Life is rather unpredictable to say the very least. Yesterday a trip to the grocery store brought many delights. It seemed like home – bagel, cream cheese and smoked salmon in my room. I joked with the baker in the immense grocery store that has everything that you ever wanted needed and loved.
Me: I cannot believe this. I would like three bagels please. Then in the morning I can pretend that I am back in the United States. This makes me happy! I will have it all!
He: It is so nice that you are so happy Mother. Welcome to Au=bu Dhabi!
Me: You were not born here. ‘
He: No Mother I was born in the Philippines.
Me: I have not been to the Philippines. But if I go then I will get off the plane and there will be no one there. They are all here in the UAE.
He: Stay safe Mother .
People call me Mother all of the time. I am not one, never been one but do enjoy the affection they show me. Other people call me Sheikha Fatimah. I am not a Sheikha but Fatimah is my Muslim name.
So it was bagel, cream cheese, smoked salmon and instant coffee. Last night it was sushi in the room with pomegranate juice. Sake might have been a more suitable selection but none was available. Slept for hours. Came back from grocery shopping in an exhausted state. There was a knock on my door, it was a hotel staff member.
He: Madam. I just came to see if you are Okay and see if there is anything we can get for you.
Me: That s so sweet. I am OK, better than OK. I am enjoying my stay here SO much – this is such a great place to be.
He: We love having you here. You are Awesome!
Me: Thank you. It is easy to be happy and energetic when surrounded by such good people.
Slept slept about ten hours, waking up by alarm in time for morning prayers, performed on my inexpensive soft prayer rug. Some Inst,agram viewing after breakfast. Then turned to the news of the day provided by, and through The National. Well, it was Oops – not again!
Three hostile drones that penetrated UAE airspace were shot down on Wednesday, the Ministry of Defence said. The interception was “away from populated areas” and happened at dawn, officials said late on Wednesday night.The MoD reiterated its “full readiness to deal with any threats”, adding that it will “take all necessary measures to protect the UAE from any attacks.”
The attempted attack came on the same day the United States said it would send fighter jets and a warship to the Emirates following the recent Houthi attacks. Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin said fifth generation aircraft and the USS Cole would help to tackle the threat from the Iran-backed Yemeni rebels, reaffirming his country’s committed to the UAE’s security.”
Those silly Yemeni rebels. There was also a video of a joint Middle East tactical training mission. It would be terrifying to be on the other side of those very well equipped, very well trained men and women. Those rebels have no brains in their heads and are most self destructive. The joint exercise involved many countries, including Qatar – one could see their flag waving. I recognize the flag as last spring my face was painted like the Qatar flag. I cannot recall at this moment what inspired this – it did make me look younger but it took more time than ordinary make up so it was a one time effort.
It was interesting to see that the Emir of Qatar is visiting Washington at this time. Everyone is working together. Anyone with a sense of history will know that Qatar and the UAE were not exactly friends – a blockade was imposed on Qatar by other Arab countries led by the UAE. But they kissed (or at least hugged) and made up approximately a year ago. The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia hugged the Emir of Qatar upon his arrival at the airport. It was a most unusual sight. Faithful readers will know that I met many members of the Royal Family of Qatar during a visit to London in December of 2019. Many members of the immense family were staying in the same humble hotel which was a bit unusual as Qatar has massive holdings in London, including Harrod’s Department Store. I guess I will never know why they all were there at that time, I have lost touch with them. They are close by however, an hour and a half flight. However, now is not the time to travel. I live in the safest place on earth – from Covid and the ever present Yemini drones.
Today was another fantastic day. After the morning prayer got dressed in my gym clothes, SAD appeared in a timely fashion and it was off to the St, Regis Athletic Club, my newest and best gym ever, my whole life. I great tour of the magnificent place, equipped with Squah courts and pool tables and handsome trainers with big muscles. An appointment made for an individual personal training session with the manager – a woman. Though I did have a long talk with a very handsome and well muscled male trainer. It was most jolly with much laughter. The tour conducted by a young woman from Uganda who promises to show me the sights of Abu Dhabi, she has lived here for three years.
Then it was lunch time at the Le Noir. Chicken teaser salad and risotto. The food in Abu Dhabi is nothing short of fabulous and fantastic. It was a lovely day, cool (for there), the sun shining. But while tat the restaurant received a gift beyond measure. A little boy arrived with his father and was being a bit of a brat.
Me: Hello little boy. I used to be a grandmother. Please obey your father and use your inside voice and not yell. Good manners will make your life happy. It is actually in the Muslim faith.
He went off to play but came back.
Me: Did you have fun, it looked like you were having a great time!
Slowly and carefully he warmed up to me and I to him. I left to meet my driver with these partying words.
He: Where do you live?
Me: At the moment on a hotel by the airport as I do not have my Emeritus ID as yet.
He: My Dad works at the airport.
Me: Really????
He: Are you going to live in Abu Dhabi?
Me: Yes I am.
He: Will you be my Emeritus Grandmother?. My grandmother lives in England and I miss her!
Me: I would love to me your Grandmother. By the way, what is your name? How old are you?
He: Max Guess how old I am.
Me: I love that name! I guess you are seven
He: Everyone loves my name. I am five,
Me: Wow! You are a big five.
As I left he looked sad.
He: I want to kiss you on your lips but I cannot because of the virus. .
Me: I will give you a blow kiss and you can give me one back. I love giving little boys blow kisses.
So to the delight of the whole restaurant we blow kissed back and forth as I made my way out of there. I will be back to the restaurant on Sunday. I have a personal appointment with the able manager at one and then will go to brunch. Fabulous brunch there. Bottomless Mimosas and a choice of everything. I am happy, happy, happy.
Posted on Instagram a photo from my table with this comment. “The view from my table. Stopped for lunch after my introduction tour to the St. Regis Athletic Club . I am a new member. Risotto was yummy! I am happy, happy, happy, It seems like the very best of the USA – long gone unfortunately there. All praise to Allah.”