No News is Good News Vs. All The News That is Fit to Print Vs. That’s News to Me; The Truth is Almost Impossible to Ascertain; Thomas Friedman Speaks of Saudi Arabia; Impartial Defined; The Importance of Investigative Journalism; You Do Find the Truth of This Blog Here You find the Truth; Off to Malaysia: Photos of Greetings and Colorful Attire

I am exhausted just from writing the title. Perhaps I can just stop with the title, and you can use your imagination for the rest. I would hate to be a faithful reader of this…

Christmas 2023; Christmas Music is Actually Motivational and Spiritual; Mundane Defined; The Plight of the Humane Christians During This Time Where the Baby Jesus Would Have Been Blown to Smithereens; Compassion and Pity Are Blessings and a Defense Against Anger and Pity; A Condensed Story of the Factual Birth of Jesus; Photographs of a Wordy Scholarly Pamphlet 

I know that it is the Christmas season.  Alter Ego: How do you know Alexis? You are living in Medina – to say the very least the people in that chosen city are not celebrating…