I sent the previous blog to Computer Guru Chris with the following message.
Me: Well, it looks like I am back to writing a blog every day. There is a lot happening here.
He: Nice rugs 🙂 its good that you’ve got lots to write about right!?
Indeed there is lots to write about. Todays blog was to chronicle the ‘joys’ of attempting to speak Arabic but instead there was the massive escalation of the Israeli-Palestine conflict – this description of Saturday’s events borrowed from Arab News.
Learned of the escalation on the steps of the Prophet’s Mosque from an Egyptian woman under circumstances described in yesterday’s blog. Repaired to my hotel room, turned on BBC News, very briefly, to hear a Jew lament how horrible that women and children were killed. That is true but it has been going on for decades in Palestine. Were you hiding under a rock, woman? Switched it off immediately.
Instead, and, of course, I went to my reliable news source for a considered intelligent unbiased report written by Faisal J. Abbas the editor-in-chief of Arab News. It was titled: Hamas Has Crossed the Rubicon. What Now?.
The Opinion begins: :
The massive escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict sends so many messages at the same time. The first thing one has to note is that a Hamas attack on this scale could only have been possible after months of planning. In fact, this is exactly the kind of “explosion” warned of as a consequence of continued occupation and deprivation of Palestinian rights. Those claiming that the attack was unprovoked are wrong — this is precisely the reaction that deliberate and systematic intimidation by the current Israeli government garners when insult is added to injury.
Does this justify the killing and kidnapping of civilians? Absolutely not, and this is true regardless of who the villains or victims are.
So, what happens now?
It ends:
What effect will the latest events have on prospects for a wider regional peace proposal? The short answer remains: Time will tell. However, in my opinion, it is time for the world to double down. As the statement by the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs clearly indicated, the international community must act now to activate a credible peace plan that enables a two-state solution, which is the best means to protect civilians. Easier said than done? Perhaps, but at least Saudi Arabia can say it tried its best, and has been for decades.
Read the entire article https://arab.news/4f8k8. I feel blessed to be in this country at this time; as Abbas so eloquently stated: at least Saudi Arabia can say it tried its best, as has been for decades. Now it was rather, shall be say, unusual to be attacked by a Saudi woman on the steps of the Medina Prophet’s Mosque for wearing a Palestine scarf (bought in Edmonton) but strange things keep happening to me. I was ably defended by women who shall be pictured in all of their glory in selfies. Not only was I defended but I also received a gold plated invitation to visit Egypt.
Alter Ego: How lucky can one girl get?
Me: I am not lucky. I am blessed by Allah (SWT)
Next read a October 23 by Eliyahy Freedman from Al Jazeera which aligned with my rational and reasonable thinking. Quoting from Freedman:
“Ofer Cassif, a member of the Knesset and leftist Hadash coalition, said he warned the situation would “erupt” if the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not change its policies towards Palestinians. Hadash has four seats in the 120-member Knesset.
“We have been warning time and time again… everything is going to erupt and everybody is going to pay a price – mainly innocent civilians on both sides. And unfortunately, that is exactly what happened,” he said.
“The Israeli government, which is a fascist government, supports, encourages, and leads pogroms against the Palestinians. There is an ethnic cleansing going on. It was obvious the writing was on the wall, written in the blood of the Palestinians – and unfortunately now Israelis as well,” he added.
Felt somewhat reassured in some ways by these intelligent comments emerging from the Middle East. But then a bomb shell. Learned, at first through a Story on Instagram of Justin Trudeau’s twittered statement about Canada’s stance. I absolutely could not believe it! What an utter and absolute spineless fool. I did hope (and pray) that this was not true but it was. First of all, what in the world is happening that such a momentous stance be tweeted?? Before anything was said a special session of Parliament should be convened with all sides heard and considered.
Days before, on this very blog, I had publicly apologized to Trudeau and promised to stay out of world politics. I made a drastic mistake. I readily and thoroughly admit it. This is my emotional (rather hasty) response to the situation
Oops back into world politics again, I take back any apology to Trudeau I ever made. The imbecile announces on Twitter or something that Canada condemns the Human attacks. You did not ask me buddy. An individual with similar thinking to mine responded on the same platform.
“Today is a day I hate being Canadian. How dare you never help innocent Palestinians getting attacked and murdered on a daily basis, and the one time they decide to fight back you chose the side who caused all this with billions of dollars going towards their everyday violence.”
There is an apt phrase to describe the thinking process of Justin Trudeau: If you had a brain it would be lonesome. However and terribly unfortunately, Trudeau is surrounded by those of similar intelligence both Pierre the Poop and the NDP leader are joining in. Oh My Goodness Gracious Me!!!
This is my more rational response. Readers will note my active involvement in Freeing Palestine by reading, in the Menu, all of my blogs collected under Free Palestine and Quest for Life. My identification with the Palestinians began almost at the same time as my reversion to the Islamic Faith, heightened by reading the profound wisdom of King Saud, found in my May 31, 1943 Life magazine. I cannot imagine the desolation I would be experiencing if I were in Edmonton at this moment learning of my country’s stance on the vitally important world issue.
Instead I am in Medina, the Prophet’s Mosque is my neighbor. The Prophet Mohammed’s (PBUH) body is entombed in there, under the Green Dome. It is now very early morning, not quite Fajr prayer time. I have been awake for hours here at this blessed location. Prior to learning of all of these worldly matters I had made the decision to fast. Monday. Muslims can voluntarily fast on Mondays and Thursdays. I casually mentioned this to one of the Managers of this blessed Oberlio Hotel.
He: Madam! I will send breakfast to your room. What time would you like to have breakfast brought to your room?
Me: My goodness. How wonderful and thoughtful of you. I did not know such kindness and concern would be possible. 3:30 I think would be a good time.
Promptly at 3:30 a breakfast beyond belief appeared brought by a gracious, thoughtful man. His name is Abdelbsattar (which means helper, aider, person who cares for another.) I told him of my blog when he came to take away the breakfast table (not tray, a table with white tablecloth). You shall see a photo of the spectacular breakfast and one of Abdelbsattar serving the feast. He asked that his name be mentioned on the blog. We spoke of the Islamic Faith.
Me: Usually Allah (SWT) gives believers a hardship, then a blessing. This morning I receive the blessing first and then the hardship of fasting. I am truly blessed!
On that note I shall end. There is an Arab word for the breakfast before fasting. Another word to learn, one day at a time. You shall hear of my efforts in a humorous blog tomorrow. I will immerse myself in the Faith today with no interruptions by the likes of Justin Trudeau, BBC World News, or Western insensitive, inhumane media.
Not quite sunrise yet. I shall consume more of the ample breakfast and perform Fajr prayers. Bye for now.