Christmas 2023; Christmas Music is Actually Motivational and Spiritual; Mundane Defined; The Plight of the Humane Christians During This Time Where the Baby Jesus Would Have Been Blown to Smithereens; Compassion and Pity Are Blessings and a Defense Against Anger and Pity; A Condensed Story of the Factual Birth of Jesus; Photographs of a Wordy Scholarly Pamphlet 

I know that it is the Christmas season. 

Alter Ego: How do you know Alexis? You are living in Medina – to say the very least the people in that chosen city are not celebrating Christmas 

Me: It comes from the strangest source. My favorite Apple Playlist at this moment is called Classical Motivation. I listen to it while I write. It plays stirring and motivational Christmas music. Of course, there are no words but I have a lifetime of familiarity with the words. 

Alter Ego: What feelings does it evoke? 

Me: I love the music. It is the finest imaginable. I have the beauty without the mundane. 

Alter Ego: Mundane? 

Me: Yes. Mundane is of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one. The soaring music inspires my spiritual thoughts, having nothing to do with Christmas falsehood. 

Alter Ego: Could you explain further? 

Me: Yes, in my usual style, using synonyms. Mundane is material, temporal, secular, nonspiritual, fleshly, carnal, sensual, sublunary. Its actual antonym is spiritual. 

Alter Ego: Those are strong words carnal and temporal. ]

Me: They are indeed. But unfortunately apt. 

Wikipedia discusses mundane in it usual learned fashion. 

Mundane is a person who does not belong to a particular group, according to the members of that group; the implication is that such persons, lacking imagination, are concerned solely with the mundane: the quotidian and ordinary. The term first came into use in science fiction fandom to refer, sometimes deprecatingly, to non-fans; this use of the term antedates 1955. Its etymology adds to its meaning: Mundane came originally from the Latin mundane meaning ordinary and worldly as opposed to spiritual. 

I pity humane Christians, and of course there are many. They can not help but see that if Jesus was born according to their legend – he would be dead, blown to smithereens  and his blessed Mother Mary would be looking for his body parts under the rubble. The atrocities, admittedly from a Jewish nation but funded by the USA and supported by a bevy of Christian majority nations such as the UK, 

Smithereens is small, tiny pieces. A newborn baby in tiny pieces under rubble. 

Pity is a gift, it separates one from feelings of both anger and the pain of empathy. One definition, the one I am using, is: . the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others  If you take pity on someone you show them compassion. The opposite of pity is indifference and cruelty. 

The Prayer for Guidance, which begins, and is repeated, in each and every prayer offered by those of the Islamic Faith begins: 

  1. In the Name of God- – the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful 
  2. All Praise is for God – Lord of All worlds. 
  3. The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful 

Compassion is pity’s twin. Its synonyms provide another layer of meaning: fellow feeling,  understanding, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, tender-heartedness, warm heartedness, , brotherly love, gentleness, mercifulness,. Antonyms are indifference, heartlessness. 

So to be a Compassionate Christian at this time and in this place must be dissonant, lacking harmony. Dissonance is a terribly uncomfortable feeling to be harboring. It is harsh, strident, grating, jarring, irreconcilable, discrepant. 

None of those feelings are compatible with the traditional message of Christmas. 

Blessedly I have within my possession a pamphlet, the title of which is The Rules Relating to Celebrating: The Higrie New Year, The Birthday of the Prophet, The New Year’s Day of the Christian, The Celebrations of the Christians. It is written by a “Group of Scholars”. 

To say the very least, it is most scholarly. Although it is a pamphlet it contains hundreds, if not thousands of words. I shall instead photograph the first page and the last page, and at this moment, conclude the blog. 

An Instagram post giving is entitledof To Christmas or Not to Christmas. I have very simple advice to the listeners of his post. Pity and Show Compassion Toward Christians. The Prayer for Guidance, which begins, and is repeated in each and every prayer offered by those of the Islamic Faith ends: 

Guide us on the Straight Path; the path of those You have blessed;  not those who have incurred Your wrath or those who are astray. Some English translations, not the two I rely upon for my worship contain the following language: Not those who have incurred Your wrath (Jews) or those who are astray (Christians) . 

I would offer further advice to those ‘suffering’ because of Christmas. Read the real story of the birth of Jesus. It was not cold, It took place under a date tree, the fruit sustaining Mary during the birth. There was no Joseph handing around. No Wise Men, no sheep, no cattle. There was no room at the inn because there was no Inn. No straw, No cradle. There are similarities. Virgin Mary was definitely there, doing all the work. She was probably wearing an abaya and a hijab.