah Nūḥ (Arabic: سورة نوح), is named after him. His life is also spoken of in the commentaries and in Islamic legends. Noah’s narratives largely cover his preaching as well the story of the Deluge. Noah’s narrative sets the prototype for many of the subsequent prophetic stories, which begin with the prophet warning his people and then the community rejecting the message and facing a punishment.”
Now to the interesting part, the wife who did not get on board, did not have a life jacket on, and therefore drowned. (Maybe there were no lifejackets back then) Her name was Naamah. This again from Wikipedia.
Noah’s wife (Naamah) is referred to in the Qur’an as an evil woman. When God emphasizes upon the notion that everyone is for themselves on the Day of Judgement and that marital relations will not be to your aid when the judgement takes place, the Qur’an says: “Allah sets forth an example for the disbelievers: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. Each was married to one of Our righteous servants, yet betrayed them. So their husbands were of no benefit to them against Allah whatsoever. Both were told, “Enter the Fire, along with the others!.”
So we do not exactly know why Naamah is evil – just use your imagination. Why do I have to do all the work around here. To read more of the story of Noah go to Wikipedia, type in Noah in Islam.
I have written one thousand words at this moment. All because the Wings of a Dove came to mind. It has been an extremely unusual day for me. The strangest day ever.
Faithful readers: How could that be Alexis? Lots of weird things happen to you all the time.
Me: I know. But SO many things – beginning in the morning talking to a young woman in Medinah who works at the Oberio Hotel. Now I am the grandmother to another person. I am going to need birth control. Hahaha
Faithful Readers: What else strange?
Me: I go to breakfast and suddenly see that this buffet is not perfect and rapidly deteriorating. I say I will provide assistance – they ignore me.
Faithful Readers: But did good things happen?
Me: Yes I heard from another Medina woman – Mona. She was my trainer at the Oberio. I was moaning with Mona I used to say. She is so happy to hear that I am coming to Medinah. Everybody getting happy to see me again. I was not happy when I left that place.
Faithful Readers: Well, any other good news?
Me: Yes. It is looking like I need cataract surgery.
Faithful readers: That is good news????
Me: I have a dear Saudi friend who knows everything about Saudi medicine as his son is a doctor in Saudi Arabia. He gave me advice and will help me find a good surgeon.
Faithful readers: You have insurance? Will it be expensive?
Me: No insurance. Sort of expensive. But I can afford it. Saudi man laughed, saying you are not rich, you are not poor. I said I am rich in the faith. I am not poor, I am slightly rich female dog, who earned all of her own money. We laughed.
I am not exactly exactly sure why the emphasis on Noah as there is a great deal happening in my life at the moment. Must share more of Bali with everyone with details of the cooking class – unfortunately I lent King Ong my book of recipes and he has not returned it as yet. Did send him an angry Message, not heard back from him as yet. I also have some amazing photos of the fish in the fish market, photos of the food I prepared. I will attach some fishy pictures. It does sort of illustrate the story of Noah, with all the water and all. Do not complain! You get what you. pay for and this blog is free. No pesky ads, no nothing.