News from The National, reporting on studies on the effect of lock down, studies from different sources, coming from different countries. “The findings indicated that lockdowns are not an effective way of reducing death rates during a pandemic, or at least not during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. “These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best,” the study said.
“Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.”
So Alexis McBride, and millions went through the hell of lockdown for no reason whatsoever. I was in San Francisco at the time, the worst place on earth to be because of the inconsistencies present with the lethal combination of the San Francisco Mayor and Gavin the Governor. Open/close, open/close meant that people wandered about in a state of total confusion and despair which, in actuality, added to their vulnerability to the virus. One could not imagine a worse scenario then the one I faced, a small apartment along a terribly busy road, the Hayes Valley District full of crazed people walking their dogs. One could not be safe on the streets. I went grocery shopping once a week, did not leave my apartment to even take out the garbage in the vast deserted buildings everyone was locked in their tiny rooms. I was the safest person on earth, actually. The only person seen or spoke to was Personal Driver, he drove only for me as he quit his Yellow Cab route (at considerable expense to me). But I was definitely safe. For for reasons that shocked all, even me (perhaps especially me) I not only survived under this regime, I thrived. Alexis, People Person became solitary, writing her blog, making trips to Marin County for medical and dental appointments, but that is all. Computer Guru Chris and Wise Man both (independently) opined that it was blog writing that kept me alive, well, happy, and sane during those many months. The lockdown began in March – and was in full effect until I moved to Marin on December 1, 2021. Conditions in Marin were much better – almost total freedom compared to San Francisco. So life began again in December 1, 2021. However during my seclusion I had became a Muslim, a telephone conversation and a massive reading campaign brought me to the Islamic faith on October 20,2021. The Muslim faith proved fatal to my Marin County existence and I was forced to leave Marin on November 14, 2021 to find refuge in Abu Dhabi. Here I am totally safe from everything. There is no lock down but entry into every place is predicated on a vaccination record and a recent PCR test – which is mandated but inexpensive and readily available. Next week I shall examine the possibility of achieving my second booster shot.
The National went on to inform: “It found that closing non-essential businesses did have “some effect” in reducing Covid-19 mortality by 10.6 per cent and said this is likely to be related to the closure of bars.” Great!! Closed the bars and kept the drunks alive. Is this good or bad news?
But then the news gets worse. “The team found that some lockdown measures may have increased deaths. “Often, lockdowns have limited peoples’ access to safe (outdoor) places such as beaches, parks, and zoos, or included outdoor mask mandates or strict outdoor gathering restrictions, pushing people to meet at less safe (indoor) places,” it said.
“Indeed, we do find some evidence that limiting gatherings was counterproductive and increased Covid-19 mortality.” Researchers also found closing schools lowered deaths by 4.4 per cent, while asking people to stay at home prevented 2.9 per cent of deaths.
The study examined academic papers on lockdown measures and other interventions including the wearing of masks.”
The sorry news is summarized succinctly. “”Studies examining the relationship between lockdown strictness find that the average lockdown in Europe and the United States only reduced Covid-19 mortality by 0.2 per cent compared to a Covid-19 policy based solely on recommendations.” Get It??? Mortality reduced by 0.2 per cent. – that is nothing, absolutely nothing.
Some countries had sane policies as reported by The National “Countries like Denmark, Finland, and Norway that realised success in keeping Covid-19 mortality rates relatively low allowed people to go to work, use public transport, and meet privately at home during the first lockdown. In these countries, there were ample opportunities to legally meet with others.”
Here is the link so that you can read this for yourself.
So what did life hold for me today in this utterly safe city, Abu Dhabi? Awoke to instant coffee, lox, cream cheese and bagels served in my room, by me. Then SAD arrived and it was off to Yas Mall – first for coffee at Caffe Nero and then to the Apple Store for classes. I looked at Instagram, found a post from the Ministry of Defense, informing the world that there had been another drone attack at dawn on Wednesday but that the drones were intercepted and shot down in an unpopulated region. I responded to this notification – I cannot remember my exact words but thanked them for telling us, that it led me to feel confident that I was being protected. I suppose that this could have been hidden, thinking that this would diminish fear. But the proper course of action was taken – there is no denial but an assertion of confidence, telling me that they are taking care of me.
Then to the Apple Store – lo and behold!!! A new store, larger, huge, light and airy. It is a vast improvement over the smaller store, on the same floor of the Yas Mall. Took two classes, laughed all the time it seemed. I have many fans at the Apple Store. One man, originally from Egypt, was there to train the staff, he usually is employed at the Dubai Mall Apple Store. We had a great conversation, my telling him of my positive experiences with Apple Stores over the years. Well, that and other personal matters, including the retirement benefits I receive and my those that my husband will receive upon my death.
Me: People tell me that I should not inform men of this windfall – that it will make them fall in love with me.
He: (laughingly) I have fallen in love with you already.
Me: Oops! I guess that Emeritus man at the Louvre was right. Maybe I am dangerous.
After the classes SAD and I went to this fabulous Japanese store in the Yas Mall, the Daisome. Bought all sorts of interesting and unusual things which shall be pictured later, spoke to two young Abu Dhabi women who asked to have their pictures taken with me. Off course I complied.
Then on the way out the door SAD suggested that I pose besides a wall that makes me look like I have wings and can fly. I posted it on Instagram and shall attach it to this blog. One woman wrote:
She: You make such good artsy photographs
Me: Thank you my dear! It is just spontaneous with the help of friends. It is fun!! Thanks again.
I am happy, I do spread joy with my laughter and jokes. I came back to my humble hotel, listening to my music, ordering a pepperoni pizza from room service. A song begin to play, I Googled it and did realize my fatal attraction, mostly to men. You Are My Shining Light, is the song.
Roman candles that burn in the night
Yeah, you are a shining light
You lit a torch in the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
You have always been a thorn in their side
But to me you’re a shining light
You arrive and the night is alive
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah, you are a shining light
Incandescent in the darkest night
Yeah, you are a shining light
My mortal blood I would sacrifice
For you are a shining light
Sovereign bride of the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
These are the days you often say
There’s nothing that we cannot do
Beneath a canopy of stars
I’d shed blood for you
The north star in the firmament
You shine the most bright
I’ve seen you draped in an electric veil
Shrouded in celestial light
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life.
Google it. There is a fantastic version by Annie Lennox. I listened to it and suddenly remembered that she was London Lover’s favorite artist. How very eerie – obviously those were in my pre Muslim days when I was an atheist.
Do you not love the photograph of me with wings?