The horrors have descended as predicted. I cannot stand to watch what is going on in Palestine at the moment – so I do not. I send messages of sympathy to suffering souls on Instagram.
Two women from Palestine known for their humour sent a Story. (One’s responses to a Story are not public – are only direct messages to the sender.)
Obnoxiouslypleasant: Palestines in Gaza are under attack. Thousands of people have been killed, wounded, and displaced. We stand with Palestine and the people of Gaza and will therefore not be releasing any new episodes during this time.
Me: I understand. All praise to Allah (SWT) Palestinian’s sacrifices will not be for nothing and they will see Jannah free from the occupation of Israelis.
They sent a heart to my response
A slightly stronger message was sent to a post, a compelling painting of suffering with this message. “Do not think O Prophet that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them until a Day when their eyes will stare in horror. Sarah Ibraham 42”
Me: Thank you for this reminder. It is needed for those of us who crave immediate justice for the atrocious wrongs. The Palestinians shall surely be in Jannah free of their oppressors forever Their oppressors suffering will be greater in the end.
My comment was Liked by the author. Indeed, an honor.
I am immensely grateful to be here in Madinah at this time. I am known to be excessively empathetic and have been suffering with the people of Palestine since my reversion to the Islamic Faith. If I were in Canada at this time I would be utterly devastated with Canada’s atrocious ‘bonding’ with the USA and Israel. Instead I am blessedly here being nurtured by fellow Muslims, living in a country whose leader has consistently stood against Israel. Of course, MBS continues to do so, he has never wavered.
He did not surrender, repudiate reject , abdicate or abandon Palestine. Israel was perhaps led to believe that MBS do so because Israel was listening to the hypocrites – UAE, Behram, Egypt and other Arab countries who aligned themselves with Israel. They were probably feeding Israel lies hoping it would prove to be true, that MBS would support their treacherous abandonment of fellow Muslims. Never did MBS ever renunciate Palestine.
I, as well as many other millions of people, are fortunate to not be living in Gaza at this time. Our hearts are with them but it is not helpful to wallow in misery.
“Wallow in misery” is a phrase, used as an idiom to express a feeling of dejection or dread. Psychologists say people cling to misery because it’s comfortable and it’s a quick fix. When things are going bad (or even when they’re not) wallowing in misery can be a comfortable feeling. Misery has a way of making people feel sorry for them, and that attention can feel insanely good if you’re struggling or just bored.
When one you wallow in something, in misery or in self pity you remain in an unhappy emotional state without trying to get out of it, as if you are enjoying it or trying to get sympathy from other people.
Wallowing in self pity also has its consequences. One does not have to be accountable for one’s feelings or actions toward improving the situation. But in the long run, wallowing only leads to low self-worth and feelings of hopelessness.
I am taking it upon myself to be uplifting, to offer some hope, happiness and relief in these times. It is possible to feel compassion for others. These stances are not mutually exclusive.
So here goes! I am making an effort.
Yesterday, in a bookstore by the gate of the Prophet’s Mosque I found the greatest book, it is providing me with just what I need at this time. Golden Supplications for Children is a treasure. Spoke of some of its truths to AK in a text. (AK is a Muslim, born in the faith and is very observant)
Me: This is just the book I need. It is a great book. Please tell your mother.
He: A GIF meaning total agreement.
Me: One page of the book tells you what should say and with what food you should use when going to the toilet. Honest!!! Do you know? Or do you want me to show you?
He: Oh that’s great. Yes I know it. In Arabic tho Left foot.
Me: You got the foot right! You are smarter than you look. Hahaha
He: And the prayer to ask Allah to protect you from Satan living in the Bathroom.
Me: My goodness. You a genius after all! You certainly hide it well.
The conversation continued in hilarious fashion, with the use of GIFS and stickers. Here are some excerpts.
Me: I am laughing so hard I am falling off the bed.
He: Please don’t
Me: Okay dear. I would hurt myself
He: Got the ambulance. Please fall now.
He then sent an ambulance sticker. Immediately
Me: Where do you find these things?? And so fast. You ARE smarter than you look.
I got more funny stickers and GIFS
Me: I am still in the bed! Call off the ambulance.
More jokes and then
Me: We are like two seven year old boys. Laughing and playing. It iFUN
This conversation took place last night. AK is a compassionate, caring man who identifies with the Palestinians. We helped each other, and those around us, by being positive and hopeful
Better that than crying crocodile tears!
Crocodile tears is an expression that usually means someone is being insincere. Crying crocodile tears means that that person isn’t actually sad or feeling the emotion they are displaying, but are trying to use the emotion to other ends. It has become a metaphor for superficial remorse. The expression has been used as a fable to teach sincere repentance, by Shakespeare to convey false grief, and, more recently, by media mocking tearful politicians or murder suspects.
AK and I were certainly not crying crocodile tears, I did not all out of my bed which is housed in the luxurious Olerio Hotel. I should reassure those of you who may be concerned that I am wasting my hard earned retirement income foolishly. My room does not have a view – one overlooking the Haram. I could not understand what people were talking about when they referred to the the Prophet’s Mosque as haram. In desperation asked my newest Grandson Ibraham, a gifted young Saudi man working here in this hotel.
His explanation was confirmed by Wikipedia.
Haram (Arabic: حَرَم, romanized: ḥaram, lit. ’sanctuary’) is one of several similar words originating from the triliteral Semitic root Ḥ-R-M. The word literally means “sanctuary,” commonly used by Muslims to refer to Al-Masjid Al-Haram and Prophet Mohammad’s Mosque. [1] There are certain rules which Muslims within these two areas must follow.
If these rules are not followed in this areas it is haram which means “forbidden, inviolable, sacred.
You shall hear more about Grandson Ibraham in upcoming blogs. He fills a void in my life. He is a New Improved Grandson; guess his nickname can be NIG. Check with him tomorrow to see if it meets with his approval. He in known for providing me with Arabic language lessons – you shall see one in action. He is good, I am a dismal failure.
Soon you shall see the view from my window which will give the impression that I have been incarcerated. It looks like a jail cell window, not that I have been in jail for any length of time. Once I worked in a maximum security prison in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada, during a particularly painful time of my life. (1973). I returned to California where I lived happily, not forever after, but for quite some time. If I am in jail, it is the poshest jail cell you have ever seen.
Also pictured are the cover and pages from the children’s book. It is invaluable. Academically I I know a great deal about the Islamic Faith from reading books, the Quran and research on the Internet. I became a solitary Muslim during the covid lockdown days, therefore I know nothing of the rituals and habits learned by Muslim children when they are growing up. I am learning then now with this book – leading with the left foot when going to the toilet and the right foot when going in a mosque; and the duas (or prayers) said when one enters the toilet or the mosque. I only hope, and pray, that I do not get them confused with one another. That definitely would be an OOPS.