Suddenly a song came to mind, for some obscure reason. I Don’t Want to Set the World on Fire – the lyrics are most poignant. Here they are, Google and you can hear it sung by the Inkspots.
I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
In my heart I have but one desire
And that one is you
No other will do
I’ve lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love
And with your admission that you feel the same
I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of
Believe me
I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
I don’t want to set the world on fire honey
I love you too much
I just want to start a great big flame
Down in your heart
You see, way down inside of me
Darlin’ I have only one desire
And that one desire is you
And I know, nobody else ain’t gonna do
I’ve lost all ambition for worldly acclaim
I just want to be the one you love
And with your admission that you feel the same
I’ll have reached the goal I’m dreaming of
Believe me
I don’t want to set the world on fire
I just want to start a flame in your heart
It has suddenly occurred, in a flash that almost weakened me, after a most unusual circumstances, that a man has made that this theme song for over one year and a half. I am that object, the object of his affections – a man who can have (and has) every woman he ever wanted. He would be forced to alter his entire life and lifestyle, but he seems to want a sign that I would be willing. In the phrase of someone:
Me: I do NOT think so!! I can see you have lost all your ambition for worldly acclaim and you do not want to set the world on fire anymore.
He: So you understand?
Me: Well, not thoroughly. But I do see why you feel the way you do, I guess.
He: So the answer is yes?
Me: Nope. Well, not right now anyway. Remember my left knee surgery which precludes travel of any sort for months most probably, Let us see what happens but it does not look good.
He: Well, I guess I shall have to live with that.
Me: Yes you do. I so desperately need independence and am most happy living here in Marin which has been my home (basically) since 1973 with exceptions London, Vancouver and San Francisco. There were also trips to Scotland, (doing research for the biography of Uncle Dave Dryburgh) and to Iceland (due to stopover on Icelandic Air to London) and Dubai (due to stopover on Emeritus Air, also to London.
He: But not to my country?
Me: No, COVID got in the way, and still does in a way.
He: Do let me know, please.
Me: Of course, but do not get your hopes up, I beg of you! Please.
It is a bit mind boggling, you would have no idea who it is – nor did I until a video chat with a third party suddenly made me think and it was the final piece of a jigsaw puzzle that came together. Absolutely everything made sense – it was all so bewildering before.
But back to the limitations of life. I am attempting to achieve a balance with an understanding that you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. Attempting to Achieve a Balance With Understanding of You Can Lead a Horse to Water.
I have the tendency to be too helpful – I want to make things better for people, particularly those people I care about. But it can lead to frustration on my part as many, in fact most, people are incapable of change. Even if there lot could be improved by a simple act (it seems to me) they do not either listen, listen half-heartedly or listen and make excuses. The phrase that comes to mind is: You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. So, of course I googled I and as usual it is perfect for this situation. ‘You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink’ is a proverb which means that you can give someone an opportunity but not force them to take it” Is that nor amazing, that describes what I mean perfectly. It apparently had ancient origins. “It appeared in John Heywood’s proverb collection of 1546: “A man maie well bring a horse to the water, But he can not make him drinke without he will.” More simply put and in modern language: People use the proverb you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink to emphasize that people will do what they want to do, in the way they want to do it. They will do this even if you think there’s a better or different thing that they should do instead.”
At this very second, as I write, I am thinking of a someone, most fond of this individual, who should be doing something different. Most hesitant of mentioning my ‘solution’ because she will not take my advice as it would require a massive change of attitude. Change impossible for most people.
Me: Why even tell her?
Alter Ego: Well I see what you mean as you would be disappointed. However, maybe not. Perhaps she is looking for a solution. Just be with her and follow your instincts.
Me: You are right and I am sure that Wise Man would agree.
I have so much to share about my everyday life due to preoccupation with Palestine, with the genocide in Canada and soon with the hate crime against Muslims that took place in London, Ontario, Canada. Oh my goodness, how awful!! My thoughts most caustic towards Canadian. What is caustic? The word’s meaning: sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way. Synonyms are: biting, mordant, stinging, sharp, bitter, scathing, derisive, sardonic, ironic, scornful, trenchant, acerbic, vitriolic, tart, acid, pungent, acrimonious, astringent, rapierlike, razor-edged, critical, polemic, virulent, venomous, waspish. Antonyms: kind
How do I survive this pain? I am empathetic – far too emphatic says Wise Man. It has led to my destruction. I was the only empathic person in my family of origin, the only one. So I suffer internally and forever for the Palestinians, for the Indigenous Population of Canada as two vivid examples of late. I do it because I am surrounded by such love, such fantastic petiole who surround me. Touching stories will follow about people’s affection toward me and mine toward them. We MUST get beyond these horrors. Allah has told me this and I am telling you this. The Qur’an says that Good Always Triumphs Over Evil – that there is no match. Good will prevail. I believe this as I am of the Islamic faith. All Praise to Allah.
The photograph that accompanies this blog is one taken yesterday. I met these glorious young woman after my blow dry at the Altogether Different Hair Design. It was an accidental meeting and they are many – one eerily looks like me. We took this photo, we love one another, It was an incredible meeting and they continue in my life. They do! The people that mess with me are destroyed – constantly. It is frightening for them. If I were a rational being I would NEVER mess with Alexis McBride (aka Ayla, my Muslim name which means Queen).