Rage Directed Toward a Former Hero, the Editor of the New Yorker; Alexander III a Wise Ruler or a Despot?: Propaganda Defined; Malign Defined; Previous History of Distortion of the Truth; Video Link to Discussion of Decline of Democracy; Memories and Photographs of a Trip to the Russian Pavilion on January 7, 2022

Well, Russia is very much on everyone’s mind at this moment, of course.Western minds anyway – the West concerned with Putin upon the Ukraine while we in the Middle East are concerned with Yemini drones…

Living Undeniable Proof That I am Blessed; The Louvre Abu Dhabi, My Unique Status: Being the Very First 2022 Member:The Benefits Achieved Therein: The New Exhibit Versailles and the World Open Only for Members and Their Guests on January 25, 2022; News Reports of The Louvre and its Philosophy; Some Select Photographs

This from the January 25, 2022 Gulf News. “UAE is a scintillating mix of hyper-modernity and deep-rooted tradition. The country has positioned itself behind an aim to make the Middle East a better place to…

Showing Admirable Restraint This Morning; A Message from the Qur’an on Self Reliance; An Incredible Day Yesterday; Arrows Provide Direction for Morning Prayers; Quotations From Qur’an on Self Reliance; There are No Beggars in Abu Dhabi; A Bengali Restaurant Exquisite Experience; Put the Nail in a Coffin Defined; Photographs of Bengali Restaurant and Business Card and Perhaps Video of Preparation of Crepes

This morning I am practicing incredible, amazing restraint. Breakfasting at Costa, conveniently located in my hotel. Instead of donuts, instead of croissants, instead of muffins (and the list goes on) – I am having porridge….

The Latest News From Here Which is Abu Dhabi; Scrupulous Defined: UN Security Council Condemns the Houthi Revel Attacksl; Some Background on Yemen: NEFF Advises I Abandon My Fighter Personality As Unnecessary Here: She is Correct; Photograph Taken in Lobby of Hotel With Alexis (aka Fatimah) Being Most Loyal in Abu Dhabi Shirt

Woke up in a funk but have managed to get myself out of that selfish place. Now I am at breakfast – prepared by the staff at the Nuevo Restaurant at the Premier Inn. I…

Laughing Out Loud Thanks to Andy Borowitz; Laughter Explored; Gelotology Defined; One Plus One Equals Not An Individual Decision. Quotes from Patrick Moynihan; Laughter and Text with SAD; Affable Defined and Contrasted; Photo of a Loaded Hamburger and My Arm Harmed by the Central Marin Police Department

It is decidedly early in the morning, 5:51 to be exact. I am pursuing Instagram and also looking at emails. Waiting in my inbox was an Any Borowitz satire straight from The New Yorker to…

First the Good News and Then The Bad News; MCERA Investing Yields 32% Return; Bad News, I Got Bombed at Abu Dhabi International Airport According to News Reports; It Will Not Go Unpunished Says UAE; Your Ass Will Be Grass Defined; Cruising For A Bruising Defined and Illustrated: Two Less Grandchildren; Wise Man Speaks; Photograph of Head and Toes

I am in an extremely good mood despite the fact that there is bad news, perhaps frightening news might surround me. But first the good news. Faithful readers will now that I am paid handsomely,…

The Bubonic Plague; The USA Supreme Court and You; More Intense and Instructive Texts Between US Resident NEFF and Me: Omicron Reigns in the USA with Inadequate Quarantines by CDC; Youngest Person Dies of Covid in Riverside County; Platitude Defined and Illustrated; Living Undeniable Proof That I am Safe; A Poignant Song by Joni Mitchell

One has to admit that this is a catchy title. The beginning of it anyway. I woke this morning after a wonderful rest – All Praise to Allah. I busied myself before morning prayers by…