The Svengalli Effect And How It Has Affected My Life; An Analysis of Book Worms; Why No Longer a Book Worm; A Funny Email From Former London Lover; Another Dental Appointment, This Time With Nitrous Hopefully; Pyjamas Day Again; Precedence Defined; No More Room At the Inn; Photograph of Treasured Origami

This word suddenly came to me, so of course, I looked it up. Good Old Google. Here are the results: is: a person who exercises a controlling or mesmeric influence on another, especially for a…

It’s Been a Year; Recent Revealing Conversations With Computer Guru, Holly, Kim ; History of the Relationship Between Computer Guru and Alexis; He Did Save Me From a Year of the Pandemic; Becoming Americanized; Fantastic Vacation Plans to Hawaii for My Birthday; A Man Said He Loved Me (Identity Unknown to You, Not Me)

Computer Guru Chris and I exchanged amusing emails. The most recent one began with the transmission of picture of the Baby Piglet Puppet BookMe: Now THIS is cute.He: Agreed c.This is amusing because quite often…

A Continual and Continuous Ode to the New Yorker; the Humour of Andy Borowitz, Trump Should Be Reading This Blog and Chuckling; Chuckling Defined; Phoney Conversation with Trump and Aide; Then A Most Intellectual and Far Reaching Article on Ownership Also Taken from the New Yorker with Link Provided; Lackadaisical Defined Ending With Baby Piglet Finger Puppet Book

Well, do let us begin with the bright light of humour with Andy Borowitz: Trump Accuses Biden of Assaulting American People with Long Words from March 12, 2021. PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—Donald J. Trump…

Watch Out World!!! Photo of 1977 Poster and Accompanying Memories ; A Found Obituary of Dr. Jampolskey Being Interviewed by Oprah; My Musings on the Truths Found Therein; When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade; Source, Definition and Examples; Chance Almost Blissful Encounters; Alexis You Do Not Need Laughing Gas; Me a Long Time Ago

Did not realize the horrors and the pain suffered from this horrible pandemic on a personal level. How debilitating trying to be brave and upbeat in the midst of it all – because what point…

Feeling Most Special; Freedom is Just Around the Corner; The Good News From CDC; Still Some Restrictions However; Thursday the Big Day Facing It With Clean Teeth and Great Hair; Finding An Amazing Book of Sale; Computer Guru Going to Become Wizzy, Wazzy, Jazzy; Photo of Me in Nearby Gym and Photo of Future Most Youthful Husband

For Oh So Many Reasons, I feel most special. Here is, at the moment, the most precious reason, – at this point in time 9% of the population in these United States have received two…

Al Jazeera (of all Networks) Bringing Sad News Concerning the Land of My birth; Dormant Defined; The Strange Case of the Canadian Non-Softening Butter; Trudeau Not Delivering the Vaccine Thus Affecting His Almost Non-Existent Popularity: Canada Shivering For a Year With No End in Sight (Trudeau again); Forgiveness of my Father Aki Exhibited on his 100th Birthday; Bad News for the World Relating to my Seeming Indestructibility; Who Said Important Things We Not Happening in the Land of My Birth??: Photo of Dad and I During Happier Times

Well, thank goodness I dipped into Al Jazeera to accidentally learn about importance news from the country of my birth – Canada. There we go, brace yourself, fasten your seat belt, not just lap belt…