From A Good Life To a Stupendous Life; A Text Conversation Between JJ Nails and Alexis McBride; Alexis Resembles Marmite Says London Lover; Stupendous and Charisma Defined; Misogny Defined and Illustrated; Land Ownership in Canada and UAE Compared; Photo From Air of Farmland; Photo of S.A.S.S. Oman Hat and Bear

I shall  not reveal everything. There are significant and rather sudden changes in some of the circumstances of my life. I will supply you with a few details. My life has changed from a good…

Going Home From Symphony To the New World Sitting Again in Seat 1-A; Flight Costing No Money But Baggage Charge; Memories of My ‘Wished For’ Dad; Corresponding with EGG Who Says He Shall Visit in July; Writing From the Hotel Mac; A Muslim Taxi Driver Again; My Life is Interesting and Amazeballs; Photos of Edmonton

For a brief spell, about twenty years ago,, I took piano lessons, for a brief spell about twenty years ago and was showing some degree of progress, learning simple compositions of classical works. One of…

Words Cannot Express The Joy I Feel in Returning to the Land of My Birth: Landing In Vancouver Was Ideal; An Inspiring Bellman Nicknamed Zed; Unconscionable Defied; Employment Conditions for Most Workers in UAE Are Depraved, Inexcusable and Indefensible;Play Your Cards Right Defined; Pierre Burton Quoted Twice; Photo of Trees, Grass and Mountains, Not Sand.

Words cannot express the joy that I feel in returning to the land of my birth – but I guess I shall try to express it in words anyway. Hahahaha Everything seems perfect, everything seems…

Many Portents, Omens, Signs That Going to Canada at This Time is the Best Thing I Will Ever Do. The Abortion Debacle in the USA Which Shall Lead to Further Disunity in the USA; An attempt at Humor by Andy Borowitz; If You Do Not Learn From History You Are Doomed to Repeat It; The Amazing Life of Former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell; Extraordinary Defined; Photo of An Incredible Gift – A Prayer Rug

So many things happening this morning – both at home and abroad (wherever home might be at this particular time). First of all, the absolute stupidity, abomination, and horror happening at, in and about the…

My Extraordinary Life; Musings From Bed on May 2, 2022; Apple Music, A Day in San Francisco; Some Things Old, Some Things New Will Greet Me in Edmonton; Meeting T.O.O. and E.G.G. at Coffee; There Are Winterized Homes and Central Hearing in Canada; No 72 Hour PCR in Either Pearson Airport or Vancouver Airport; Winter Clothes in Storage in Kentfield But Solution Possibly Found; Photo of Picture on Hotel Wall

It is now May 2, 2022 at 1400. May is my birthday month, I shall turn 79 – although I am math challenged, do believe that I shall be 80 next year. No one can…

The Greatest Eid Ever; Proper Preparation and Execution of All things Eid; Greetings From Many the World Over Wishing Me a Merry Eid; Grand Daughter Comes Back to Me; Reading Obituaries In My Spare Time: Humor From Misheard Song Lyrics and Mattress Sales; Photo of an Eid Cookie and the Grand Mosque

Yesterday was Eid and it was the greatest Eid ever,, also my first. Although I did fast during Ramadan last year I was mosque-free, did not know anything about the glorious day and missed out….

Another Instagram Inspiration on a Blessed Morning: Payment of Zakatu-Fitr Aided by the Rashid Mosque; Women’s Prayer Room Still Closed So Ritual Prayer Cannot Be Performed; Back to Zelda, An Amazing Review of Books by Molly Fischer; Link Provided; Rueful Defined; Repentance Discussed; Fun Times Portrayed Through Photos

This Instagram from strengthen_aakhirah arrived this early morning: “The biggest enemy of Islam is the ignorant Muslim, who ignorance leads him to intolerance, whose actions destroy the true image of Islam, and when the people…

Something New and Completely Different; Quote From F. Scott Fitzgerald Which Was Vaguely Recalled Brings New Insights; Hell Bent Defined and Illustrated: Paved Road to Hell Explored; No Good Deed Goes Unpunished; Plight Defied; Photograph of Me and Two Men (One Bald) and Photograph of a Wonderful Crew of Staff at the Premier Inn

It is at this present moment 8:13 in the morning – Abu Dhabi time. Abu Dhabi time is totally out of sync with anyone else’s time – particularly North American time. Actually only four hours…