I am Like a Kid in a Candy Store; Uninhibited Defined and Illustrated: Inability to Untie Knot Brings a New Friend and Great Joy; Emails Sent Back ‘Home’: Surveillance Spells Safety; Twenty Staff Members from Twenty Countries; Front Tooth Gap Found in Middle East Royalty; Photograph of Me In Sunglasses and Me and a Member of the 12%

Like a kid in a candy store. That expression came suddenly to mind when I thought of the happiness and joy I feel at this hotel at the present moment. Googled it and, yet again,…

The Most Amazing and Exciting Time of My Life is in the Here and Now; Deluxe Defined With Copious Examples From Room and Hotel; Exhausting and Tumultuous Day; Meeting Another Member of Meddle Eastern Royalty and a Judge of Great Repute; Thoughts on the Faith and the Relationship with My Mother; Photograph of Painting, Drawer and Alexis and a Sultan

It is almost impossible (even for me) to describe the sheer joy I am feeling – and this is only the beginning of Day 2. I am staying in a magnificent hotel – that is…

The Eagle Has Landed; Eagle Has Landed Explained; Birdbrain Explained; Night time in Dubai With Jet Lag and Starvation; Anxiety Attack on Airplane as Communicated to Jacob Huerra Who is Not a Bad Guy After All; Where Would I Be Without You to Seat Mate; I am Not Bald But Someone Else is; Funny Comment About Private Jet; Three Photographs; One From Plane, One Upon Landing and the Other a Young Alexis with Short Hair

Well, the eagle has landed, said I, in an email to Jacob. But where does that expression come from? “The eagle has landed” is a common expression used to indicate any successful arrival or completion…

It Appears That I Think Like a Sheikh; Human Scorpions Attack Again; Supernatural Defined and Illustrated; Clothes By a store called Excellence in Town Center; Funny Joke About Me Being Short; Eulogize Defined; Moving Trucks All Over the Place; Photograph of Me in Excellence Clothes and Framed Picture

Rather accidentally I found a statement contained in a book that was authored by the Ruler of Dubai, as I call him as his real name is difficult to spell (and to pronounce for that…

Life is Sweet, Oh So Sweet At This Moment; Definition and Origin of DoDo; Air Emeritus Is Treating Me Like a Queen Already; This Visit to Dubai Different Than Prior One; Filed an Answer at the Clerk’s Office, Then Joy Emerged; Plans to Visit a Mosque on the First Anniversary of My Becoming a Muslim; Smile Though Your Heart is Aching; Photos of Me and a Marguerita and Me and an Emirate

Yesterday was not so fantastic but after the successful trip to the Marin County Clerk’s Office all was well. I did not fuss about the fact that a totally illegal and wrongful unlawful detainer had…

It is One Thing to Be Positive But Another to be a Pollyanna: An Utterly Wrongful Unlawful Detainer Action Filed Against Me Immediately Prior to My Departure to Dubai; Extremely Topical Humor From Andy Borowitz ; I’m Gonna Get Married, My Name She’ll Carry Lyrics, Photograph of One Old and One New Slipper

I mandate, for myself, that I maintain a positive attitude. Allah, also mandates this same stance. But it is one thing to be positive and quite another to be a Pollyanna. As usual I came…

The United States is Going to Hell in a Hand Basket; Going to Hell in a Hand Basket Defined; Is There Any Hope?; An Unlikely Course of Action Proposed,; I am Being Cautious, Thank You Very Much; Supportive Facts Proving That the USA is Going to Hell in a Hand Basket; Coming to San Francisco in 1967; Going to Dubai in 2021

That phrase came to mind when learning of the revolting developments here in the USA,  This explanation and photograph comes straight from Wikipedia to you. ”Going to hell in a handbasket”, “going to hell in…

I am Truly Blessed; Words from My Computer Guru and Words from Patricia Highsmith Brought Through the Auspices of the New Yorker; Computer Guru Chris Sends a Wonderful Message About My Warts (and All); Definitions of Auspices, Quell, Stickler, Cacophony; Self-Aggrandizement; It Takes Only One Rotten Apple to Spoil a Barrel Defined and Illustrated with Jerks That Surround Me; But Pictures of Pretty Posies

I shall begin with Patricia Highsmith, featured in the magazine section of The New Yorker. I do so love the written word, which to me (of all people) is a book or a magazine, not…

Everything Falling Into Place; It is Either a Miracle, Destiny or the Work if Allah, Perhaps All Three; Middle of the Night Anxieties Followed by An Absolutely Fabulous Day; No Traffic; Great Good Mornings; Water Aerobics; Ecumenical Defined; Successor Trustee Situation Works Out Perfectly So I am Joyously Leaving A Legacy to Brandeis School: Photographs of Me After Being Hit By a Motorcycle in 2014; Not Pretty

Today is Friday, all day apparently. One can not believe how everything is falling into place. Absolutely everything and, whether you want to or not, you are.going to hear about it. My mood? Utter relaxation,…