My statistics, although flawed, reveal that the majority of my readers are from the United States and/or Canada. Therefore, they are in the same pickle as I was. They believe the outright lies and misinformation as there is no way to ascertain the truth. I, therefore, consider it to be my duty to inform the world through this blog. Attempt at joke: Dirty work but somebody has got to do it.
Today I am fasting, resolved to make the world go away. However, fortunately or unfortunately, peeked into Al Jazeera. I cannot help myself, I must spread the word.
(Peeked into means to peer, glimpse, or glance in(to something) quickly, shyly, or inconspicuously.)
Written by Marwan Bishara (a senior and wise political analyst) its title tells all: From Hubris to Humiliation: The 10 hours that shocked Israel. The Palestinian blitzkrieg is a military failure and a political catastrophe for Israel of colossal proportions.
“A few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a boastful speech at the United Nations, announcing the establishment of a new Middle East centred around Israel and its new Arab partners, the Palestinians, whom he totally omitted from his fantasy regional map, dealt him and Israel a fatal blow, politically and strategically.
“The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas launched a meticulously planned, well-executed lightning incursion from Gaza into Israel, by air, sea and land. In tandem with thousands of missiles fired towards Israeli targets, hundreds of Palestinian fighters attacked Israeli military and civilian areas in the southern part of the country, which led to the killing of at least 100 Israelis and the capture of dozens of Israeli soldiers and civilians as hostages.”
“It is worth recalling that Hamas’s leader in the Gaza Strip, Yahya al-Sinwar, who spent more than two decades in Israeli prison, was released in a prisoner exchange. Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas military arm, like many other Palestinians, lost loved ones to Israeli violence – an infant son, a three-year-old daughter and his wife. Therefore, there is also a clearly a punitive and vengeful aspect to the operation. In that sense, the attack may have been incredibly shocking, but it was hardly surprising.
“Hubris has finally caught up with Israel and its arrogant leaders, who long thought themselves invincible and repeatedly underestimated their enemies. Since the “surprise” Arab attack of October 1973, successive Israeli leaders have been shocked and awed, again and again, by what the people they oppressed have been capable of.”
Bishara speaks of Israelis military failures during the years of their Inhumane Occupation, then turns to the bigger picture – how totally impotent Israelis appear – despite US billions (my tax money by the way) spent on Israel weaponry and aid – they appear as feeble old guys suffering from erectile dysfunction.
“But the damage done to Israel goes beyond the intelligence and military flop; it is also a political and psychological catastrophe. The invincible state has shown itself vulnerable, weak, and terribly impotent, which will not go down well for its plans to be a regional leader of a new Middle East. Images of Israelis fleeing their homes and towns in fear will be ingrained in their collective memory for many years to come. Today was probably the worst day in Israel’s history”
Now here is the super strong ending. It is a WOW.
“The Palestinians have made it clear today that they would rather fight on their feet for justice and freedom than die on their knees in humiliation. It is high time the Israelis heed the lessons of history”
The same edition of Al Jazeera featured Somdeep Sen’s There is nothing surprising about Hamas’s operation. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was provoked by Israeli aggression and occupation. It is an act of resistance. He is an Associate Professor of International Development studies at Roskilde University. He spoke of the history of Hamas, giving historical facts concerning Israel aggression and occupation.
Al Jazeera’s news headline held no real surprises. UN Security Council meets on Gaza-Israel, but fails to agree on statement. US pushes for harsh condemnation of Hamas but fails to achieve the consensus necessary for a statement.
A statement within the article did contain a surprise, in that it is high time someone said this: The UN’s total inaction over these many years has made them complicit the most recent atrocities.”
“In an open letter sent to UNSC members ahead of the meeting, three Palestinian human rights organisations said the UN’s inaction had enabled the latest violence and meant its members were “complicit” in what had happened.The Palestine-based organisations – Al-Haq, Al-Mezan Centre for Human Rights and the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights – called on UN member states to address the “root causes and protect the Palestinian people from Israeli attacks”
This day of fasting has been interrupted by these world events. But made the time to randomly select a Name of Allah: Al-Wudood (The Loving). The One Who Loves His Prophet and Messengers and those who follow them, and they in turn love Him – He is more beloved to them than anything else. Their hearts are filled with love of Him, their tongues are constantly moist with praising him and their hearts are always drawn to Him in love, sincerity and repentance.
And ask forgiveness from your Lord and turn to him in repentance. Verily my Lord is the Most Merciful, the Loving (11:90) And he is All-Forgiving, the Loving.” (85:14)
The love of Allah (SWT) must be remembered and is so needed in these troubled times.
My October 9 blog featured a You Tube reel without an explanation. As I explained on Instagram, I was the person on the right clad in a rather unusual head scarf. I was not aware I was being filmed. It was captured by my Umrah guide. We are mercifully in touch with one another again. I did not know she filmed the moment, it was such a blessing to receive it and to be close to her again.
I informed her of its inclusion on my blog and Instagram.
Me: You are now a famous cinematographer.
She sent a dancing, hilariously funny GIF. (Not sure if GIF’s can be uploaded to the blog. I shall find out)
She: You were always so funny.
Me:Thanks! I am even funnier these days.
It is interesting, I have found that humor is contagious. I remember saying this in Vancouver, sometime during 2017 to someone who knew Joo Kim Tiah, the multibillionaire owner of the previous Trump Hotel in Vancouver quite well.
Me: Actually Joo Kim can be very funny.
He: Only with you Alexis. Only with you.
Guess he is not funny anymore. Shutting down Trump International Hotel and Towers, declaring bankruptcy and then reopening it under his management as the Paradox Hotel. Paradoxical that!
Paradox is a a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory. Synonyms are contradictory, incongruity, anomaly, absurdity, enigma, puzzle, mystery, conundrum. It is incongruous, absurd, an anomaly, that a multi-billionaire can avoid paying his lawful debts owned to hard workers , then turn around as if nothing had happened and reopen his hotel. Joo Kim, that is not funny! I am not laughing.
A photo from 2017 will be shown, when I was their first long term guest. You shall see I have not significantly aged, in this time. I am in the cat bird’s seat, so to speak. I am covered, staying in a far more luxurious hotel, owned and operated by honest Muslim individuals. All most possibly going to Jannah. Joo Kim, a born again Christian, shall not enter the pearly gates of his religions with his chicanery and d dirty money.
“The catbird seat” is an idiomatic phrase used to describe an enviable position, often in terms of having the upper hand or greater advantage in any type of dealing among parties. It derives from the secluded perch on which the gray catbird makes mocking calls.
Another photo to follow: Joo Kin Thai and his mother announcing the concept of Alix Residences. At that time it had not been build, not even a hole in the ground as I remember. Alix Residences: Brazenly Authentic – clearly named after me. I wrote about it extensively in the past, on this blog. The search engine counts 51 times.Hmmm. However, not mentioned it for years. .
Alter Ego: So why now?
Me: Not sure. Perhaps the contact between this hotel and the Parados. The Olerio speaks of itself in these terms: Peace In the Holy City. The antithesis of the Paradox in Vancouver.
Antithesis is a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
Last evening, following my Monday fast, went to the MAC store located within this building. receiving a make-over. Photos of the wonderful Muslim woman who created the work or art shall be seen. Also an earlier photo, taken in San Francisco (circa. 2019) The make up artists are antithetical.
Back to the Faith and the Life and Times of Alexis McBride tomorrow.